Created API (markdown)

Qstick 7 years ago
parent c31d5b0818
commit 7110ca865b

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
## URL ##
All API endpoints are based off of `/api`. As in, if you access Lidarr via `http://localhost:8686`, the API root would be `http://localhost:8686/api`. You can also take the example ``.
All other items build after this.
## Authentication ##
All requests made to the API endpoint require the API Key authentication using the `X-Api-Key` header or using the ```?apikey=``` query string:
1. `http://localhost:8686/api` is the main API Endpoint
2. `/system/status` would be the specific GET request, which can be submitted by the other commands.
3. `?apikey=${YOUR_API_KEY}` is required for requests against your Lidarr instance, and gets stuck here at the end.
4. There are other commands that request/require additional information, of which will be explained on those pages.
### API Key ###
- Can be accessed and reset via `Settings -> General` through the GUI
- Also can be accessed via the `Config.xml` file, in the AppData Directory
- alpha-numeric (lower case)
## Dates & Times ##
- All dates/timestamps are `ISO-8601` formatted in UTC `2014-01-27T01:30:00Z`
- Episodes (and episode based endpoints, missing & calendar) also include the airdate in the original timezone for display purposes
- Date parameters should be `ISO-8601 UTC` dates to ensure proper handling by Lidarr
## Content Type ##
- All `POST/PUT` requests require all parameters to be JSON encoded in the body, unless otherwise noted.
- All `GET` requests will return a JSON encoded response
## Endpoints ##
- [[Calendar]]
- [[Command]]
- [[Diskspace]]
- [[Track]]
- [[TrackFile]]
- [[History]]
- [[Images]]
- [[Wanted Missing]]
- [[Queue]]
- [[Profile]]
- [[Release]]
- [[Release/Push|Release-Push]]
- [[Rootfolder]]
- [[Artist]]
- [[Artist-Lookup]]
- [[System-Status]]