using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ombi.Helpers.Tests { [TestFixture] public class HtmlHelperTests { [TestCaseSource(nameof(HtmlData))] public string RemoveHtmlTests(string input) { return HtmlHelper.RemoveHtml(input); } public static IEnumerable HtmlData { get { yield return new TestCaseData("


").Returns("hi").SetName("Simple Html"); yield return new TestCaseData("


").Returns("hi").SetName("Nested text inside Html"); yield return new TestCaseData("there is no html here").Returns("there is no html here").SetName("No Html"); yield return new TestCaseData("there is some html here").Returns("there is some html here").SetName("Html in middle"); yield return new TestCaseData("there is lots html here").Returns("there is lots html here").SetName("Html in everywhere"); yield return new TestCaseData("there is some html here").Returns("there is some html here").SetName("Html in with classes"); yield return new TestCaseData("there is some html here").Returns("there is some html here").SetName("Html in with attribute"); yield return new TestCaseData("there is some html here").Returns("there is some html here").SetName("Html in with attribute and class"); } } public static IEnumerable OtherData { get { foreach (var data in HtmlData) { yield return data; } yield return new TestCaseData("xyz").Returns("xyz").SetName("More Tests"); } } } }