publicEmailNotification(ISettingsService<EmailNotificationSettings>settings,INotificationTemplatesRepositoryr,IMovieRequestRepositorym,ITvRequestRepositoryt,IEmailProviderprov,ISettingsService<CustomizationSettings>c):base(settings,r,m,t, c)
//message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.RequestedUser}' has requested the {model.RequestType} '{model.Title}'! Please log in to approve this request. Request Date: {model.DateTime:f}");
$"Hello! The user '{user}' has requested {title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying",img,customization.Logo);
$"{Customization.ApplicationName}: A request could not be added.",
$"Hello! The user '{user}' has requested {title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying",img,Customization.Logo);
Subject=$"Ombi: A request could not be added",
Subject=$"{Customization.ApplicationName}: A request could not be added",
//message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.RequestedUser}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying");