@ -179,11 +179,20 @@ namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules
Log . Trace ( movieInfo . DumpJson ) ;
//#if !DEBUG
var settings = PrService . GetSettings ( ) ;
// check if the movie has already been requested
Log . Info ( "Requesting movie with id {0}" , movieId ) ;
if ( RequestService . CheckRequest ( movieId ) )
var existingRequest = RequestService . CheckRequest ( movieId ) ;
if ( existingRequest ! = null )
// check if the current user is already marked as a requester for this movie, if not, add them
if ( ! existingRequest . UserHasRequested ( Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) ) )
Log . Trace ( "movie with id {0} exists" , movieId ) ;
return Response . AsJson ( new JsonResponseModel { Result = false , Message = $"{fullMovieName} has already been requested!" } ) ;
existingRequest . RequestedUsers . Add ( Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
RequestService . UpdateRequest ( existingRequest ) ;
return Response . AsJson ( new JsonResponseModel { Result = false , Message = settings . UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests ? $"{fullMovieName} was successfully added!" : $"{fullMovieName} has already been requested!" } ) ;
Log . Debug ( "movie with id {0} doesnt exists" , movieId ) ;
@ -213,12 +222,10 @@ namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules
Status = movieInfo . Status ,
RequestedDate = DateTime . Now ,
Approved = false ,
Requested By = Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) ,
Requested Users = new List < string > ( ) { Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) } ,
Issues = IssueState . None ,
} ;
var settings = PrService . GetSettings ( ) ;
Log . Trace ( settings . DumpJson ( ) ) ;
if ( ! settings . RequireMovieApproval | | settings . NoApprovalUserList . Any ( x = > x . Equals ( Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
@ -310,9 +317,20 @@ namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules
string fullShowName = $"{showInfo.name} ({firstAir.Year})" ;
//#if !DEBUG
if ( RequestService . CheckRequest ( showId ) )
var settings = PrService . GetSettings ( ) ;
// check if the show has already been requested
Log . Info ( "Requesting tv show with id {0}" , showId ) ;
var existingRequest = RequestService . CheckRequest ( showId ) ;
if ( existingRequest ! = null )
// check if the current user is already marked as a requester for this show, if not, add them
if ( ! existingRequest . UserHasRequested ( Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) ) )
return Response . AsJson ( new JsonResponseModel { Result = false , Message = $"{fullShowName} has already been requested!" } ) ;
existingRequest . RequestedUsers . Add ( Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
RequestService . UpdateRequest ( existingRequest ) ;
return Response . AsJson ( new JsonResponseModel { Result = false , Message = settings . UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests ? $"{fullShowName} was successfully added!" : $"{fullShowName} has already been requested!" } ) ;
@ -340,7 +358,7 @@ namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules
Status = showInfo . status ,
RequestedDate = DateTime . Now ,
Approved = false ,
Requested By = Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) ,
Requested Users = new List < string > ( ) { Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) } ,
Issues = IssueState . None ,
ImdbId = showInfo . externals ? . imdb ? ? string . Empty ,
SeasonCount = showInfo . seasonCount
@ -363,7 +381,6 @@ namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules
model . SeasonList = seasonsList . ToArray ( ) ;
var settings = PrService . GetSettings ( ) ;
if ( ! settings . RequireTvShowApproval | | settings . NoApprovalUserList . Any ( x = > x . Equals ( Session [ SessionKeys . UsernameKey ] . ToString ( ) , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) )
var sonarrSettings = SonarrService . GetSettings ( ) ;