mirror of https://github.com/Ombi-app/Ombi
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
"Login": {
"SignInButton": "登入",
"UsernamePlaceholder": "帳戶名稱",
"PasswordPlaceholder": "密碼",
"RememberMe": "記住我",
"SignInWith": "Sign in with {{appName}}",
"SignInWithPlex": "Sign in with Plex",
"ForgottenPassword": "忘記密碼了嗎?",
"Errors": {
"IncorrectCredentials": "用戶名或密碼錯誤"
"Common": {
"ContinueButton": "繼續",
"Available": "已收錄",
"PartiallyAvailable": "部分已收錄",
"Monitored": "監控中",
"NotAvailable": "未收錄",
"ProcessingRequest": "處理請求",
"PendingApproval": "等待批准",
"RequestDenied": "請求被拒絕",
"NotRequested": "未申請",
"Requested": "已申請",
"Search": "Search",
"Request": "請求內容",
"Denied": "拒絕",
"Approve": "確認",
"PartlyAvailable": "部分已收錄",
"ViewDetails": "View Details",
"Errors": {
"Validation": "請檢查您輸入的數值"
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Submit": "Submit",
"tvShow": "TV Show",
"movie": "Movie"
"PasswordReset": {
"EmailAddressPlaceholder": "電郵地址",
"ResetPasswordButton": "重設密碼"
"LandingPage": {
"OnlineHeading": "上線中",
"OnlineParagraph": "服務器當前離線。",
"PartiallyOnlineHeading": "部分上線",
"PartiallyOnlineParagraph": "媒體服務器部分在綫。",
"MultipleServersUnavailable": "{{totalServers}} 中有{{serversUnavailable}} 個服務器離綫。",
"SingleServerUnavailable": "在{{totalServers}} 服务器中,有{{serversUnavailable}} 服務器離綫。",
"OfflineHeading": "離線中",
"OfflineParagraph": "服務器當前離線。",
"CheckPageForUpdates": "檢查此頁面以獲取持續的站點更新。"
"NavigationBar": {
"Discover": "Discover",
"Search": "搜索",
"Requests": "請求",
"UserManagement": "Users",
"Issues": "問題",
"Vote": "投票",
"Donate": "贊助",
"DonateLibraryMaintainer": "捐贈給維護者",
"DonateTooltip": "This is how I convince my wife to let me spend my spare time developing Ombi 😁",
"UpdateAvailableTooltip": "有可用的更新",
"Settings": "設定",
"Welcome": "歡迎您 {{username}}",
"UpdateDetails": "更新詳細資料",
"Logout": "登出",
"OpenMobileApp": "打開手機應用程序",
"RecentlyAdded": "最近新增",
"ChangeTheme": "Change Theme",
"Calendar": "Calendar",
"UserPreferences": "Preferences",
"FeatureSuggestion": "Features",
"FeatureSuggestionTooltip": "Have a great new idea? Suggest it here!",
"Filter": {
"Movies": "Movies",
"TvShows": "TV Shows",
"Music": "Music",
"People": "People"
"MorningWelcome": "Good morning!",
"AfternoonWelcome": "Good afternoon!",
"EveningWelcome": "Good evening!"
"Search": {
"Title": "搜索",
"Paragraph": "想觀看目前無法觀看的內容嗎?沒問題,只需在下面搜索並請求它!",
"MoviesTab": "電影",
"TvTab": "電視節目",
"MusicTab": "音樂",
"AdvancedSearch": "You can fill in any of the below to discover new media. All of the results are sorted by popularity",
"Suggestions": "建議",
"NoResults": "抱歉,我們沒有找到任何結果!",
"DigitalDate": "數字發行:{{date}}",
"TheatricalRelease": "劇場版:{{date}}",
"ViewOnPlex": "Play On Plex",
"ViewOnEmby": "Play On Emby",
"ViewOnJellyfin": "Play On Jellyfin",
"RequestAdded": "已成功添加對 {{title}} 的請求",
"Similar": "相似",
"Refine": "精簡",
"SearchBarPlaceholder": "在這裡輸入以搜尋",
"Movies": {
"PopularMovies": "熱門電影",
"UpcomingMovies": "即將上映的電影",
"TopRatedMovies": "评级最高的电影",
"NowPlayingMovies": "正在上映的電影",
"HomePage": "首頁",
"Trailer": "預告片"
"TvShows": {
"Popular": "流行的",
"Trending": "趨勢",
"MostWatched": "最受矚目",
"MostAnticipated": "最期待",
"Results": "結果",
"AirDate": "播出日期:",
"AllSeasons": "全季",
"FirstSeason": "第一季",
"LatestSeason": "最新一季",
"Select": "選擇...",
"SubmitRequest": "送出請求",
"Season": "Season {{seasonNumber}}",
"SelectAllInSeason": "選擇第 {{seasonNumber}} 季中的全部"
"Requests": {
"Title": "請求",
"Paragraph": "您可以在下方看到您的請求和所有其他請求,以及它們的下載和批准狀態。",
"MoviesTab": "電影",
"ArtistName": "Artist",
"AlbumName": "Album Name",
"TvTab": "電視節目",
"MusicTab": "音樂",
"RequestedBy": "Requested By",
"Status": "Status",
"RequestStatus": "Request status",
"Denied": " 拒絕:",
"TheatricalRelease": "劇場版:{{date}}",
"ReleaseDate": "發佈日期:{{date}}",
"TheatricalReleaseSort": "劇場版",
"DigitalRelease": "數字發行:{{date}}",
"RequestDate": "Request Date",
"QualityOverride": "質量覆蓋:",
"RootFolderOverride": "根文件夾覆蓋:",
"ChangeRootFolder": "根文件夹",
"ChangeQualityProfile": "質量設置",
"MarkUnavailable": "標記未收錄",
"MarkAvailable": "標記已收錄",
"Remove": "移除",
"Deny": "拒絕",
"DenyReason": "Deny Reason",
"DeniedReason": "Denied Reason",
"Season": "Season",
"GridTitle": "標題",
"AirDate": "Air Date",
"GridStatus": "狀態",
"ReportIssue": "回報問題",
"Filter": "篩選",
"Sort": "分類",
"SeasonNumberHeading": "季: {seasonNumber}",
"SortTitleAsc": "標題 ▲",
"SortTitleDesc": "標題 ▼",
"SortRequestDateAsc": "请求日期 ▲",
"SortRequestDateDesc": "请求日期 ▼",
"SortStatusAsc": "狀態 ▲",
"SortStatusDesc": "狀態 ▼",
"Remaining": {
"Quota": "{{remaining}}/{{total}} 個剩餘請求",
"NextDays": "將在 {{time}} 天內添加另一個請求",
"NextHours": "將在 {{time}} 小時內添加另一個請求",
"NextMinutes": "將在 {{time}} 分鐘內添加另一個請求",
"NextMinute": "將在 {{time}} 分鐘內添加另一個請求"
"AllRequests": "All Requests",
"PendingRequests": "Pending Requests",
"ProcessingRequests": "Processing Requests",
"AvailableRequests": "Available Requests",
"DeniedRequests": "Denied Requests",
"RequestsToDisplay": "Requests to display",
"RequestsTitle": "Title",
"Details": "Details",
"Options": "Options",
"RequestPanel": {
"Delete": "Delete Request",
"Approve": "Approve Request",
"ChangeAvailability": "Mark Available",
"Deleted": "Successfully deleted selected items",
"Approved": "Successfully approved selected items"
"Issues": {
"Title": "問題",
"PendingTitle": "未決問題",
"InProgressTitle": "進行中的問題",
"ResolvedTitle": "已解決的問題",
"ColumnTitle": "標題",
"Count": "Count",
"Category": "分類",
"Status": "狀態",
"Details": "詳細資料",
"Description": "描述信息",
"NoComments": "暫無評論!",
"MarkInProgress": "標記為進行中",
"MarkResolved": "標記為已解決",
"SendMessageButton": "發送",
"Subject": "主題",
"Comments": "評論",
"WriteMessagePlaceholder": "在這裡撰寫訊息...",
"ReportedBy": "報告者:",
"IssueDialog": {
"Title": "Report an issue",
"DescriptionPlaceholder": "Please describe the issue",
"TitlePlaceholder": "Short title of your issue",
"SelectCategory": "Select Category",
"IssueCreated": "Issue has been created"
"Outstanding": "There are outstanding issues",
"ResolvedDate": "Resolved date",
"CreatedDate": "Raised on",
"MarkedAsResolved": "This issue has now been marked as resolved!",
"MarkedAsInProgress": "This issue has now been marked as in progress!",
"Delete": "Delete issue",
"DeletedIssue": "Issue has been deleted",
"Chat": "Chat",
"Requested": "Requested"
"Filter": {
"ClearFilter": "清除篩選條件",
"FilterHeaderAvailability": "可用性",
"FilterHeaderRequestStatus": "狀態",
"Approved": "已通過審核",
"PendingApproval": "待決審核"
"UserManagment": {
"TvRemaining": "電視:{{remaining}}/{{total}} 剩餘",
"MovieRemaining": "電影:{{remaining}}/{{total}} 剩餘",
"MusicRemaining": "音樂:{{remaining}}/{{total}} 剩餘",
"TvDue": "電視:{{date}}",
"MovieDue": "電影:{{date}}",
"MusicDue": "音樂:{{date}}"
"Votes": {
"CompletedVotesTab": "已投票",
"VotesTab": "需要投票"
"MediaDetails": {
"Denied": "Denied",
"RecommendationsTitle": "Recommendations",
"SimilarTitle": "Similar",
"VideosTitle": "Videos",
"AlbumsTitle": "Albums",
"RequestAllAlbums": "Request All Albums",
"ClearSelection": "Clear Selection",
"RequestSelectedAlbums": "Request Selected Albums",
"ViewCollection": "View Collection",
"NotEnoughInfo": "Unfortunately there is not enough information about this show yet!",
"AdvancedOptions": "Advanced Options",
"AutoApproveOptions": "You can configure the request here, once requested it will be send to your DVR application and will be auto approved! Please note, this is optional, just press Request to skip!",
"AutoApproveOptionsTv": "You can configure the request here, once requested it will be send to your DVR application and will be auto approved! If the request is already in Sonarr, we will not change the root folder or quality profile if you set it! Please note, this is optional, just press Request to skip!",
"AutoApproveOptionsTvShort": "You can configure the request here, once requested it will be send to your DVR application! If the request is already in Sonarr, we will not change the root folder or quality profile if you set it! Please note, this is optional, just press Request to skip!",
"QualityProfilesSelect": "Select A Quality Profile",
"RootFolderSelect": "Select A Root Folder",
"LanguageProfileSelect": "Select A Language Profile",
"Status": "Status",
"Availability": "Availability",
"RequestStatus": "Request Status",
"Quality": "Quality",
"RootFolderOverride": "Root Folder Override",
"QualityOverride": "Quality Override",
"Genres": "Genres",
"TheatricalRelease": "Release",
"DigitalRelease": "Digital Release",
"Votes": "Votes",
"Runtime": "Runtime",
"Minutes": "{{runtime}} Minutes",
"Revenue": "Revenue",
"Budget": "Budget",
"Keywords": "Keywords/Tags",
"Casts": {
"CastTitle": "Cast"
"EpisodeSelector": {
"AllSeasonsTooltip": "This will request every season for this show",
"FirstSeasonTooltip": "This will only request the First Season for this show",
"LatestSeasonTooltip": "This will only request the Latest Season for this show",
"NoEpisodes": "There unfortunately is no episode data for this show yet!"
"SonarrConfiguration": "Sonarr Configuration",
"RadarrConfiguration": "Radarr Configuration",
"RequestOnBehalf": "Request on behalf of",
"PleaseSelectUser": "Please select a user",
"StreamingOn": "Streaming On",
"ReProcessRequest": "Re-Process Request"
"Discovery": {
"PopularTab": "Popular",
"TrendingTab": "Trending",
"UpcomingTab": "Upcoming",
"SeasonalTab": "Seasonal",
"RecentlyRequestedTab": "Recently Requested",
"Movies": "Movies",
"Combined": "Combined",
"Tv": "TV",
"CardDetails": {
"Availability": "Availability",
"Studio": "Studio",
"Network": "Network",
"UnknownNetwork": "Unknown",
"RequestStatus": "Request Status",
"Director": "Director",
"InCinemas": "In Cinemas",
"FirstAired": "First Aired",
"Writer": "Writer",
"ExecProducer": "Exec Producer"
"NoSearch": "Sorry, nothing matches your search!"
"UserPreferences": {
"Welcome": "Welcome {{username}}!",
"OmbiLanguage": "Language",
"DarkMode": "Dark Mode",
"Updated": "Successfully Updated",
"StreamingCountry": "Streaming Country",
"StreamingCountryDescription": "This is the country code that we will display streaming information for. If you are in the US please select US and you will have US related streaming information.",
"LanguageDescription": "This is the language you would like the Ombi interface to be displayed in.",
"MobileQRCode": "Mobile QR Code",
"LegacyApp": "Launch Legacy App",
"NoQrCode": "Please contact your administrator to enable QR codes"
Reference in new issue