using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Ombi.Api.Discord; using Ombi.Api.Discord.Models; using Ombi.Core.Settings; using Ombi.Helpers; using Ombi.Notifications.Models; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.Notifications; using Ombi.Store.Entities; using Ombi.Store.Repository; using Ombi.Store.Repository.Requests; namespace Ombi.Notifications.Agents { public class DiscordNotification : BaseNotification, IDiscordNotification { public DiscordNotification(IDiscordApi api, ISettingsService sn, ILogger log, INotificationTemplatesRepository r, IMovieRequestRepository m, ITvRequestRepository t, ISettingsService s, IRepository sub, IMusicRequestRepository music, IRepository userPref) : base(sn, r, m, t, s, log, sub, music, userPref) { Api = api; Logger = log; } public override string NotificationName => "DiscordNotification"; private IDiscordApi Api { get; } private ILogger Logger { get; } protected override bool ValidateConfiguration(DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { if (!settings.Enabled) { return false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.WebhookUrl)) { return false; } try { var a = settings.Token; var b = settings.WebHookId; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { return false; } return true; } protected override async Task NewRequest(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.NewRequest); } protected override async Task NewIssue(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.Issue); } protected override async Task IssueComment(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.IssueComment); } protected override async Task IssueResolved(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.IssueResolved); } protected override async Task AddedToRequestQueue(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.ItemAddedToFaultQueue); } protected override async Task RequestDeclined(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.RequestDeclined); } protected override async Task RequestApproved(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.RequestApproved); } protected override async Task AvailableRequest(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { await Run(model, settings, NotificationType.RequestAvailable); } protected override async Task Send(NotificationMessage model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { try { var discordBody = new DiscordWebhookBody { content = model.Message, username = settings.Username, }; var fields = new List(); if (model.Data.TryGetValue("Alias", out var alias)) { if (alias.HasValue()) { fields.Add(new DiscordField { name = "Requested By", value = alias, inline = true }); } } else { if (model.Data.TryGetValue("RequestedUser", out var requestedUser)) { if (requestedUser.HasValue()) { fields.Add(new DiscordField { name = "Requested By", value = requestedUser, inline = true }); } } } if (model.Data.TryGetValue("DenyReason", out var denyReason)) { if (denyReason.HasValue()) { fields.Add(new DiscordField { name = "Denied Reason", value = denyReason, inline = true }); } } string color = null; if (model.Data.TryGetValue("RequestStatus", out var status)) { if (status.HasValue()) { fields.Add(new DiscordField { name = "Status", value = status, inline = true }); color = status switch { "Available" => "51283", "Denied" => "13959168", "Processing Request" => "37354", "Pending Approval" => "16754470", _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(color)) }; } } var author = new DiscordAuthor { iconurl = settings.Icon.HasValue() ? settings.Icon : string.Empty }; if (model.Data.TryGetValue("ApplicationUrl", out var appUrl)) { author.url = appUrl; } if (model.Data.TryGetValue("ApplicationName", out var appName)) { = appName; } var embed = new DiscordEmbeds { fields = fields, author = author, color = color }; if (model.Data.TryGetValue("Title", out var title)) { embed.title = title; } if (model.Data.TryGetValue("Overview", out var overview)) { embed.description = overview; } string image; if (model.Other.TryGetValue("image", out image)) { embed.thumbnail = new DiscordImage { url = image }; } if (model.Data.Any()) { discordBody.embeds = new List { embed }; } await Api.SendMessage(discordBody, settings.WebHookId, settings.Token); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.DiscordNotification, e, "Failed to send Discord Notification"); } } protected override async Task Test(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings) { var message = $"This is a test from Ombi, if you can see this then we have successfully pushed a notification!"; var notification = new NotificationMessage { Message = message, }; await Send(notification, settings); } private async Task Run(NotificationOptions model, DiscordNotificationSettings settings, NotificationType type) { var parsed = await LoadTemplate(NotificationAgent.Discord, type, model); if (parsed.Disabled) { Logger.LogInformation($"Template {type} is disabled for {NotificationAgent.Discord}"); return; } var notification = new NotificationMessage { Message = parsed.Message, Data = parsed.Data.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value) }; notification.Other.Add("image", parsed.Image); await Send(notification, settings); } } }