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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See in the project root for license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs
/// <summary>
/// This module is added the the HubPipeline by default.
/// Hub level attributes that implement <see cref="IAuthorizeHubConnection"/> such as <see cref="AuthorizeAttribute"/> are applied to determine
/// whether to allow potential clients to receive messages sent from that hub using a <see cref="HubContext"/> or a <see cref="HubConnectionContext"/>
/// All applicable hub attributes must allow hub connection for the connection to be authorized.
/// Hub and method level attributes that implement <see cref="IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation"/> such as <see cref="AuthorizeAttribute"/> are applied
/// to determine whether to allow callers to invoke hub methods.
/// All applicable hub level AND method level attributes must allow hub method invocation for the invocation to be authorized.
/// Optionally, this module may be instantiated with <see cref="IAuthorizeHubConnection"/> and <see cref="IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation"/>
/// authorizers that will be applied globally to all hubs and hub methods.
/// </summary>
public class AuthorizeModule : HubPipelineModule
// Global authorizers
private readonly IAuthorizeHubConnection _globalConnectionAuthorizer;
private readonly IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation _globalInvocationAuthorizer;
// Attribute authorizer caches
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, IEnumerable<IAuthorizeHubConnection>> _connectionAuthorizersCache;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, IEnumerable<IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation>> _classInvocationAuthorizersCache;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<MethodDescriptor, IEnumerable<IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation>> _methodInvocationAuthorizersCache;
// By default, this module does not include any authorizers that are applied globally.
// This module will always apply authorizers attached to hubs or hub methods
public AuthorizeModule()
: this(globalConnectionAuthorizer: null, globalInvocationAuthorizer: null)
public AuthorizeModule(IAuthorizeHubConnection globalConnectionAuthorizer, IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation globalInvocationAuthorizer)
// Set global authorizers
_globalConnectionAuthorizer = globalConnectionAuthorizer;
_globalInvocationAuthorizer = globalInvocationAuthorizer;
// Initialize attribute authorizer caches
_connectionAuthorizersCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, IEnumerable<IAuthorizeHubConnection>>();
_classInvocationAuthorizersCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, IEnumerable<IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation>>();
_methodInvocationAuthorizersCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<MethodDescriptor, IEnumerable<IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation>>();
public override Func<HubDescriptor, IRequest, bool> BuildAuthorizeConnect(Func<HubDescriptor, IRequest, bool> authorizeConnect)
return base.BuildAuthorizeConnect((hubDescriptor, request) =>
// Execute custom modules first and short circuit if any deny authorization.
if (!authorizeConnect(hubDescriptor, request))
return false;
// Execute the global hub connection authorizer if there is one next and short circuit if it denies authorization.
if (_globalConnectionAuthorizer != null && !_globalConnectionAuthorizer.AuthorizeHubConnection(hubDescriptor, request))
return false;
// Get hub attributes implementing IAuthorizeHubConnection from the cache
// If the attributes do not exist in the cache, retrieve them using reflection and add them to the cache
var attributeAuthorizers = _connectionAuthorizersCache.GetOrAdd(hubDescriptor.HubType,
hubType => hubType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IAuthorizeHubConnection), inherit: true).Cast<IAuthorizeHubConnection>());
// Every attribute (if any) implementing IAuthorizeHubConnection attached to the relevant hub MUST allow the connection
return attributeAuthorizers.All(a => a.AuthorizeHubConnection(hubDescriptor, request));
public override Func<IHubIncomingInvokerContext, Task<object>> BuildIncoming(Func<IHubIncomingInvokerContext, Task<object>> invoke)
return base.BuildIncoming(context =>
// Execute the global method invocation authorizer if there is one and short circuit if it denies authorization.
if (_globalInvocationAuthorizer == null || _globalInvocationAuthorizer.AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation(context, appliesToMethod: false))
// Get hub attributes implementing IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation from the cache
// If the attributes do not exist in the cache, retrieve them using reflection and add them to the cache
var classLevelAuthorizers = _classInvocationAuthorizersCache.GetOrAdd(context.Hub.GetType(),
hubType => hubType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation), inherit: true).Cast<IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation>());
// Execute all hub level authorizers and short circuit if ANY deny authorization.
if (classLevelAuthorizers.All(a => a.AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation(context, appliesToMethod: false)))
// If the MethodDescriptor is a NullMethodDescriptor, we don't want to cache it since a new one is created
// for each invocation with an invalid method name. #1801
if (context.MethodDescriptor is NullMethodDescriptor)
return invoke(context);
// Get method attributes implementing IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation from the cache
// If the attributes do not exist in the cache, retrieve them from the MethodDescriptor and add them to the cache
var methodLevelAuthorizers = _methodInvocationAuthorizersCache.GetOrAdd(context.MethodDescriptor,
methodDescriptor => methodDescriptor.Attributes.OfType<IAuthorizeHubMethodInvocation>());
// Execute all method level authorizers. If ALL provide authorization, continue executing the invocation pipeline.
if (methodLevelAuthorizers.All(a => a.AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation(context, appliesToMethod: true)))
return invoke(context);
// Send error back to the client
return TaskAsyncHelper.FromError<object>(
new NotAuthorizedException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_CallerNotAuthorizedToInvokeMethodOn,