"NotEnoughInfo":"Unfortunately there is not enough information about this show yet!",
"AdvancedOptions":"Advanced Options",
"AutoApproveOptions":"You can configure the request here, once requested it will be sent to your DVR application and will be auto approved! Please note, this is optional, just press Request to skip!",
"AutoApproveOptionsTv":"You can configure the request here, once requested it will be sent to your DVR application and will be auto approved! If the request is already in Sonarr, we will not change the root folder or quality profile if you set it! Please note, this is optional, just press Request to skip!",
"AutoApproveOptionsTvShort":"You can configure the request here, once requested it will be sent to your DVR application! If the request is already in Sonarr, we will not change the root folder or quality profile if you set it! Please note, this is optional, just press Request to skip!",
"QualityProfilesSelect":"Select A Quality Profile",
"RootFolderSelect":"Select A Root Folder",
"LanguageProfileSelect":"Select A Language Profile",
"In Production":"In Production",
"Post Production":"Post Production",
"Returning Series":"Returning Series",
"RequestStatus":"Request Status",
"RootFolderOverride":"Root Folder Override:",
"QualityOverride":"Quality Override:",
"FirstAired":"First Aired:",
"DigitalRelease":"Digital Release:",
"Minutes":"{{runtime}} Minutes",
"AllSeasonsTooltip":"This will request every season for this show",
"FirstSeasonTooltip":"This will only request the First Season for this show",
"LatestSeasonTooltip":"This will only request the Latest Season for this show",
"NoEpisodes":"There unfortunately is no episode data for this show yet!",
"SeasonNumber":"Season {{number}}"
"SonarrConfiguration":"Sonarr Configuration",
"RadarrConfiguration":"Radarr Configuration",
"RequestOnBehalf":"Request on behalf of",
"PleaseSelectUser":"Please select a user",
"StreamingOn":"Streaming On:",
"RequestedBy":"Requested By:",
"RequestedByOn":"Requested By {{user}} on {{date}}",
"RequestDate":"Request Date:",
"DeniedReason":"Denied Reason:",
"ReProcessRequest":"Re-Process Request",
"StartDate":"Start Date:",
"RecentlyRequestedTab":"Recently Requested",
"RequestStatus":"Request Status",
"InCinemas":"In Cinemas",
"FirstAired":"First Aired",
"ExecProducer":"Exec Producer"
"NoSearch":"Sorry, nothing matches your search!"
"Welcome":"Welcome {{username}}!",
"DarkMode":"Dark Mode",
"Updated":"Successfully Updated",
"StreamingCountry":"Streaming Country",
"StreamingCountryDescription":"This is the country code that we will display streaming information for. If you are in the US please select US and you will get US related streaming information.",
"LanguageDescription":"This is the language you would like the Ombi interface to be displayed in.",
"MobileQRCode":"Mobile QR Code",
"LegacyApp":"Launch Legacy App",
"NoQrCode":"Please contact your administrator to enable QR codes",
"UserType":"User Type:",
"ChangeDetails":"Change Details",
"NeedCurrentPassword":"You need your current password to make any changes here",
"CurrentPassword":"Current Password",
"EmailAddress":"Email Address",
"NewPassword":"New Password",
"NewPasswordConfirm":"New Password Confirm",
"UpdatedYourInformation":"Updated your information",
"1":"Local User",
"2":"Plex User",
"3":"Emby User",
"4":"Emby Connect User",
"5":"Jellyfin User"
"itemsPerPageLabel":"Items per page:",
"nextPageLabel":"Next page",
"previousPageLabel":"Previous page",
"firstPageLabel":"First page",
"lastPageLabel":"Last page",
"rangePageLabel1":"0 of {{length}}",
"rangePageLabel2":"{{startIndex}} – {{endIndex}} of {{length}}"