@inherits Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor.NancyRazorViewBase @Html.Partial("Shared/Partial/_Sidebar")
@foreach (var record in Model.JobRecorder) { }
Job Name Last Run
@record.Key @record.Value.ToString("R")

Scheduler Settings Please note, you will need to restart for these settings to take effect @if (Model.Plex) {
Please note, the minimum time for this to run is 11 hours, if set below 11 then we will ignore that value. This is a very resource intensive job, the less we run it the better.
} @if (Model.Emby) {
Please note, this will not reset the users request limit, it will just check every @Model.UserRequestLimitResetter hours to see if it needs to be reset.
Please note, this uses a Quartz CRON job, you can build a CRON Here