Handlebars.registerHelper('if_eq', function (a, b, opts) {
if (a == b)
return opts.fn(this);
return opts.inverse(this);
Function.prototype.bind = function (parent) {
var f = this;
var args = [];
for (var a = 1; a < arguments.length; a++) {
args[args.length] = arguments[a];
var temp = function () {
return f.apply(parent, args);
return (temp);
$(function () {
var searchSource = $("#search-template").html();
var seasonsSource = $("#seasons-template").html();
var musicSource = $("#music-template").html();
var seasonsNumberSource = $("#seasonNumber-template").html();
var episodeSource = $("#episode-template").html();
var searchTemplate = Handlebars.compile(searchSource);
var musicTemplate = Handlebars.compile(musicSource);
var seasonsTemplate = Handlebars.compile(seasonsSource);
var seasonsNumberTemplate = Handlebars.compile(seasonsNumberSource);
var episodesTemplate = Handlebars.compile(episodeSource);
var base = $('#baseUrl').text();
var searchTimer = 0;
// fix for selecting a default tab
var $tabs = $('#nav-tabs').children('li');
if ($tabs.filter(function (li) { return $(li).hasClass('active') }).length <= 0) {
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) {
focusSearch($('li.active a', '#nav-tabs').first().attr('href'));
// Type in movie search
$("#movieSearchContent").on("input", function () {
if (searchTimer) {
searchTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), 800);
$('#moviesComingSoon').on('click', function (e) {
$('#moviesInTheaters').on('click', function (e) {
// Type in TV search
$("#tvSearchContent").on("input", function () {
if (searchTimer) {
searchTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), 800);
// Click TV dropdown option
$(document).on("click", ".dropdownTv", function (e) {
var buttonId = e.target.id;
if ($("#" + buttonId).attr('disabled')) {
$("#" + buttonId).prop("disabled", true);
loadingButton(buttonId, "primary");
var $form = $('#form' + buttonId);
var data = $form.serialize();
var seasons = $(this).attr("season-select");
if (seasons === "2") {
// Send over the latest
data = data + "&seasons=latest";
if (seasons === "1") {
// Send over the first season
data = data + "&seasons=first";
} if (seasons === "0") {
// Send over the first season
data = data + "&seasons=all";
var type = $form.prop('method');
var url = $form.prop('action');
sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId);
// Search Music
$("#musicSearchContent").on("input", function () {
if (searchTimer) {
searchTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), 800);
// Click Request for movie
$(document).on("click", ".requestMovie", function (e) {
var buttonId = e.target.id;
if ($("#" + buttonId).attr('disabled')) {
$("#" + buttonId).prop("disabled", true);
loadingButton(buttonId, "primary");
var $form = $('#form' + buttonId);
var type = $form.prop('method');
var url = $form.prop('action');
var data = $form.serialize();
sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId);
// Click Request for album
$(document).on("click", ".requestAlbum", function (e) {
var buttonId = e.target.id;
if ($("#" + buttonId).attr('disabled')) {
$("#" + buttonId).prop("disabled", true);
loadingButton(buttonId, "primary");
var $form = $('#form' + buttonId);
var type = $form.prop('method');
var url = $form.prop('action');
var data = $form.serialize();
sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId);
// Report Issue
$(document).on("click", ".dropdownIssue", function (e) {
var issue = $(this).attr("issue-select");
var id = e.target.id;
// Other issue so the modal is opening
if (issue == 4) {
var $form = $('#report' + id);
var data = $form.serialize();
data = data + "&issue=" + issue;
type: $form.prop('method'),
url: $form.prop('action'),
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
if (checkJsonResponse(response)) {
generateNotify("Successfully Reported Issue.", "success");
error: function (e) {
generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger");
// Save Modal click
$(".theSaveButton").click(function (e) {
var comment = $("#commentArea").val();
var $form = $("#commentForm");
var data = $form.serialize();
data = data + "&comment=" + comment;
type: $form.prop("method"),
url: $form.prop("action"),
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
if (checkJsonResponse(response)) {
generateNotify("Success! Added Issue.", "success");
error: function (e) {
generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger");
// Update the modal
$('#issuesModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
var button = $(event.relatedTarget); // Button that triggered the modal
var id = button.data('identifier'); // Extract info from data-* attributes
var type = button.data('type'); // Extract info from data-* attributes
var modal = $(this);
modal.find('.theSaveButton').val(id); // Add ID to the button
function focusSearch($content) {
if ($content.length > 0) {
$('input[type=text].form-control', $content).first().focus();
function sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId) {
type: type,
url: url,
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
if (response.result === true) {
generateNotify(response.message || "Success!", "success");
$('#' + buttonId).html("<i class='fa fa-check'></i> Requested");
$('#' + buttonId).removeClass("btn-primary-outline");
$('#' + buttonId).removeAttr("data-toggle");
$('#' + buttonId).addClass("btn-success-outline");
} else {
generateNotify(response.message, "warning");
$('#' + buttonId).html("<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Request");
$('#' + buttonId).attr("data-toggle", "dropdown");
$("#" + buttonId).removeAttr("disabled");
error: function (e) {
generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger");
function movieSearch() {
var query = $("#movieSearchContent").val();
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/movie/');
query ? getMovies(url + query) : resetMovies();
function moviesComingSoon() {
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/movie/upcoming');
function moviesInTheaters() {
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/movie/playing');
function getMovies(url) {
$('#movieSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-spinner fa-spin");
$.ajax(url).success(function (results) {
if (results.length > 0) {
results.forEach(function (result) {
var context = buildMovieContext(result);
var html = searchTemplate(context);
checkNetflix(context.title, context.id);
else {
$('#movieSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-search");
function resetMovies() {
function tvSearch() {
var query = $("#tvSearchContent").val();
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/tv/');
query ? getTvShows(url + query) : resetTvShows();
function getTvShows(url) {
$('#tvSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-spinner fa-spin");
$.ajax(url).success(function (results) {
if (results.length > 0) {
results.forEach(function (result) {
var context = buildTvShowContext(result);
var html = searchTemplate(context);
checkNetflix(context.title, context.id);
else {
$('#tvSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-search");
function checkNetflix(title, id) {
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/searchextension/netflix/' + title);
$.ajax(url).success(function (results) {
if (results.result) {
// It's on Netflix
$('#' + id + 'netflixTab')
.html("<span class='label label-success'>Avaialble on Netflix</span>");
function resetTvShows() {
function musicSearch() {
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/music/');
var query = $("#musicSearchContent").val();
query ? getMusic(url + query) : resetMusic();
function getMusic(url) {
$('#musicSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-spinner fa-spin");
$.ajax(url).success(function (results) {
if (results.length > 0) {
results.forEach(function (result) {
var context = buildMusicContext(result);
var html = musicTemplate(context);
else {
$('#musicSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-search");
function resetMusic() {
function getCoverArt(artistId) {
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/music/coverart/');
$.ajax(url + artistId).success(function (result) {
if (result) {
$('#' + artistId + "imageDiv").html(" <img class='img-responsive' src='" + result + "' width='150' alt='poster'>");
function buildMovieContext(result) {
var date = new Date(result.releaseDate);
var year = date.getFullYear();
var context = {
posterPath: result.posterPath,
id: result.id,
title: result.title,
overview: result.overview,
voteCount: result.voteCount,
voteAverage: result.voteAverage,
year: year,
type: "movie",
imdb: result.imdbId,
requested: result.requested,
approved: result.approved,
available: result.available,
url: result.plexUrl
return context;
function buildTvShowContext(result) {
var date = new Date(result.firstAired);
var year = date.getFullYear();
var context = {
posterPath: result.banner,
id: result.id,
title: result.seriesName,
overview: result.overview,
year: year,
type: "tv",
imdb: result.imdbId,
requested: result.requested,
approved: result.approved,
available: result.available,
episodes: result.episodes,
tvFullyAvailable: result.tvFullyAvailable,
url: result.plexUrl,
tvPartialAvailable: result.tvPartialAvailable,
disableTvRequestsByEpisode: result.disableTvRequestsByEpisode,
disableTvRequestsBySeason: result.disableTvRequestsBySeason,
enableTvRequestsForOnlySeries: result.enableTvRequestsForOnlySeries
return context;
function buildMusicContext(result) {
var context = {
id: result.id,
title: result.title,
overview: result.overview,
year: result.releaseDate,
type: "album",
trackCount: result.trackCount,
coverArtUrl: result.coverArtUrl,
artist: result.artist,
releaseType: result.releaseType,
country: result.country,
requested: result.requested,
approved: result.approved,
available: result.available,
url: result.plexUrl
return context;
$('#seasonsModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
var button = $(event.relatedTarget); // Button that triggered the modal
var id = button.data('identifier'); // Extract info from data-* attributes
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/seasons/');
type: "get",
url: url,
data: { tvId: id },
dataType: "json",
success: function (results) {
var $content = $("#seasonsBody");
results.forEach(function (result) {
var context = buildSeasonsContext(result);
error: function (e) {
generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger");
function buildSeasonsContext(result) {
var context = {
id: result
return context;
$('#seasonsRequest').click(function (e) {
var tvId = $('#selectedSeasonsId').val();
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/seasons/');
if ($("#" + tvId).attr('disabled')) {
$("#" + tvId).prop("disabled", true);
loadingButton(tvId, "primary");
var $form = $('#form' + tvId);
var data = $form.serialize();
var seasonsParam = "&seasons=";
var $checkedSeasons = $('.selectedSeasons:checkbox:checked');
$checkedSeasons.each(function (index, element) {
if (index < $checkedSeasons.length - 1) {
seasonsParam = seasonsParam + element.id + ",";
} else {
seasonsParam = seasonsParam + element.id;
data = data + seasonsParam;
var type = $form.prop('method');
var url = $form.prop('action');
sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, tvId);
$('#episodesModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
$("#episodesBody").html(""); // Clear out the modal body
finishLoading("episodesRequest", "primary");
var button = $(event.relatedTarget); // Button that triggered the modal
var id = button.data('identifier'); // Extract info from data-* attributes
var url = createBaseUrl(base, '/search/episodes/');
var seenSeasons = [];
type: "get",
url: url,
data: { tvId: id },
dataType: "json",
success: function (results) {
$('#episodeModalLoading').attr('hidden', "hidden");
var $content = $("#episodesBody");
results.forEach(function (result) {
var episodes = buildEpisodesView(result);
if (!seenSeasons.find(function(x) {
return x === episodes.season
})) {
// Create the seasons heading
var context = buildSeasonsCount(result);
var episodesResult = episodesTemplate(episodes);
error: function (e) {
generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger");
// Save Modal click
$("#episodesRequest").click(function (e) {
var origHtml = $('#episodesRequest').html();
loadingButton("episodesRequest", "primary");
var tvId = $('#selectedEpisodeId').val();
var $form = $('#form' + tvId);
var model = [];
var $checkedEpisodes = $('.selectedEpisodes:checkbox:checked:not(:disabled)');
$checkedEpisodes.each(function (index, element) {
var $element = $('#' + element.id);
var tempObj = {};
tempObj.episodeNumber = $element.attr("epNumber");
tempObj.seasonNumber = $element.attr("epSeason");
var finalObj = {
ShowId: tvId,
Episodes: model
var methodUrl = createBaseUrl(mainBaseUrl, "search/request/tvEpisodes");
var methodType = $form.prop('method');
type: methodType,
url: methodUrl,
data: JSON.stringify(finalObj),
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
finishLoading("episodesRequest", "primary", origHtml);
if (response.result === true) {
generateNotify(response.message, "success");
} else {
generateNotify(response.message, "warning");
error: function (e) {
generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger");
function buildSeasonsContext(result) {
var context = {
id: result
return context;
function buildSeasonsCount(result) {
return {
seasonNumber: result.seasonNumber
function buildEpisodesView(result) {
return {
id: result.id,
name: result.name,
season: result.seasonNumber,
number: result.episodeNumber,
requested: result.requested,
episodeId: result.episodeId