@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
"Common": {
"ContinueButton": "Continuar",
"Available": "Disponible",
"PartiallyAvailable": "Partially Available",
"Monitored": "Monitored",
"NotAvailable": "Not Available",
"PartiallyAvailable": "Disponible en parte",
"Monitored": "Monitoreado",
"NotAvailable": "No está disponible",
"ProcessingRequest": "Procesando solicitud",
"PendingApproval": "Pendiente de aprobación",
"RequestDenied": "Solicitud denegada",
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"Request": "Solicitar",
"Denied": "Denegado",
"Approve": "Aprobar",
"PartlyAvailable": "Partly Available",
"PartlyAvailable": "Disponible en parte",
"Errors": {
"Validation": "Por favor, comprueba los datos introducidos"
@ -48,33 +48,33 @@
"Requests": "Solicitudes",
"UserManagement": "Gestión de usuarios",
"Issues": "Incidencias",
"Vote": "Vote",
"Vote": "Votar",
"Donate": "¡Donar!",
"DonateLibraryMaintainer": "Donate to Library Maintainer",
"DonateLibraryMaintainer": "Donar al mantenedor de la biblioteca",
"DonateTooltip": "Para que mi esposa me deje desarrollar Ombi ;)",
"UpdateAvailableTooltip": "¡Actualización disponible!",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
"Welcome": "Bienvenido {{username}}",
"UpdateDetails": "Detalles de la actualización",
"Logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"OpenMobileApp": "Open Mobile App",
"RecentlyAdded": "Recently Added"
"OpenMobileApp": "Abrir aplicación móvil",
"RecentlyAdded": "Agregado recientemente"
"Search": {
"Title": "Buscar",
"Paragraph": "¿Quieres ver algo que no está disponible? No hay problema, búscalo y solicítalo!",
"MoviesTab": "Películas",
"TvTab": "Series",
"MusicTab": "Music",
"MusicTab": "Música",
"Suggestions": "Sugerencias",
"NoResults": "¡Lo sentimos, no encontramos ningún resultado!",
"DigitalDate": "Digital Release: {{date}}",
"TheatricalRelease": "Theatrical Release: {{date}}",
"DigitalDate": "Versión Digital: {{date}}",
"TheatricalRelease": "Estreno teatral: {{date}}",
"ViewOnPlex": "Ver en Plex",
"ViewOnEmby": "Ver en Emby",
"RequestAdded": "La solicitud de {{title}} se ha agregado con éxito",
"Similar": "Similar",
"Refine": "Refine",
"Refine": "Refinar",
"Movies": {
"PopularMovies": "Películas populares",
"UpcomingMovies": "Próximas películas",
@ -85,18 +85,18 @@
"TvShows": {
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"Trending": "Trending",
"MostWatched": "Most Watched",
"MostAnticipated": "Most Anticipated",
"Results": "Results",
"AirDate": "Air Date:",
"AllSeasons": "All Seasons",
"FirstSeason": "First Season",
"LatestSeason": "Latest Season",
"Select": "Select ...",
"SubmitRequest": "Submit Request",
"Season": "Season: {{seasonNumber}}",
"SelectAllInSeason": "Select All in Season {{seasonNumber}}"
"Trending": "Tendencias",
"MostWatched": "Más visto",
"MostAnticipated": "Más Anticipado",
"Results": "Resultados",
"AirDate": "Fecha del Aire:",
"AllSeasons": "Todas las temporadas",
"FirstSeason": "Primera temporada",
"LatestSeason": "Última temporada",
"Select": "Seleccione...",
"SubmitRequest": "Enviar Solicitud",
"Season": "Temporada: {{seasonNumber}}",
"SelectAllInSeason": "Seleccionar todo en temporada {{seasonNumber}}"
"Requests": {
@ -104,15 +104,15 @@
"Paragraph": "A continuación puedes ver tanto las tuyas como las demás solicitudes, así como su estado de descarga y aprobación.",
"MoviesTab": "Películas",
"TvTab": "Series",
"MusicTab": "Music",
"MusicTab": "Música",
"RequestedBy": "Solicitado por:",
"Status": "Estado:",
"RequestStatus": "Estado de la solicitud:",
"Denied": " Denegado:",
"TheatricalRelease": "Theatrical Release: {{date}}",
"ReleaseDate": "Released: {{date}}",
"TheatricalReleaseSort": "Theatrical Release",
"DigitalRelease": "Digital Release: {{date}}",
"TheatricalRelease": "Estreno teatral: {{date}}",
"ReleaseDate": "Lanzado el {{date}}",
"TheatricalReleaseSort": "Estreno teatral",
"DigitalRelease": "Presentación Digital: {{date}}",
"RequestDate": "Fecha de solicitud:",
"QualityOverride": "Sobreescribir calidad:",
"RootFolderOverride": "Sobreescribir carpeta raíz:",
@ -126,22 +126,22 @@
"GridTitle": "Título",
"AirDate": "Fecha de estreno",
"GridStatus": "Estado",
"ReportIssue": "Report Issue",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Sort": "Sort",
"SeasonNumberHeading": "Season: {seasonNumber}",
"SortTitleAsc": "Title ▲",
"SortTitleDesc": "Title ▼",
"SortRequestDateAsc": "Request Date ▲",
"SortRequestDateDesc": "Request Date ▼",
"SortStatusAsc": "Status ▲",
"SortStatusDesc": "Status ▼",
"ReportIssue": "Informar de un problema/error",
"Filter": "Filtrar",
"Sort": "Ordenar",
"SeasonNumberHeading": "Temporada: {seasonNumber}",
"SortTitleAsc": "Título ▲",
"SortTitleDesc": "Título ▼",
"SortRequestDateAsc": "Fecha de solicitud ▲",
"SortRequestDateDesc": "Fecha de solicitud ▼",
"SortStatusAsc": "Estado ▲",
"SortStatusDesc": "Estado ▼",
"Remaining": {
"Quota": "{{remaining}}/{{total}} requests remaining",
"NextDays": "Another request will be added in {{time}} days",
"NextHours": "Another request will be added in {{time}} hours",
"NextMinutes": "Another request will be added in {{time}} minutes",
"NextMinute": "Another request will be added in {{time}} minute"
"Quota": "{{remaining}}/{{total}} solicitudes restantes",
"NextDays": "Se añadirá otra solicitud en {{time}} Días",
"NextHours": "Se añadirá otra solicitud en {{time}} Horas",
"NextMinutes": "Se añadirá otra solicitud en {{time}} Minutos",
"NextMinute": "Se añadirá otra solicitud en {{time}} Minuto"
"Issues": {
@ -164,22 +164,22 @@
"ReportedBy": "Informado por"
"Filter": {
"ClearFilter": "Clear Filter",
"FilterHeaderAvailability": "Availability",
"FilterHeaderRequestStatus": "Status",
"Approved": "Approved",
"PendingApproval": "Pending Approval"
"ClearFilter": "Eliminar Filtro",
"FilterHeaderAvailability": "Disponibilidad",
"FilterHeaderRequestStatus": "Estado",
"Approved": "¡Aprobado!",
"PendingApproval": "Aprobación Pendiente"
"UserManagment": {
"TvRemaining": "TV: {{remaining}}/{{total}} remaining",
"MovieRemaining": "Movies: {{remaining}}/{{total}} remaining",
"MusicRemaining": "Music: {{remaining}}/{{total}} remaining",
"TvRemaining": "Música: {{remaining}}/{{total}} Restante",
"MovieRemaining": "Música: {{remaining}}/{{total}} Restante",
"MusicRemaining": "Música: {{remaining}}/{{total}} Restante",
"TvDue": "TV: {{date}}",
"MovieDue": "Movie: {{date}}",
"MusicDue": "Music: {{date}}"
"MovieDue": "Película: {{date}}",
"MusicDue": "Música: {{date}}"
"Votes": {
"CompletedVotesTab": "Voted",
"VotesTab": "Votes Needed"
"CompletedVotesTab": "¡Votado!",
"VotesTab": "Votos necesarios"