You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

251 lines
8.7 KiB

using Ombi.Core.Engine.Interfaces;
8 years ago
using Ombi.Core.Models.Requests;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Ombi.Core.Rule.Interfaces;
using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests;
using Ombi.Store.Repository.Requests;
using Ombi.Core.Authentication;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models;
using Ombi.Store.Entities;
using Ombi.Store.Repository;
using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb.Models;
using Ombi.Core.Helpers;
8 years ago
namespace Ombi.Core.Engine
public abstract class BaseMediaEngine : BaseEngine
private long _cacheTime;
private Dictionary<int, MovieRequests> _dbMovies;
private Dictionary<int, TvRequests> _dbTv;
protected BaseMediaEngine(ICurrentUser identity, IRequestServiceMain requestService,
IRuleEvaluator rules, OmbiUserManager um, ICacheService cache, ISettingsService<OmbiSettings> ombiSettings, IRepository<RequestSubscription> sub) : base(identity, um, rules)
8 years ago
8 years ago
RequestService = requestService;
Cache = cache;
OmbiSettings = ombiSettings;
_subscriptionRepository = sub;
8 years ago
private int _resultLimit;
public int ResultLimit
get => _resultLimit > 0 ? _resultLimit : 10;
set => _resultLimit = value;
8 years ago
protected IRequestServiceMain RequestService { get; }
protected IMovieRequestRepository MovieRepository => RequestService.MovieRequestService;
protected ITvRequestRepository TvRepository => RequestService.TvRequestService;
protected IMusicRequestRepository MusicRepository => RequestService.MusicRequestRepository;
protected readonly ICacheService Cache;
protected readonly ISettingsService<OmbiSettings> OmbiSettings;
protected readonly IRepository<RequestSubscription> _subscriptionRepository;
8 years ago
private bool _demo = DemoSingleton.Instance.Demo;
protected async Task<Dictionary<int, MovieRequests>> GetMovieRequests()
8 years ago
var now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
if (_dbMovies == null || now - _cacheTime > 10000)
8 years ago
var allResults = await MovieRepository.GetAll().ToListAsync();
8 years ago
var distinctResults = allResults.DistinctBy(x => x.TheMovieDbId);
_dbMovies = distinctResults.ToDictionary(x => x.TheMovieDbId);
8 years ago
_cacheTime = now;
8 years ago
return _dbMovies;
8 years ago
protected async Task<Dictionary<int, TvRequests>> GetTvRequests()
8 years ago
var now = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
if (_dbTv == null || now - _cacheTime > 10000)
8 years ago
var allResults = await TvRepository.Get().ToListAsync();
8 years ago
var distinctResults = allResults.DistinctBy(x => x.ExternalProviderId);
_dbTv = distinctResults.ToDictionary(x => x.ExternalProviderId);
8 years ago
_cacheTime = now;
return _dbTv;
8 years ago
7 years ago
protected async Task<RequestEngineResult> CheckCanManageRequest(BaseRequest request) {
var errorResult = new RequestEngineResult {
Result = false,
ErrorCode = ErrorCode.NoPermissions
var successResult = new RequestEngineResult { Result = true };
// Admins can always manage requests
var isAdmin = await IsInRole(OmbiRoles.PowerUser) || await IsInRole(OmbiRoles.Admin);
if (isAdmin) {
return successResult;
// Users with 'ManageOwnRequests' can only manage their own requests
var canManageOwnRequests = await IsInRole(OmbiRoles.ManageOwnRequests);
if (!canManageOwnRequests) {
return errorResult;
var isRequestedBySameUser = ( await GetUser() ).Id == request.RequestedUser?.Id;
if (isRequestedBySameUser) {
return successResult;
return errorResult;
7 years ago
public RequestCountModel RequestCount()
var movieQuery = MovieRepository.GetAll();
var tvQuery = TvRepository.Get();
7 years ago
var pendingMovies = movieQuery.Count(x => !x.Approved && !x.Available);
var approvedMovies = movieQuery.Count(x => x.Approved && !x.Available);
var availableMovies = movieQuery.Count(x => x.Available);
var pendingTv = 0;
var approvedTv = 0;
var availableTv = 0;
foreach (var tv in tvQuery)
foreach (var child in tv.ChildRequests)
if (!child.Approved && !child.Available)
if (child.Approved && !child.Available)
if (child.Available)
7 years ago
return new RequestCountModel
Approved = approvedTv + approvedMovies,
Available = availableTv + availableMovies,
Pending = pendingMovies + pendingTv
protected async Task<HideResult> HideFromOtherUsers()
var user = await GetUser();
if (await IsInRole(OmbiRoles.Admin) || await IsInRole(OmbiRoles.PowerUser) || user.IsSystemUser)
return new HideResult
UserId = user.Id
var settings = await Cache.GetOrAddAsync(CacheKeys.OmbiSettings, () => OmbiSettings.GetSettingsAsync());
var result = new HideResult
Hide = settings.HideRequestsUsers,
UserId = user.Id
return result;
public async Task SubscribeToRequest(int requestId, RequestType type)
var user = await GetUser();
var existingSub = await _subscriptionRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x =>
x.UserId == user.Id && x.RequestId == requestId && x.RequestType == type);
if (existingSub != null)
var sub = new RequestSubscription
UserId = user.Id,
RequestId = requestId,
RequestType = type
await _subscriptionRepository.Add(sub);
public async Task UnSubscribeRequest(int requestId, RequestType type)
var user = await GetUser();
var existingSub = await _subscriptionRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x =>
x.UserId == user.Id && x.RequestId == requestId && x.RequestType == type);
if (existingSub != null)
await _subscriptionRepository.Delete(existingSub);
protected async Task<string> DefaultLanguageCode(string currentCode)
if (currentCode.HasValue())
return currentCode;
var user = await GetUser();
3 years ago
if (user == null)
return "en";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Language))
var s = await GetOmbiSettings();
return s.DefaultLanguageCode;
return user.Language;
protected async Task<List<StreamData>> GetUserWatchProvider(WatchProviders providers)
var user = await GetUser();
return WatchProviderParser.GetUserWatchProviders(providers, user);
private OmbiSettings ombiSettings;
protected async Task<OmbiSettings> GetOmbiSettings()
return ombiSettings ?? (ombiSettings = await OmbiSettings.GetSettingsAsync());
protected bool DemoCheck(string title)
if (!title.HasValue())
return false;
if (_demo)
if (ExcludedDemo.ExcludedContent.Any(x => title.Contains(x, System.Globalization.CompareOptions.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return true;
return false;
return false;
public class HideResult
public bool Hide { get; set; }
public string UserId { get; set; }
8 years ago