using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using Nancy; using Nancy.Extensions; using Nancy.Responses.Negotiation; using Nancy.Security; using NLog; using PlexRequests.Api; using PlexRequests.Core; using PlexRequests.Core.Models; using PlexRequests.Core.SettingModels; using PlexRequests.Helpers; using PlexRequests.Services.Interfaces; using PlexRequests.Services.Notification; using PlexRequests.Store; using PlexRequests.UI.Helpers; using PlexRequests.UI.Models; namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules { public class IssuesModule : BaseAuthModule { public IssuesModule(ISettingsService pr, IIssueService issueService, IRequestService request, INotificationService n) : base("issues", pr) { IssuesService = issueService; RequestService = request; NotificationService = n; Get["/"] = x => Index(); Get["/{id}", true] = async (x, ct) => await Details(; Post["/issue", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportRequestIssue((int)Request.Form.requestId, (IssueState)(int)Request.Form.issue, null); Get["/pending", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetIssues(IssueStatus.PendingIssue); Get["/resolved", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetIssues(IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); Post["/remove", true] = async (x, ct) => await RemoveIssue((int)Request.Form.issueId); Post["/resolvedUpdate", true] = async (x, ct) => await ChangeStatus((int)Request.Form.issueId, IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); Post["/clear", true] = async (x, ct) => await ClearIssue((int)Request.Form.issueId, (IssueState)(int)Request.Form.issue); Get["/issuecount", true] = async (x, ct) => await IssueCount(); Get["/tabCount", true] = async (x, ct) => await TabCount(); Post["/issuecomment", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportRequestIssue((int)Request.Form.providerId, IssueState.Other, (string)Request.Form.commentArea); Post["/nonrequestissue", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportNonRequestIssue((int)Request.Form.providerId, (string)Request.Form.type, (IssueState)(int)Request.Form.issue, null); Post["/nonrequestissuecomment", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportNonRequestIssue((int)Request.Form.providerId, (string)Request.Form.type, IssueState.Other, (string)Request.Form.commentArea); Post["/addnote", true] = async (x, ct) => await AddNote((int)Request.Form.requestId, (string)Request.Form.noteArea, (IssueState)(int)Request.Form.issue); } private IIssueService IssuesService { get; } private IRequestService RequestService { get; } private INotificationService NotificationService { get; } private static Logger Log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); public Negotiator Index() { return View["Index"]; } private async Task GetIssues(IssueStatus status) { var issues = await IssuesService.GetAllAsync(); issues = await FilterIssuesAsync(issues, status == IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); var issuesModels = issues as IssuesModel[] ?? issues.Where(x => x.IssueStatus == status).ToArray(); var viewModel = new List(); foreach (var i in issuesModels) { var model = new IssuesViewModel { Id = i.Id, RequestId = i.RequestId, Title = i.Title, Type = i.Type.ToString().ToCamelCaseWords(), Admin = IsAdmin }; // Create a string with all of the current issue states with a "," delimiter in e.g. Wrong Content, Playback Issues var state = i.Issues.Select(x => x.Issue).ToArray(); var issueState = string.Empty; for (var j = 0; j < state.Length; j++) { var word = state[j].ToString().ToCamelCaseWords(); if (j != state.Length - 1) { issueState += $"{word}, "; } else { issueState += word; } } model.Issues = issueState; viewModel.Add(model); } return Response.AsJson(viewModel); } public async Task IssueCount() { var issues = await IssuesService.GetAllAsync(); var myIssues = await FilterIssuesAsync(issues); var count = myIssues.Count(); return Response.AsJson(count); } public async Task TabCount() { var issues = await IssuesService.GetAllAsync(); var myIssues = await FilterIssuesAsync(issues); var count = new List(); var issuesModels = myIssues as IssuesModel[] ?? myIssues.ToArray(); var pending = issuesModels.Where(x => x.IssueStatus == IssueStatus.PendingIssue); var resolved = issuesModels.Where(x => x.IssueStatus == IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); count.Add(new { Name = IssueStatus.PendingIssue, Count = pending.Count() }); count.Add(new { Name = IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue, Count = resolved.Count() }); return Response.AsJson(count); } public async Task Details(int id) { var issue = await IssuesService.GetAsync(id); if (issue == null) return Index(); issue = Order(issue); var m = new IssuesDetailsViewModel { Issues = issue.Issues, RequestId = issue.RequestId, Title = issue.Title, IssueStatus = issue.IssueStatus, Deleted = issue.Deleted, Type = issue.Type, ProviderId = issue.ProviderId, PosterUrl = issue.PosterUrl, Id = issue.Id }; return View["Details", m]; } private async Task ReportRequestIssue(int requestId, IssueState issue, string comment) { var model = new IssueModel { Issue = issue, UserReported = Username, UserNote = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) ? $"{Username} - {comment}" : string.Empty, }; var request = await RequestService.GetAsync(requestId); var issueEntity = await IssuesService.GetAllAsync(); var existingIssue = issueEntity.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RequestId == requestId); var notifyModel = new NotificationModel { User = Username, NotificationType = NotificationType.Issue, Title = request.Title, DateTime = DateTime.Now, Body = issue == IssueState.Other ? comment : issue.ToString().ToCamelCaseWords() }; // An issue already exists if (existingIssue != null) { if (existingIssue.Issues.Any(x => x.Issue == issue)) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "This issue has already been reported!" }); } existingIssue.Issues.Add(model); var result = await IssuesService.UpdateIssueAsync(existingIssue); await NotificationService.Publish(notifyModel); return Response.AsJson(result ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false }); } // New issue var issues = new IssuesModel { Title = request.Title, PosterUrl = request.PosterPath, RequestId = requestId, Type = request.Type, IssueStatus = IssueStatus.PendingIssue }; issues.Issues.Add(model); var issueId = await IssuesService.AddIssueAsync(issues); request.IssueId = issueId; await RequestService.UpdateRequestAsync(request); await NotificationService.Publish(notifyModel); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } private async Task ReportNonRequestIssue(int providerId, string type, IssueState issue, string comment) { var currentIssues = await IssuesService.GetAllAsync(); var notifyModel = new NotificationModel { User = Username, NotificationType = NotificationType.Issue, DateTime = DateTime.Now, Body = issue == IssueState.Other ? comment : issue.ToString().ToCamelCaseWords() }; var model = new IssueModel { Issue = issue, UserReported = Username, UserNote = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) ? $"{Username} - {comment}" : string.Empty, }; var existing = currentIssues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProviderId == providerId && !x.Deleted && x.IssueStatus == IssueStatus.PendingIssue); if (existing != null) { existing.Issues.Add(model); await IssuesService.UpdateIssueAsync(existing); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } if (type == "movie") { var movieApi = new TheMovieDbApi(); var result = await movieApi.GetMovieInformation(providerId); if (result != null) { notifyModel.Title = result.Title; // New issue var issues = new IssuesModel { Title = result.Title, PosterUrl = "" + result.PosterPath, ProviderId = providerId, Type = RequestType.Movie, IssueStatus = IssueStatus.PendingIssue }; issues.Issues.Add(model); var issueId = await IssuesService.AddIssueAsync(issues); await NotificationService.Publish(notifyModel); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } } if (type == "tv") { var tv = new TvMazeApi(); var result = tv.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(providerId); if (result != null) { var banner = result.image?.medium; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner)) { banner = banner.Replace("http", "https"); } notifyModel.Title =; // New issue var issues = new IssuesModel { Title =, PosterUrl = banner, ProviderId = providerId, Type = RequestType.TvShow, IssueStatus = IssueStatus.PendingIssue }; issues.Issues.Add(model); var issueId = await IssuesService.AddIssueAsync(issues); await NotificationService.Publish(notifyModel); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } } return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Album Reports are not supported yet!"}); } /// /// Filters the issues. Checks to see if we have set UsersCanViewOnlyOwnIssues in the database and filters upon the user logged in and that setting. /// /// The issues. private async Task> FilterIssuesAsync(IEnumerable issues, bool showResolved = false) { var settings = await PlexRequestSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); IEnumerable myIssues; // Is the user an Admin? If so show everything if (IsAdmin) { var issuesModels = issues as IssuesModel[] ?? issues.ToArray(); myIssues = issuesModels.Where(x => x.Deleted == false); if (!showResolved) { myIssues = issuesModels.Where(x => x.IssueStatus != IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); } } else if (settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnIssues) // The user is not an Admin, do we have the settings to hide them? { if (!showResolved) { myIssues = issues.Where( x => x.Issues.Any(i => i.UserReported.Equals(Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) && x.Deleted == false && x.IssueStatus != IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); } else { myIssues = issues.Where( x => x.Issues.Any(i => i.UserReported.Equals(Username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) && x.Deleted == false); } } else // Looks like the user is not an admin and there is no settings set. { var issuesModels = issues as IssuesModel[] ?? issues.ToArray(); myIssues = issuesModels.Where(x => x.Deleted == false); if (!showResolved) { myIssues = issuesModels.Where(x => x.IssueStatus != IssueStatus.ResolvedIssue); } } return myIssues; } private async Task RemoveIssue(int issueId) { try { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); var issue = await IssuesService.GetAsync(issueId); var request = await RequestService.GetAsync(issue.RequestId); if (request.Id > 0) { request.IssueId = 0; // No issue; var result = await RequestService.UpdateRequestAsync(request); if (result) { await IssuesService.DeleteIssueAsync(issueId); } } else { await IssuesService.DeleteIssueAsync(issueId); } return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel() { Result = false, Message = "Could not delete issue! Check the logs."}); } } private async Task ChangeStatus(int issueId, IssueStatus status) { try { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); var issue = await IssuesService.GetAsync(issueId); issue.IssueStatus = status; var result = await IssuesService.UpdateIssueAsync(issue); return result ? await Details(issueId) : View["Index"]; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); return View["Index"]; } } private async Task ClearIssue(int issueId, IssueState state) { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); var issue = await IssuesService.GetAsync(issueId); var toRemove = issue.Issues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Issue == state); issue.Issues.Remove(toRemove); var result = await IssuesService.UpdateIssueAsync(issue); return result ? await Details(issueId) : View["Index"]; } private async Task AddNote(int requestId, string noteArea, IssueState state) { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); var issue = await IssuesService.GetAsync(requestId); if (issue == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Issue does not exist to add a note!" }); } var toAddNote = issue.Issues.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Issue == state); if (toAddNote != null) { issue.Issues.Remove(toAddNote); toAddNote.AdminNote = noteArea; issue.Issues.Add(toAddNote); } var result = await IssuesService.UpdateIssueAsync(issue); return Response.AsJson(result ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not update the notes, please try again or check the logs" }); } /// /// Orders the issues descending by the . /// /// The issues. /// private IssuesModel Order(IssuesModel issues) { issues.Issues = issues.Issues.OrderByDescending(x => x.Issue).ToList(); return issues; } } }