#region Copyright // /************************************************************************ // Copyright (c) 2016 Jamie Rees // File: RequestsModule.cs // Created By: Jamie Rees // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // ************************************************************************/ #endregion using System; using System.Linq; using Nancy; using Nancy.Responses.Negotiation; using Nancy.Security; using PlexRequests.Core; using PlexRequests.Core.SettingModels; using PlexRequests.Services.Interfaces; using PlexRequests.Services.Notification; using PlexRequests.Store; using PlexRequests.UI.Models; using PlexRequests.Helpers; using PlexRequests.UI.Helpers; using System.Collections.Generic; using PlexRequests.Api.Interfaces; using System.Threading.Tasks; using NLog; using PlexRequests.Core.Models; using PlexRequests.Helpers.Analytics; using Action = PlexRequests.Helpers.Analytics.Action; namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules { public class RequestsBetaModule : BaseAuthModule { public RequestsBetaModule( IRequestService service, ISettingsService prSettings, ISettingsService requestSettings, ISettingsService plex, INotificationService notify, ISettingsService sonarrSettings, ISettingsService sickRageSettings, ISettingsService cpSettings, ICouchPotatoApi cpApi, ISonarrApi sonarrApi, ISickRageApi sickRageApi, ICacheProvider cache, IAnalytics an) : base("requestsbeta", prSettings) { Service = service; PrSettings = prSettings; PlexSettings = plex; NotificationService = notify; SonarrSettings = sonarrSettings; SickRageSettings = sickRageSettings; CpSettings = cpSettings; SonarrApi = sonarrApi; SickRageApi = sickRageApi; CpApi = cpApi; Cache = cache; Analytics = an; Get["/"] = x => LoadRequests(); Get["/plexrequestsettings", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetPlexRequestSettings(); Get["/requestsettings", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetRequestSettings(); Get["/movies", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetMovies(); Get["/movies/{searchTerm}", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetMovies((string)x.searchTerm); // Everything below is not being used in the beta page Get["/tvshows", true] = async (c, ct) => await GetTvShows(); Get["/albums", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetAlbumRequests(); Post["/delete", true] = async (x, ct) => await DeleteRequest((int)Request.Form.id); Post["/reportissue", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportIssue((int)Request.Form.requestId, (IssueState)(int)Request.Form.issue, null); Post["/reportissuecomment", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportIssue((int)Request.Form.requestId, IssueState.Other, (string)Request.Form.commentArea); Post["/clearissues", true] = async (x, ct) => await ClearIssue((int)Request.Form.Id); Post["/changeavailability", true] = async (x, ct) => await ChangeRequestAvailability((int)Request.Form.Id, (bool)Request.Form.Available); } private static Logger Log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private IRequestService Service { get; } private IAnalytics Analytics { get; } private INotificationService NotificationService { get; } private ISettingsService PrSettings { get; } private ISettingsService PlexSettings { get; } private ISettingsService RequestSettings { get; } private ISettingsService SonarrSettings { get; } private ISettingsService SickRageSettings { get; } private ISettingsService CpSettings { get; } private ISonarrApi SonarrApi { get; } private ISickRageApi SickRageApi { get; } private ICouchPotatoApi CpApi { get; } private ICacheProvider Cache { get; } private Negotiator LoadRequests() { return View["Index"]; } private async Task GetPlexRequestSettings() { return Response.AsJson(await PrSettings.GetSettingsAsync()); } private async Task GetRequestSettings() { return Response.AsJson(await RequestSettings.GetSettingsAsync()); } private async Task GetMovies(string searchTerm = null, bool approved = false, bool notApproved = false, bool available = false, bool notAvailable = false, bool released = false, bool notReleased = false) { var dbMovies = await FilterMovies(searchTerm, approved, notApproved, available, notAvailable, released, notReleased); var qualities = await GetQualityProfiles(); var model = MapMoviesToView(dbMovies.ToList(), qualities); return Response.AsJson(model); } private async Task GetTvShows() { var settingsTask = PrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var requests = await Service.GetAllAsync(); requests = requests.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.TvShow); var dbTv = requests; var settings = await settingsTask; if (settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests && !IsAdmin) { dbTv = dbTv.Where(x => x.UserHasRequested(Username)).ToList(); } IEnumerable qualities = new List(); if (IsAdmin) { try { var sonarrSettings = await SonarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (sonarrSettings.Enabled) { var result = Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.SonarrQualityProfiles, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => SonarrApi.GetProfiles(sonarrSettings.ApiKey, sonarrSettings.FullUri)); }); qualities = result.Result.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x.id.ToString(), Name = x.name }).ToList(); } else { var sickRageSettings = await SickRageSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (sickRageSettings.Enabled) { qualities = sickRageSettings.Qualities.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x.Key, Name = x.Value }).ToList(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Info(e); } } var viewModel = dbTv.Select(tv => new RequestViewModel { ProviderId = tv.ProviderId, Type = tv.Type, Status = tv.Status, ImdbId = tv.ImdbId, Id = tv.Id, PosterPath = tv.PosterPath, ReleaseDate = tv.ReleaseDate, ReleaseDateTicks = tv.ReleaseDate.Ticks, RequestedDate = tv.RequestedDate, RequestedDateTicks = DateTimeHelper.OffsetUTCDateTime(tv.RequestedDate, DateTimeOffset).Ticks, Released = DateTime.Now > tv.ReleaseDate, Approved = tv.Available || tv.Approved, Title = tv.Title, Overview = tv.Overview, RequestedUsers = IsAdmin ? tv.AllUsers.ToArray() : new string[] { }, ReleaseYear = tv.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), Available = tv.Available, Admin = IsAdmin, IssueId = tv.IssueId, TvSeriesRequestType = tv.SeasonsRequested, Qualities = qualities.ToArray(), Episodes = tv.Episodes.ToArray(), }).ToList(); return Response.AsJson(viewModel); } private async Task GetAlbumRequests() { var settings = PrSettings.GetSettings(); var dbAlbum = await Service.GetAllAsync(); dbAlbum = dbAlbum.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.Album); if (settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests && !IsAdmin) { dbAlbum = dbAlbum.Where(x => x.UserHasRequested(Username)); } var viewModel = dbAlbum.Select(album => { return new RequestViewModel { ProviderId = album.ProviderId, Type = album.Type, Status = album.Status, ImdbId = album.ImdbId, Id = album.Id, PosterPath = album.PosterPath, ReleaseDate = album.ReleaseDate, ReleaseDateTicks = album.ReleaseDate.Ticks, RequestedDate = album.RequestedDate, RequestedDateTicks = DateTimeHelper.OffsetUTCDateTime(album.RequestedDate, DateTimeOffset).Ticks, Released = DateTime.Now > album.ReleaseDate, Approved = album.Available || album.Approved, Title = album.Title, Overview = album.Overview, RequestedUsers = IsAdmin ? album.AllUsers.ToArray() : new string[] { }, ReleaseYear = album.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), Available = album.Available, Admin = IsAdmin, IssueId = album.IssueId, TvSeriesRequestType = album.SeasonsRequested, MusicBrainzId = album.MusicBrainzId, ArtistName = album.ArtistName }; }).ToList(); return Response.AsJson(viewModel); } private async Task DeleteRequest(int requestid) { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Requests, Action.Delete, "Delete Request", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies)); var currentEntity = await Service.GetAsync(requestid); await Service.DeleteRequestAsync(currentEntity); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } /// /// Reports the issue. /// Comment can be null if the IssueState != Other /// /// The request identifier. /// The issue. /// The comment. /// private async Task ReportIssue(int requestId, IssueState issue, string comment) { var originalRequest = await Service.GetAsync(requestId); if (originalRequest == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not add issue, please try again or contact the administrator!" }); } originalRequest.Issues = issue; originalRequest.OtherMessage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) ? $"{Username} - {comment}" : string.Empty; var result = await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(originalRequest); var model = new NotificationModel { User = Username, NotificationType = NotificationType.Issue, Title = originalRequest.Title, DateTime = DateTime.Now, Body = issue == IssueState.Other ? comment : issue.ToString().ToCamelCaseWords() }; await NotificationService.Publish(model); return Response.AsJson(result ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not add issue, please try again or contact the administrator!" }); } private async Task ClearIssue(int requestId) { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); var originalRequest = await Service.GetAsync(requestId); if (originalRequest == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Request does not exist to clear it!" }); } originalRequest.Issues = IssueState.None; originalRequest.OtherMessage = string.Empty; var result = await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(originalRequest); return Response.AsJson(result ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not clear issue, please try again or check the logs" }); } private async Task ChangeRequestAvailability(int requestId, bool available) { this.RequiresClaims(UserClaims.Admin); Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Requests, Action.Update, available ? "Make request available" : "Make request unavailable", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies)); var originalRequest = await Service.GetAsync(requestId); if (originalRequest == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Request does not exist to change the availability!" }); } originalRequest.Available = available; var result = await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(originalRequest); return Response.AsJson(result ? new { Result = true, Available = available, Message = string.Empty } : new { Result = false, Available = false, Message = "Could not update the availability, please try again or check the logs" }); } private List MapMoviesToView(List dbMovies, List qualities) { return dbMovies.Select(movie => new RequestViewModel { ProviderId = movie.ProviderId, Type = movie.Type, Status = movie.Status, ImdbId = movie.ImdbId, Id = movie.Id, PosterPath = movie.PosterPath, ReleaseDate = movie.ReleaseDate, ReleaseDateTicks = movie.ReleaseDate.Ticks, RequestedDate = movie.RequestedDate, Released = DateTime.Now > movie.ReleaseDate, RequestedDateTicks = DateTimeHelper.OffsetUTCDateTime(movie.RequestedDate, DateTimeOffset).Ticks, Approved = movie.Available || movie.Approved, Title = movie.Title, Overview = movie.Overview, RequestedUsers = IsAdmin ? movie.AllUsers.ToArray() : new string[] { }, ReleaseYear = movie.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), Available = movie.Available, Admin = IsAdmin, IssueId = movie.IssueId, Qualities = qualities.ToArray() }).ToList(); } private async Task> GetQualityProfiles() { var qualities = new List(); if (IsAdmin) { var cpSettings = CpSettings.GetSettings(); if (cpSettings.Enabled) { try { var result = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.CouchPotatoQualityProfiles, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => CpApi.GetProfiles(cpSettings.FullUri, cpSettings.ApiKey)).ConfigureAwait(false); }); if (result != null) { qualities = result.list.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x._id, Name = x.label }).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Info(e); } } } return qualities; } private async Task> FilterMovies(string searchTerm = null, bool approved = false, bool notApproved = false, bool available = false, bool notAvailable = false, bool released = false, bool notReleased = false) { var settings = PrSettings.GetSettings(); var allRequests = await Service.GetAllAsync(); allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.Movie); var dbMovies = allRequests; if (settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests && !IsAdmin) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => x.UserHasRequested(Username)); } // Filter the movies on the search term if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => x.Title.Contains(searchTerm)); } if (approved) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => x.Approved); } if (notApproved) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => !x.Approved); } if (available) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => x.Available); } if (notAvailable) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => !x.Available); } if (released) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => DateTime.Now > x.ReleaseDate); } if (notReleased) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => DateTime.Now < x.ReleaseDate); } return dbMovies; } } }