using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AutoMapper; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Ombi.Api.Plex; using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb.Models; using Ombi.Attributes; using Ombi.Core.Authentication; using Ombi.Core.Engine; using Ombi.Core.Engine.Interfaces; using Ombi.Core.Helpers; using Ombi.Core.Models.UI; using Ombi.Core.Services; using Ombi.Core.Settings; using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External; using Ombi.Helpers; using Ombi.Models; using Ombi.Models.Identity; using Ombi.Notifications; using Ombi.Notifications.Models; using Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Ombi; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.Notifications; using Ombi.Store.Entities; using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests; using Ombi.Store.Repository; using Ombi.Store.Repository.Requests; using IdentityResult = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IdentityResult; using OmbiIdentityResult = Ombi.Models.Identity.IdentityResult; namespace Ombi.Controllers.V1 { /// /// /// The Identity Controller, the API for everything Identity/User related /// [ApiV1] [Produces("application/json")] [ApiController] public class IdentityController : BaseController { public IdentityController(OmbiUserManager user, RoleManager rm, IEmailProvider prov, ISettingsService s, ISettingsService c, ISettingsService ombiSettings, IWelcomeEmail welcome, ILogger l, IPlexApi plexApi, ISettingsService settings, ISettingsService umSettings, IRepository notificationPreferences, IRepository userProfiles, IUserDeletionEngine deletionEngine, IRequestLimitService requestLimitService, ICacheService cacheService) { UserManager = user; RoleManager = rm; EmailProvider = prov; EmailSettings = s; CustomizationSettings = c; WelcomeEmail = welcome; _log = l; _plexApi = plexApi; _plexSettings = settings; OmbiSettings = ombiSettings; _userManagementSettings = umSettings; _userNotificationPreferences = notificationPreferences; _userQualityProfiles = userProfiles; _deletionEngine = deletionEngine; _requestLimitService = requestLimitService; _cacheService = cacheService; } private OmbiUserManager UserManager { get; } private readonly IUserDeletionEngine _deletionEngine; private readonly IRequestLimitService _requestLimitService; private readonly ICacheService _cacheService; private RoleManager RoleManager { get; } private IEmailProvider EmailProvider { get; } private ISettingsService EmailSettings { get; } private ISettingsService CustomizationSettings { get; } private readonly ISettingsService _userManagementSettings; private ISettingsService OmbiSettings { get; } private IWelcomeEmail WelcomeEmail { get; } private readonly ILogger _log; private readonly IPlexApi _plexApi; private readonly ISettingsService _plexSettings; private readonly IRepository _userNotificationPreferences; private readonly IRepository _userQualityProfiles; /// /// This is what the Wizard will call when creating the user for the very first time. /// This should never be called after this. /// The reason why we return false if users exists is that this method doesn't have any /// authorization and could be called from anywhere. /// /// We have [AllowAnonymous] since when going through the wizard we do not have a JWT Token yet /// /// [HttpPost("Wizard")] [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] [AllowAnonymous] public async Task CreateWizardUser([FromBody] CreateUserWizardModel user) { var users = UserManager.Users; // There could be a SINGLE plex user as you can create that in the wizard flow, but there should not be anything else var plexUsersCount = await users.CountAsync(x => x.UserType == UserType.PlexUser); if (plexUsersCount > 1 || users.Any(x => x.UserType == UserType.LocalUser)) { // No one should be calling this. Only the wizard return new SaveWizardResult { Result = false, Errors = new List { "Looks like there is an existing user!" } }; } if (user.UsePlexAdminAccount) { var settings = await _plexSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var authToken = settings.Servers.FirstOrDefault()?.PlexAuthToken ?? string.Empty; if (authToken.IsNullOrEmpty()) { _log.LogWarning("Could not find an auth token to create the plex user with"); return new SaveWizardResult { Result = false }; } var plexUser = await _plexApi.GetAccount(authToken); var adminUser = new OmbiUser { UserName = plexUser.user.username, UserType = UserType.PlexUser, Email =, ProviderUserId =, StreamingCountry = "US" // Default }; await _userManagementSettings.SaveSettingsAsync(new UserManagementSettings { ImportPlexAdmin = true }); return await SaveWizardUser(user, adminUser, false); } var userToCreate = new OmbiUser { UserName = user.Username, UserType = UserType.LocalUser, StreamingCountry = "US" }; return await SaveWizardUser(user, userToCreate, true); } private async Task SaveWizardUser(CreateUserWizardModel user, OmbiUser userToCreate, bool completeWizard) { IdentityResult result; var retVal = new SaveWizardResult(); // When creating the admin as the plex user, we do not pass in the password. if (user.Password.HasValue()) { result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(userToCreate, user.Password); } else { result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(userToCreate); } if (result.Succeeded) { _log.LogInformation("Created User {0}", userToCreate.UserName); await CreateRoles(); _log.LogInformation("Created the roles"); var roleResult = await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(userToCreate, OmbiRoles.Admin); if (!roleResult.Succeeded) { LogErrors(roleResult); } else { _log.LogInformation("Added the Admin role"); } if (completeWizard) { // Update the wizard flag var settings = await OmbiSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); settings.Wizard = true; await OmbiSettings.SaveSettingsAsync(settings); } } if (!result.Succeeded) { LogErrors(result); retVal.Errors.AddRange(result.Errors.Select(x => x.Description)); } retVal.Result = result.Succeeded; return retVal; } private void LogErrors(IdentityResult result) { foreach (var err in result.Errors) { _log.LogCritical(err.Description); } } private async Task CreateRoles() { await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.AutoApproveMovie); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.Admin); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.AutoApproveTv); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.AutoApproveMusic); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.RequestMusic); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.PowerUser); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.RequestMovie); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.RequestTv); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.Disabled); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.ReceivesNewsletter); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.ManageOwnRequests); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.EditCustomPage); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.EditCustomPage); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.Request4KMovie); await CreateRole(OmbiRoles.AutoApprove4KMovie); } private async Task CreateRole(string role) { if (!await RoleManager.RoleExistsAsync(role)) { await RoleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); } } /// /// Gets all users. /// /// Information about all users [HttpGet("Users")] [PowerUser] public async Task> GetAllUsers() { var users = await UserManager.Users.Where(x => x.UserType != UserType.SystemUser) .ToListAsync(); var model = new List(); foreach (var user in users) { model.Add(await GetUserWithRoles(user)); } return model.OrderBy(x => x.UserName); } /// /// Gets all users for dropdown purposes. /// /// Basic Information about all users [HttpGet("dropdown/Users")] [PowerUser] public async Task> GetAllUsersDropdown() { var users = await _cacheService.GetOrAddAsync(CacheKeys.UsersDropdown, () => UserManager.Users.Where(x => x.UserType != UserType.SystemUser).ToListAsync()); var model = new List(); foreach (var user in users) { model.Add(new UserViewModelDropdown { Id = user.Id, Username = user.UserName, Email = user.Email }); } return model.OrderBy(x => x.Username); } /// /// Gets the current logged in user. /// /// Information about all users [HttpGet] [Authorize] public async Task GetCurrentUser() { var username = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedUserName == username); return await GetUserWithRoles(user); } /// /// Sets the current users language /// [HttpPost("language")] [Authorize] public async Task SetCurrentUserLanguage([FromBody] UserLanguage model) { var username = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedUserName == username); user.Language = model.Lang; await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user); return Ok(); } /// /// Returns the supported country codes that we have streaming data for /// [HttpGet("streamingcountry")] [Authorize] public IActionResult GetSupportedStreamingCountries() { var resultsProp = typeof(Results).GetProperties(); return Json(resultsProp.Select(x => x.Name)); } /// /// Sets the current users country streaming preference /// [HttpPost("streamingcountry")] [Authorize] public async Task SetCurrentUserCountryStreaming([FromBody] CountryStreamingPreference model) { var username = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedUserName == username); user.StreamingCountry = model.Code; await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user); return Ok(); } /// /// Gets the user by the user id. /// /// Information about the user [HttpGet("User/{id}")] [PowerUser] public async Task GetUser(string id) { var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id); return await GetUserWithRoles(user); } private async Task GetUserWithRoles(OmbiUser user) { var userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(user); var vm = new UserViewModel { Alias = user.Alias, UserName = user.UserName, Id = user.Id, EmailAddress = user.Email, UserType = (Core.Models.UserType)(int)user.UserType, Claims = new List(), LastLoggedIn = user.LastLoggedIn, HasLoggedIn = user.LastLoggedIn.HasValue, EpisodeRequestLimit = user.EpisodeRequestLimit ?? 0, MovieRequestLimit = user.MovieRequestLimit ?? 0, MusicRequestLimit = user.MusicRequestLimit ?? 0, MovieRequestLimitType = user.MovieRequestLimitType ?? RequestLimitType.Week, EpisodeRequestLimitType = user.EpisodeRequestLimitType ?? RequestLimitType.Week, MusicRequestLimitType = user.MusicRequestLimitType ?? RequestLimitType.Week, Language = user.Language, StreamingCountry = user.StreamingCountry }; foreach (var role in userRoles) { vm.Claims.Add(new ClaimCheckboxes { Value = role, Enabled = true }); } // Add the missing claims var allRoles = await RoleManager.Roles.ToListAsync(); var missing = allRoles.Select(x => x.Name).Except(userRoles); foreach (var role in missing) { vm.Claims.Add(new ClaimCheckboxes { Value = role, Enabled = false }); } if (vm.EpisodeRequestLimit > 0) { vm.EpisodeRequestQuota = await _requestLimitService.GetRemainingTvRequests(user); } if (vm.MovieRequestLimit > 0) { vm.MovieRequestQuota = await _requestLimitService.GetRemainingMovieRequests(user); } if (vm.MusicRequestLimit > 0) { vm.MusicRequestQuota = await _requestLimitService.GetRemainingMusicRequests(user); } // Get the quality profiles vm.UserQualityProfiles = await _userQualityProfiles.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserId == user.Id); if (vm.UserQualityProfiles == null) { vm.UserQualityProfiles = new UserQualityProfiles { UserId = user.Id }; } return vm; } /// /// Creates the user. /// /// The user. /// [HttpPost] [PowerUser] public async Task CreateUser([FromBody] UserViewModel user) { if (!EmailValidator.IsValidEmail(user.EmailAddress)) { return Error($"The email address {user.EmailAddress} is not a valid format"); } if (!CanModifyUser(user.Claims.Select(x => x.Value))) { return Error("You do not have the correct permissions to create this user"); } if(user.EmailAddress.HasValue() && await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(user.EmailAddress) != null) { return Error("This email has already been taken"); } var ombiUser = new OmbiUser { Alias = user.Alias, Email = user.EmailAddress, UserName = user.UserName, UserType = UserType.LocalUser, MovieRequestLimit = user.MovieRequestLimit, EpisodeRequestLimit = user.EpisodeRequestLimit, MusicRequestLimit = user.MusicRequestLimit, UserAccessToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), StreamingCountry = user.StreamingCountry.HasValue() ? user.StreamingCountry : "US" }; var userResult = await UserManager.CreateAsync(ombiUser, user.Password); if (!userResult.Succeeded) { // We did not create the user return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = userResult.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList() }; } var roleResult = await AddRoles(user.Claims, ombiUser); if (roleResult.Any(x => !x.Succeeded)) { var messages = new List(); foreach (var errors in roleResult.Where(x => !x.Succeeded)) { messages.AddRange(errors.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList()); } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = messages }; } // Add the quality profiles if (user.UserQualityProfiles != null) { user.UserQualityProfiles.UserId = ombiUser.Id; await _userQualityProfiles.Add(user.UserQualityProfiles); } else { user.UserQualityProfiles = new UserQualityProfiles { UserId = ombiUser.Id }; } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = true }; } private bool CanModifyUser(IEnumerable roles) { if (roles.Any(x => x.Equals("admin", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))) { // Only Admins can create admins if (!User.IsInRole(OmbiRoles.Admin)) { return false; } } return true; } /// /// This is for the local user to change their details. /// /// /// [HttpPut("local")] [Authorize] public async Task UpdateLocalUser([FromBody] UpdateLocalUserModel ui) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.CurrentPassword)) { return Error("You need to provide your current password to make any changes"); } var changingPass = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.Password) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.ConfirmNewPassword); if (changingPass) { if (!ui.Password.Equals(ui?.ConfirmNewPassword, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { return Error("Passwords do not match"); } } if (!EmailValidator.IsValidEmail(ui.EmailAddress)) { return Error($"The email address {ui.EmailAddress} is not a valid format"); } // Get the user var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == ui.Id); if (user == null) { return Error("The user does not exist"); } // Make sure the pass is ok UserManager.ClientIpAddress = GetRequestIP(); var passwordCheck = await UserManager.CheckPasswordAsync(user, ui.CurrentPassword); if (!passwordCheck) { return Error("Your password is incorrect"); } user.Email = ui.EmailAddress; var updateResult = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user); if (!updateResult.Succeeded) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = updateResult.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList() }; } if (changingPass) { var result = await UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(user, ui.CurrentPassword, ui.Password); if (!result.Succeeded) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = result.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList() }; } } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = true }; } /// /// Updates the user. /// /// The user. /// [HttpPut] [PowerUser] public async Task UpdateUser([FromBody] UserViewModel ui) { if (!EmailValidator.IsValidEmail(ui.EmailAddress)) { return Error($"The email address {ui.EmailAddress} is not a valid format"); } if (!CanModifyUser(ui.Claims.Select(x => x.Value))) { return Error("You do not have the correct permissions to create this user"); } // Get the user var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == ui.Id); user.Alias = ui.Alias; user.Email = ui.EmailAddress; user.MovieRequestLimit = ui.MovieRequestLimit; user.EpisodeRequestLimit = ui.EpisodeRequestLimit; user.MusicRequestLimit = ui.MusicRequestLimit; user.EpisodeRequestLimitType = ui.EpisodeRequestLimitType; user.MusicRequestLimitType = ui.MusicRequestLimitType; user.MovieRequestLimitType = ui.MovieRequestLimitType; if (ui.Password.HasValue()) { user.PasswordHash = UserManager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(user, ui.Password); } if (ui.StreamingCountry.HasValue()) { user.StreamingCountry = ui.StreamingCountry; } var updateResult = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user); if (!updateResult.Succeeded) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = updateResult.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList() }; } // Get the roles var userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(user); // Am I modifying myself? var modifyingSelf = user.UserName.Equals(User.Identity.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (var role in userRoles) { if (modifyingSelf && role.Equals(OmbiRoles.Admin)) { // We do not want to remove the admin role from yourself, this must be an accident var claim = ui.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == OmbiRoles.Admin && x.Enabled); ui.Claims.Remove(claim); continue; } await UserManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, role); } var result = await AddRoles(ui.Claims, user); if (result.Any(x => !x.Succeeded)) { var messages = new List(); foreach (var errors in result.Where(x => !x.Succeeded)) { messages.AddRange(errors.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList()); } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = messages }; } // Add the quality profiles if (ui.UserQualityProfiles != null) { var currentQualityProfiles = await _userQualityProfiles.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserId == user.Id); var add = false; if (currentQualityProfiles == null) { currentQualityProfiles = new UserQualityProfiles { UserId = user.Id }; add = true; } currentQualityProfiles.RadarrQualityProfile = ui.UserQualityProfiles.RadarrQualityProfile; currentQualityProfiles.RadarrRootPath = ui.UserQualityProfiles.RadarrRootPath; currentQualityProfiles.SonarrQualityProfile = ui.UserQualityProfiles.SonarrQualityProfile; currentQualityProfiles.SonarrQualityProfileAnime = ui.UserQualityProfiles.SonarrQualityProfileAnime; currentQualityProfiles.SonarrRootPath = ui.UserQualityProfiles.SonarrRootPath; currentQualityProfiles.SonarrRootPathAnime = ui.UserQualityProfiles.SonarrRootPathAnime; currentQualityProfiles.Radarr4KRootPath = ui.UserQualityProfiles.Radarr4KRootPath; currentQualityProfiles.Radarr4KQualityProfile = ui.UserQualityProfiles.Radarr4KQualityProfile; if (add) { await _userQualityProfiles.Add(currentQualityProfiles); } await _userQualityProfiles.SaveChangesAsync(); } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = true }; } /// /// Deletes the user. /// /// The user. /// [HttpDelete("{userId}")] [PowerUser] public async Task DeleteUser(string userId) { var userToDelete = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == userId); if (userToDelete != null) { // Can we delete this user? var userRoles = await UserManager.GetRolesAsync(userToDelete); if (!CanModifyUser(userRoles)) { return Error("You do not have the correct permissions to delete this user"); } var result = await _deletionEngine.DeleteUser(userToDelete); if (result.Succeeded) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = true }; } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = result.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList() }; } return Error("Could not find user to delete."); } /// /// Gets all available claims in the system. /// /// [HttpGet("claims")] [PowerUser] public async Task> GetAllClaims() { var claims = new List(); // Add the missing claims var allRoles = await RoleManager.Roles.ToListAsync(); var missing = allRoles.Select(x => x.Name); foreach (var role in missing) { claims.Add(new ClaimCheckboxes { Value = role, Enabled = false }); } return claims; } /// /// Send out the email with the reset link /// /// /// [HttpPost("reset")] [AllowAnonymous] [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public async Task SubmitResetPassword([FromBody] SubmitPasswordReset email) { // Check if account exists var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(email.Email); var defaultMessage = new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = true, Errors = new List { "If this account exists you should recieve a password reset link." } }; if (user == null) { return defaultMessage; } var customizationSettings = await CustomizationSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var appName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customizationSettings.ApplicationName) ? "Ombi" : customizationSettings.ApplicationName); var emailSettings = await EmailSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var appUrl = customizationSettings.AddToUrl("/token?token="); var url = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appUrl) ? $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host}/token?token=" : appUrl); if (user.UserType == UserType.PlexUser) { await EmailProvider.SendAdHoc(new NotificationMessage { To = user.Email, Subject = $"{appName} Password Reset", Message = $"You recently made a request to reset your {appName} account. Please click the link below to complete the process.

" + $" Reset " }, emailSettings); } else if (user.UserType == UserType.EmbyUser && user.IsEmbyConnect) { await EmailProvider.SendAdHoc(new NotificationMessage { To = user.Email, Subject = $"{appName} Password Reset", Message = $"You recently made a request to reset your {appName} account.

" + $"To reset your password you need to go to Emby.Media and then click on your Username > Edit Profile > Email and Password" }, emailSettings); } else { // We have the user var token = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var encodedToken = WebUtility.UrlEncode(token); await EmailProvider.SendAdHoc(new NotificationMessage { To = user.Email, Subject = $"{appName} Password Reset", Message = $"You recently made a request to reset your {appName} account. Please click the link below to complete the process.

" + $" Reset " }, emailSettings); } return defaultMessage; } /// /// Resets the password /// /// /// [HttpPost("resetpassword")] [AllowAnonymous] [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public async Task ResetPassword([FromBody] ResetPasswordToken token) { var user = await UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(token.Email); if (user == null) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = false, Errors = new List { "Please check you email." } }; } var validToken = WebUtility.UrlDecode(token.Token); validToken = validToken.Replace(" ", "+"); var tokenValid = await UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, validToken, token.Password); if (tokenValid.Succeeded) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Successful = true, }; } return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = tokenValid.Errors.Select(x => x.Description).ToList() }; } [HttpPost("welcomeEmail")] [PowerUser] public async Task SendWelcomeEmail([FromBody] UserViewModel user) { var ombiUser = new OmbiUser { Alias = user.Alias, Email = user.EmailAddress, UserName = user.UserName }; await WelcomeEmail.SendEmail(ombiUser); return Ok(); } [HttpGet("accesstoken")] [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public async Task GetUserAccessToken() { if (!User.Identity?.Name.HasValue() ?? true) { return Guid.Empty.ToString("N"); } var username = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedUserName == username); if (user == null) { return Guid.Empty.ToString("N"); } if (user.UserAccessToken.IsNullOrEmpty()) { // Let's create an access token for this user user.UserAccessToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var result = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user); if (!result.Succeeded) { LogErrors(result); return Guid.Empty.ToString("N"); } } return user.UserAccessToken; } [HttpGet("accesstoken/{userId}")] [PowerUser] [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)] public async Task GetUserAccessToken(string userId) { var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == userId); if (user == null) { return Guid.Empty.ToString("N"); } if (user.UserAccessToken.IsNullOrEmpty()) { // Let's create an access token for this user user.UserAccessToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var result = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user); if (!result.Succeeded) { LogErrors(result); return Guid.Empty.ToString("N"); } } return user.UserAccessToken; } [HttpGet("notificationpreferences")] public async Task> GetUserPreferences() { var username = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedUserName == username); return await GetPreferences(user); } [HttpGet("notificationpreferences/{userId}")] public async Task> GetUserPreferences(string userId) { var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == userId); return await GetPreferences(user); } private readonly List _excludedAgents = new List { NotificationAgent.Email, NotificationAgent.Mobile, NotificationAgent.Webhook }; private async Task> GetPreferences(OmbiUser user) { var userPreferences = await _userNotificationPreferences.GetAll().Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id).ToListAsync(); var agents = Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotificationAgent)).Cast().Where(x => !_excludedAgents.Contains(x)); foreach (var a in agents) { var agent = userPreferences.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Agent == a); if (agent == null) { // Create the default userPreferences.Add(new UserNotificationPreferences { Agent = a, UserId = user.Id, }); } } return userPreferences; } [HttpPost("NotificationPreferences")] [ProducesResponseType(404)] [ProducesResponseType(401)] public async Task AddUserNotificationPreference([FromBody] List preferences) { foreach (var pref in preferences) { // Make sure the user exists var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == pref.UserId); if (user == null) { return NotFound(); } // Check if we are editing a different user than ourself, if we are then we need to power user role var username = User.Identity.Name.ToUpper(); var me = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedUserName == username); if (!me.Id.Equals(user.Id, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var isPowerUser = await UserManager.IsInRoleAsync(me, OmbiRoles.PowerUser); var isAdmin = await UserManager.IsInRoleAsync(me, OmbiRoles.Admin); if (!isPowerUser && !isAdmin) { return Unauthorized(); } } // Make sure we don't already have a preference for this agent var existingPreference = await _userNotificationPreferences.GetAll() .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.Agent == pref.Agent); if (existingPreference != null) { // Update it existingPreference.Value = pref.Value; await _userNotificationPreferences.SaveChangesAsync(); } else { await _userNotificationPreferences.Add(new UserNotificationPreferences { Agent = pref.Agent, UserId = pref.UserId, Value = pref.Value }); } } return Json(true); } [HttpGet("newsletter/unsubscribe/{userId}")] [AllowAnonymous] public async Task UnsubscribeUser(string userId) { // lookup user var user = await UserManager.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == userId); if (user == null) { return Ok(); } await UserManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, OmbiRoles.ReceivesNewsletter); return Ok(); } private async Task> AddRoles(IEnumerable roles, OmbiUser ombiUser) { var roleResult = new List(); foreach (var role in roles) { if (role.Enabled) { roleResult.Add(await UserManager.AddToRoleAsync(ombiUser, role.Value)); } } return roleResult; } private OmbiIdentityResult Error(string message) { return new OmbiIdentityResult { Errors = new List { message } }; } } }