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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using NzbDrone.Api.Mapping;
using NzbDrone.Api.REST;
using NzbDrone.Common.Cache;
using NzbDrone.Core.Datastore;
namespace NzbDrone.Api.Extensions
public static class LazyExtensions
private static readonly ICached<MethodInfo> SetterCache = new Cached<MethodInfo>();
public static IEnumerable<TParent> LoadSubtype<TParent, TChild, TSourceChild>(this IEnumerable<TParent> parents, Func<TParent, int> foreignKeySelector, Func<IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable<TSourceChild>> sourceChildSelector)
where TSourceChild : ModelBase, new()
where TChild : RestResource, new()
where TParent : RestResource
var parentList = parents.Where(p => foreignKeySelector(p) != 0).ToList();
if (!parentList.Any())
return parents;
var ids = parentList.Select(foreignKeySelector).Distinct();
var childDictionary = sourceChildSelector(ids).ToDictionary(child => child.Id, child => child);
var childSetter = GetChildSetter<TParent, TChild>();
foreach (var episode in parentList)
childSetter.Invoke(episode, new object[] { childDictionary[foreignKeySelector(episode)].InjectTo<TChild>() });
return parents;
private static MethodInfo GetChildSetter<TParent, TChild>()
where TChild : RestResource
where TParent : RestResource
var key = typeof(TChild).FullName + typeof(TParent).FullName;
return SetterCache.Get(key, () =>
var property = typeof(TParent).GetProperties().Single(c => c.PropertyType == typeof(TChild));
return property.GetSetMethod();