So what is it?

Plex Requests .Net allows you to host your own Plex Request system.

If you are sharing your Plex server with other users, allow them to request new content using an easy to manage interface!

Manage all your requests for Movies and TV with ease, leave notes for the user and get notification when a user requests something.

Allow your users to post issues against their requests so you know there is a problem with the audio etc.


So what can Plex Requests .Net do?

Usenet applications Integration

Plex Requests.Net is compatible with Sonarr, Sickrage, Couchpotato and Headphones!

Cross Platform

Running Windows, Linux, OSX or some other OS? It's cool, we got it covered.

Plex Integration

We actually check Plex to see if there is content present before actually allowing the user to request!


You can easily request new content for Plex and administer your requests from mobile devices anywhere in the world!


Here are some images of what Plex Requests.Net looks like!


Movie Search

Tv Search

Movie Requests

TV Requests


Holy crap this makes everything much easier thanks a ton for working on this project.


Take a closer look into our amazing team.

Jamie Rees
