import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { UntypedFormBuilder, FormControl, UntypedFormGroup, Validators } from "@angular/forms"; import { SonarrFacade } from "app/state/sonarr/sonarr.facade"; import { finalize, map } from "rxjs"; import { ILanguageProfiles, ISonarrProfile, ISonarrRootFolder, ITag } from "../../interfaces"; import { ISonarrSettings } from "../../interfaces"; import { SonarrService } from "../../services"; import { TesterService } from "../../services"; import { NotificationService } from "../../services"; @Component({ templateUrl: "./sonarr.component.html", styleUrls: ["./sonarr.component.scss"] }) export class SonarrComponent implements OnInit { public qualities: ISonarrProfile[]; public qualitiesAnime: ISonarrProfile[]; public rootFolders: ISonarrRootFolder[]; public rootFoldersAnime: ISonarrRootFolder[]; public languageProfiles: ILanguageProfiles[]; public languageProfilesAnime: ILanguageProfiles[]; public tags: ITag[]; public animeTags: ITag[]; public selectedRootFolder: ISonarrRootFolder; public selectedQuality: ISonarrProfile; public selectedLanguageProfiles: ILanguageProfiles; public profilesRunning: boolean; public rootFoldersRunning: boolean; public tagsRunning: boolean; public langRunning: boolean; public form: UntypedFormGroup; public advanced = false; public sonarrVersion: string; formErrors: any; public sonarrState$ = this.sonarrFacade.sonarrState$(); constructor(private sonarrService: SonarrService, private notificationService: NotificationService, private testerService: TesterService, private fb: UntypedFormBuilder, private sonarrFacade: SonarrFacade){} onFormValuesChanged() { for ( const field in this.formErrors ) { if ( !this.formErrors.hasOwnProperty(field) ) { continue; } // Clear previous errors this.formErrors[field] = {}; // Get the control const control = this.form.get(field); if ( control && control.dirty && !control.valid && control.value === "Please Select") { this.formErrors[field] = control.errors; } } } public ngOnInit() { this.sonarrFacade.sonarrState$() .subscribe(({settings, version}) => { this.form ={ enabled: [settings.enabled], apiKey: [settings.apiKey, [Validators.required]], qualityProfile: [settings.qualityProfile, [Validators.required, validateProfile]], rootPath: [settings.rootPath, [Validators.required, validateProfile]], qualityProfileAnime: [settings.qualityProfileAnime], rootPathAnime: [settings.rootPathAnime], ssl: [settings.ssl], subDir: [settings.subDir], ip: [settings.ip, [Validators.required]], port: [settings.port, [Validators.required]], addOnly: [settings.addOnly], seasonFolders: [settings.seasonFolders], languageProfile: [settings.languageProfile], languageProfileAnime: [settings.languageProfileAnime], scanForAvailability: [settings.scanForAvailability], sendUserTags: [settings.sendUserTags], tag: [settings.tag], animeTag: [settings.animeTag] }); this.rootFolders = []; this.qualities = []; this.languageProfiles = []; this.tags = []; this.animeTags = []; if (version.length > 0) { this.sonarrVersion = version[0]; } if (settings.qualityProfile) { this.getProfiles(this.form); } if (settings.rootPath) { this.getRootFolders(this.form); } if (settings.languageProfile && this.sonarrVersion === "3") { this.getLanguageProfiles(this.form); } if (settings.tag || settings.animeTag) { this.getTags(this.form); } this.formErrors ={ apiKey: {}, qualityProfile: {}, rootPath: {}, ip: {}, port: {}, }; this.onFormValuesChanged(); }); this.rootFolders.push({ path: "Please Select", id: -1 }); this.qualities.push({ name: "Please Select", id: -1 }); this.languageProfiles.push({ name: "Please Select", id: -1 }); this.animeTags.push({label: "None", id: -1}); this.tags.push({label: "None", id: -1}); } public getProfiles(form: UntypedFormGroup) { this.profilesRunning = true; this.sonarrService.getQualityProfiles(form.value) .subscribe(x => { this.qualities = x; this.qualitiesAnime = x; this.qualities.unshift({ name: "Please Select", id: -1 }); this.profilesRunning = false; this.notificationService.success("Successfully retrieved the Quality Profiles"); }); } public getRootFolders(form: UntypedFormGroup) { this.rootFoldersRunning = true; this.sonarrService.getRootFolders(form.value) .subscribe(x => { this.rootFolders = x; this.rootFolders.unshift({ path: "Please Select", id: -1 }); this.rootFoldersAnime = x; this.rootFoldersRunning = false; this.notificationService.success("Successfully retrieved the Root Folders"); }); } public getLanguageProfiles(form: UntypedFormGroup) { this.langRunning = true; this.sonarrService.getV3LanguageProfiles(form.value) .subscribe(x => { this.languageProfiles = x; this.languageProfilesAnime = x; this.langRunning = false; this.notificationService.success("Successfully retrieved the Language Profiles"); }); } public getTags(form: UntypedFormGroup) { this.tagsRunning = true; this.sonarrService.getTags(form.value).pipe( finalize(() => { this.tagsRunning = false; this.animeTags.unshift({ label: "None", id: -1 }); this.tags.unshift({ label: "None", id: -1 }); this.notificationService.success("Successfully retrieved the Tags"); }), map(result => { this.tags = result; this.tags.forEach(val => this.animeTags.push(Object.assign({}, val))); }) ).subscribe() } public test(form: UntypedFormGroup) { const settings = form.value; this.testerService.sonarrTest(settings).subscribe(result => { if (result.isValid) { this.sonarrVersion = result.version[0]; this.notificationService.success("Successfully connected to Sonarr!"); } else if (result.expectedSubDir) { this.notificationService.error("Your Sonarr Base URL must be set to " + result.expectedSubDir); } else { this.notificationService.error("We could not connect to Sonarr!"); } }); } public onSubmit(form: UntypedFormGroup) { if (form.invalid) { this.notificationService.error("Please check your entered values"); return; } if (form.controls.defaultQualityProfile) { if (form.controls.defaultQualityProfile.value === "-1") { this.notificationService.error("Please check your entered values"); } } if (form.controls.defaultRootPath) { if (form.controls.defaultRootPath.value === "Please Select") { this.notificationService.error("Please check your entered values"); } } if (form.controls.languageProfile) { if (form.controls.languageProfile.value === "Please Select") { this.notificationService.error("Please check your entered values"); } } if (form.controls.animeTag.value == -1) { form.controls.animeTag.setValue(null); } if (form.controls.tag.value == -1) { form.controls.tag.setValue(null); } this.sonarrFacade.updateSettings(form.value) .subscribe(x => { if (x) { this.notificationService.success("Successfully saved Sonarr settings"); } else { this.notificationService.error("There was an error when saving the Sonarr settings"); } }); } } function validateProfile(qualityProfile): { [key: string]:boolean } | null { if (qualityProfile.value !== undefined && (isNaN(qualityProfile.value) || qualityProfile.value == -1)) { return { 'profileValidation': true }; } return null; }