You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

249 lines
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8 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
7 years ago
using AutoMapper;
8 years ago
using Hangfire;
using Ombi.Api.TvMaze;
using Ombi.Core.Models.Requests;
using Ombi.Core.Models.Search;
using Ombi.Store.Entities;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Notifications;
using Ombi.Notifications.Models;
namespace Ombi.Core.Engine
public class TvRequestEngine : BaseMediaEngine, ITvRequestEngine
7 years ago
public TvRequestEngine(ITvMazeApi tvApi, IRequestServiceMain requestService, IPrincipal user, INotificationService notificationService, IMapper map) : base(user, requestService)
8 years ago
TvApi = tvApi;
NotificationService = notificationService;
7 years ago
Mapper = map;
8 years ago
private INotificationService NotificationService { get; }
private ITvMazeApi TvApi { get; }
7 years ago
private IMapper Mapper { get; }
8 years ago
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> RequestTvShow(SearchTvShowViewModel tv)
var showInfo = await TvApi.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(tv.Id);
DateTime.TryParse(showInfo.premiered, out DateTime firstAir);
8 years ago
// For some reason the poster path is always http
var posterPath = showInfo.image?.medium.Replace("http:", "https:");
var childRequest = new ChildTvRequest
8 years ago
8 years ago
Id = tv.Id,
8 years ago
Type = RequestType.TvShow,
Overview = showInfo.summary.RemoveHtml(),
PosterPath = posterPath,
Title =,
ReleaseDate = firstAir,
Status = showInfo.status,
RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
Approved = false,
RequestedUsers = new List<string> { Username },
Issues = IssueState.None,
ProviderId = tv.Id,
RequestAll = tv.RequestAll,
SeasonRequests = tv.SeasonRequests,
var model = new TvRequestModel
Id = tv.Id,
Type = RequestType.TvShow,
Overview = showInfo.summary.RemoveHtml(),
PosterPath = posterPath,
Title =,
ReleaseDate = firstAir,
Status = showInfo.status,
Approved = false,
8 years ago
ImdbId = showInfo.externals?.imdb ?? string.Empty,
TvDbId = tv.Id.ToString(),
ProviderId = tv.Id,
8 years ago
if (childRequest.SeasonRequests.Any())
var episodes = await TvApi.EpisodeLookup(;
foreach (var e in episodes)
var season = childRequest.SeasonRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SeasonNumber == e.season);
season?.Episodes.Add(new EpisodesRequested
Url = e.url,
Title =,
AirDate = DateTime.Parse(e.airstamp),
EpisodeNumber = e.number,
if (tv.LatestSeason)
7 years ago
var latest = showInfo.Season.OrderBy(x => x.SeasonNumber).FirstOrDefault();
foreach (var modelSeasonRequest in childRequest.SeasonRequests)
if (modelSeasonRequest.SeasonNumber == latest.SeasonNumber)
foreach (var episodesRequested in modelSeasonRequest.Episodes)
episodesRequested.Requested = true;
if (tv.FirstSeason)
7 years ago
var first = showInfo.Season.OrderByDescending(x => x.SeasonNumber).FirstOrDefault();
foreach (var modelSeasonRequest in childRequest.SeasonRequests)
if (modelSeasonRequest.SeasonNumber == first.SeasonNumber)
foreach (var episodesRequested in modelSeasonRequest.Episodes)
episodesRequested.Requested = true;
8 years ago
var existingRequest = await TvRequestService.CheckRequestAsync(model.Id);
if (existingRequest != null)
return await AddExistingRequest(model, existingRequest);
// This is a new request
return await AddRequest(model);
public async Task<IEnumerable<TvRequestModel>> GetTvRequests(int count, int position)
var allRequests = await TvRequestService.GetAllAsync(count, position);
return allRequests;
public async Task<IEnumerable<TvRequestModel>> SearchTvRequest(string search)
var allRequests = await TvRequestService.GetAllAsync();
var results = allRequests.Where(x => x.Title.Contains(search, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase));
return results;
public async Task<TvRequestModel> UpdateTvRequest(TvRequestModel request)
var allRequests = await TvRequestService.GetAllAsync();
var results = allRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == request.Id);
results = Mapper.Map<TvRequestModel>(request);
8 years ago
var model = TvRequestService.UpdateRequest(results);
return model;
public async Task RemoveTvRequest(int requestId)
await TvRequestService.DeleteRequestAsync(requestId);
private async Task<RequestEngineResult> AddExistingRequest(TvRequestModel newRequest, TvRequestModel existingRequest)
var child = newRequest.ChildRequests.FirstOrDefault(); // There will only be 1
var episodeDiff = new List<SeasonRequestModel>();
foreach (var existingChild in existingRequest.ChildRequests)
8 years ago
var difference = GetListDifferences(existingChild.SeasonRequests, child.SeasonRequests).ToList();
if (difference.Any())
8 years ago
episodeDiff = difference;
8 years ago
if (episodeDiff.Any())
8 years ago
// This is where there are some episodes that have been requested, but this list contains the 'new' requests
child.SeasonRequests = episodeDiff;
8 years ago
8 years ago
if (ShouldAutoApprove(RequestType.TvShow))
// TODO Auto Approval Code
return await AfterRequest(newRequest);
8 years ago
private IEnumerable<SeasonRequestModel> GetListDifferences(IEnumerable<SeasonRequestModel> existing, IEnumerable<SeasonRequestModel> request)
8 years ago
var newRequest = request
.Select(r =>
new SeasonRequestModel
8 years ago
SeasonNumber = r.SeasonNumber,
Episodes = r.Episodes
8 years ago
return newRequest.Except(existing);
private async Task<RequestEngineResult> AddRequest(TvRequestModel model)
await TvRequestService.AddRequestAsync(model);
return await AfterRequest(model);
private async Task<RequestEngineResult> AfterRequest(TvRequestModel model)
8 years ago
if (ShouldSendNotification(model.Type))
var notificationModel = new NotificationModel
Title = model.Title,
User = Username,
DateTime = DateTime.Now,
NotificationType = NotificationType.NewRequest,
RequestType = model.Type,
ImgSrc = model.PosterPath
BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => NotificationService.Publish(notificationModel).Wait());
//var limit = await RequestLimitRepo.GetAllAsync();
//var usersLimit = limit.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == Username && x.RequestType == model.Type);
//if (usersLimit == null)
// await RequestLimitRepo.InsertAsync(new RequestLimit
// {
// Username = Username,
// RequestType = model.Type,
// FirstRequestDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
// RequestCount = 1
// });
// usersLimit.RequestCount++;
// await RequestLimitRepo.UpdateAsync(usersLimit);
return new RequestEngineResult { RequestAdded = true };