Handlebars.registerHelper('if_eq', function (a, b, opts) { if (a == b) return opts.fn(this); else return opts.inverse(this); }); var searchSource = $("#search-template").html(); var searchTemplate = Handlebars.compile(searchSource); var movieTimer = 0; var tvimer = 0; // Type in movie search $("#movieSearchContent").on("input", function () { if (movieTimer) { clearTimeout(movieTimer); } $('#movieSearchButton').attr("class","fa fa-spinner fa-spin"); movieTimer = setTimeout(movieSearch, 400); }); // Type in TV search $("#tvSearchContent").on("input", function () { if (tvimer) { clearTimeout(tvimer); } $('#tvSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-spinner fa-spin"); tvimer = setTimeout(tvSearch, 400); }); // Click TV dropdown option $(document).on("click", ".dropdownTv", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var buttonId = e.target.id; if ($("#" + buttonId).attr('disabled')) { return; } $("#" + buttonId).prop("disabled", true); loadingButton(buttonId, "primary"); var $form = $('#form' + buttonId); var data = $form.serialize(); var seasons = $(this).attr("season-select"); if (seasons === "2") { // Send over the latest data = data + "&seasons=latest"; } if (seasons === "1") { // Send over the first season data = data + "&seasons=first"; } var type = $form.prop('method'); var url = $form.prop('action'); sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId); }); // Click Request for movie $(document).on("click", ".requestMovie", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var buttonId = e.target.id; if ($("#" + buttonId).attr('disabled')) { return; } $("#" + buttonId).prop("disabled", true); loadingButton(buttonId, "primary"); var $form = $('#form' + buttonId); var type = $form.prop('method'); var url = $form.prop('action'); var data = $form.serialize(); sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId); }); function sendRequestAjax(data, type, url, buttonId) { $.ajax({ type: type, url: url, data: data, dataType: "json", success: function (response) { console.log(response); if (response.result === true) { generateNotify("Success!", "success"); $('#' + buttonId).html(" Requested"); $('#' + buttonId).removeClass("btn-primary-outline"); $('#' + buttonId).removeAttr("data-toggle"); $('#' + buttonId).addClass("btn-success-outline"); } else { generateNotify(response.message, "warning"); $('#' + buttonId).html(" Request"); $('#' + buttonId).attr("data-toggle", "dropdown"); $("#" + buttonId).removeAttr("disabled"); } }, error: function (e) { console.log(e); generateNotify("Something went wrong!", "danger"); } }); } function movieSearch() { $("#movieList").html(""); var query = $("#movieSearchContent").val(); $.ajax("/search/movie/" + query).success(function (results) { if (results.length > 0) { results.forEach(function(result) { var context = buildMovieContext(result); var html = searchTemplate(context); $("#movieList").append(html); }); } $('#movieSearchButton').attr("class","fa fa-search"); }); }; function tvSearch() { $("#tvList").html(""); var query = $("#tvSearchContent").val(); $.ajax("/search/tv/" + query).success(function (results) { if (results.length > 0) { results.forEach(function(result) { var context = buildTvShowContext(result); var html = searchTemplate(context); $("#tvList").append(html); }); } $('#tvSearchButton').attr("class", "fa fa-search"); }); }; function buildMovieContext(result) { var date = new Date(result.releaseDate); var year = date.getFullYear(); var context = { posterPath: result.posterPath, id: result.id, title: result.title, overview: result.overview, voteCount: result.voteCount, voteAverage: result.voteAverage, year: year, type: "movie", imdb: result.imdbId }; return context; } function buildTvShowContext(result) { var date = new Date(result.firstAired); var year = date.getFullYear(); var context = { posterPath: result.banner, id: result.id, title: result.seriesName, overview: result.overview, year: year, type: "tv", imdb: result.imdbId }; return context; }