@using Ombi.UI.Helpers @inherits Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor.NancyRazorViewBase @Html.Partial("Shared/Partial/_Sidebar") @{ int port; if (Model.Port == 0) { port = 3579; } else { port = Model.Port; } var baseUrl = Html.GetBaseUrl(); var formAction = "/admin"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl.ToHtmlString())) { formAction = "/" + baseUrl.ToHtmlString() + formAction; } }
Ombi Configuration
You will have to restart after changing the port.
You will have to restart after changing the base url.
@Html.Checkbox(Model.SearchForMovies,"SearchForMovies","Search for Movies") @Html.Checkbox(Model.SearchForActors,"SearchForActors","Search for Movies by Actor") @Html.Checkbox(Model.SearchForTvShows, "SearchForTvShows", "Search for TV Shows") @Html.Checkbox(Model.SearchForMusic, "SearchForMusic", "Search for Music")
@if (Model.DisableTvRequestsByEpisode) { } else { }
@if (Model.DisableTvRequestsBySeason) { } else { }
@if (Model.IgnoreNotifyForAutoApprovedRequests) { } else { }
@if (Model.CollectAnalyticData) { } else { }
@if (Model.EnableCustomDonationUrl) { } else { }

If the request limits are set to 0 then no request limit is applied.