#region Copyright // /************************************************************************ // Copyright (c) 2016 Jamie Rees // File: RequestsModule.cs // Created By: Jamie Rees // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // ************************************************************************/ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Nancy; using Nancy.Responses.Negotiation; using NLog; using Ombi.Api.Interfaces; using Ombi.Api.Models.Sonarr; using Ombi.Core; using Ombi.Core.Models; using Ombi.Core.SettingModels; using Ombi.Helpers; using Ombi.Helpers.Analytics; using Ombi.Helpers.Permissions; using Ombi.Services.Interfaces; using Ombi.Services.Notification; using Ombi.Store; using Ombi.UI.Models; using Ombi.UI.Models.Admin; using Ombi.UI.Models.Requests; using Action = Ombi.Helpers.Analytics.Action; using ISecurityExtensions = Ombi.Core.ISecurityExtensions; namespace Ombi.UI.Modules { public class RequestsModule : BaseAuthModule { public RequestsModule( IRequestService service, ISettingsService prSettings, ISettingsService plex, INotificationService notify, ISettingsService sonarrSettings, ISettingsService sickRageSettings, ISettingsService cpSettings, ICouchPotatoApi cpApi, ISonarrApi sonarrApi, ISickRageApi sickRageApi, ICacheProvider cache, IAnalytics an, IPlexNotificationEngine engine, IEmbyNotificationEngine embyEngine, ISecurityExtensions security, ISettingsService customSettings, ISettingsService embyS, ISettingsService radarr, IRadarrApi radarrApi) : base("requests", prSettings, security) { Service = service; PrSettings = prSettings; PlexSettings = plex; NotificationService = notify; SonarrSettings = sonarrSettings; SickRageSettings = sickRageSettings; CpSettings = cpSettings; SonarrApi = sonarrApi; SickRageApi = sickRageApi; CpApi = cpApi; Cache = cache; Analytics = an; PlexNotificationEngine = engine; EmbyNotificationEngine = embyEngine; CustomizationSettings = customSettings; EmbySettings = embyS; Radarr = radarr; RadarrApi = radarrApi; Get["/", true] = async (x, ct) => await LoadRequests(); Get["/movies", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetMovies(); Get["/tvshows", true] = async (c, ct) => await GetTvShows(); Get["/albums", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetAlbumRequests(); Post["/delete", true] = async (x, ct) => await DeleteRequest((int)Request.Form.id); Post["/reportissue", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportIssue((int)Request.Form.requestId, (IssueState)(int)Request.Form.issue, null); Post["/reportissuecomment", true] = async (x, ct) => await ReportIssue((int)Request.Form.requestId, IssueState.Other, (string)Request.Form.commentArea); Post["/clearissues", true] = async (x, ct) => await ClearIssue((int)Request.Form.Id); Post["/changeavailability", true] = async (x, ct) => await ChangeRequestAvailability((int)Request.Form.Id, (bool)Request.Form.Available); Post["/changeRootFoldertv", true] = async (x, ct) => await ChangeRootFolder(RequestType.TvShow, (int)Request.Form.requestId, (int)Request.Form.rootFolderId); Post["/changeRootFoldermovie", true] = async (x, ct) => await ChangeRootFolder(RequestType.Movie, (int)Request.Form.requestId, (int)Request.Form.rootFolderId); Get["/UpdateFilters", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetFilterAndSortSettings(); } private static Logger Log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private IRequestService Service { get; } private IAnalytics Analytics { get; } private INotificationService NotificationService { get; } private ISettingsService PrSettings { get; } private ISettingsService PlexSettings { get; } private ISettingsService SonarrSettings { get; } private ISettingsService SickRageSettings { get; } private ISettingsService CpSettings { get; } private ISettingsService CustomizationSettings { get; } private ISettingsService Radarr { get; } private ISettingsService EmbySettings { get; } private ISonarrApi SonarrApi { get; } private IRadarrApi RadarrApi { get; } private ISickRageApi SickRageApi { get; } private ICouchPotatoApi CpApi { get; } private ICacheProvider Cache { get; } private INotificationEngine PlexNotificationEngine { get; } private INotificationEngine EmbyNotificationEngine { get; } private async Task LoadRequests() { var settings = await PrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var custom = await CustomizationSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); return View["Index", new RequestsIndexViewModel { CustomizationSettings = custom, PlexRequestSettings = settings }]; } private async Task GetMovies() { var allRequests = await Service.GetAllAsync(); allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.Movie); var dbMovies = allRequests.ToList(); if (Security.HasPermissions(User, Permissions.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests) && !IsAdmin) { dbMovies = dbMovies.Where(x => x.UserHasRequested(Username)).ToList(); } List qualities = new List(); var rootFolders = new List(); var radarr = await Radarr.GetSettingsAsync(); if (IsAdmin) { try { var cpSettings = await CpSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (cpSettings.Enabled) { try { var result = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.CouchPotatoQualityProfiles, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => CpApi.GetProfiles(cpSettings.FullUri, cpSettings.ApiKey)) .ConfigureAwait(false); }); if (result != null) { qualities = result.list.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x._id, Name = x.label }).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Info(e); } } if (radarr.Enabled) { var rootFoldersResult = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.RadarrRootFolders, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => RadarrApi.GetRootFolders(radarr.ApiKey, radarr.FullUri)); }); rootFolders = rootFoldersResult.Select( x => new RootFolderModel { Id = x.id.ToString(), Path = x.path, FreeSpace = x.freespace }) .ToList(); var result = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.RadarrQualityProfiles, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => RadarrApi.GetProfiles(radarr.ApiKey, radarr.FullUri)); }); qualities = result.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x.id.ToString(), Name = x.name }).ToList(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); } } var canManageRequest = Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ManageRequests); var allowViewUsers = Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ViewUsers); var viewModel = dbMovies.Select(movie => new RequestViewModel { ProviderId = movie.ProviderId, Type = movie.Type, Status = movie.Status, ImdbId = movie.ImdbId, Id = movie.Id, PosterPath = movie.PosterPath, ReleaseDate = movie.ReleaseDate, ReleaseDateTicks = movie.ReleaseDate.Ticks, RequestedDate = movie.RequestedDate, Released = DateTime.Now > movie.ReleaseDate, RequestedDateTicks = DateTimeHelper.OffsetUTCDateTime(movie.RequestedDate, DateTimeOffset).Ticks, Approved = movie.Available || movie.Approved, Title = movie.Title, Overview = movie.Overview, RequestedUsers = canManageRequest || allowViewUsers ? movie.AllUsers.ToArray() : new string[] { }, ReleaseYear = movie.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), Available = movie.Available, Admin = canManageRequest, IssueId = movie.IssueId, Denied = movie.Denied, DeniedReason = movie.DeniedReason, Qualities = qualities.ToArray(), HasRootFolders = rootFolders.Any(), RootFolders = rootFolders.ToArray(), CurrentRootPath = radarr.Enabled ? GetRootPath(movie.RootFolderSelected, radarr).Result : null }).ToList(); return Response.AsJson(viewModel); } private async Task GetTvShows() { var requests = await Service.GetAllAsync(); requests = requests.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.TvShow); var dbTv = requests; if (Security.HasPermissions(User, Permissions.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests) && !IsAdmin) { dbTv = dbTv.Where(x => x.UserHasRequested(Username)).ToList(); } IEnumerable qualities = new List(); IEnumerable rootFolders = new List(); var sonarrSettings = await SonarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (IsAdmin) { try { if (sonarrSettings.Enabled) { var result = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.SonarrQualityProfiles, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => SonarrApi.GetProfiles(sonarrSettings.ApiKey, sonarrSettings.FullUri)); }); qualities = result.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x.id.ToString(), Name = x.name }).ToList(); var rootFoldersResult = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.SonarrRootFolders, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => SonarrApi.GetRootFolders(sonarrSettings.ApiKey, sonarrSettings.FullUri)); }); rootFolders = rootFoldersResult.Select(x => new RootFolderModel { Id = x.id.ToString(), Path = x.path, FreeSpace = x.freespace }).ToList(); } else { var sickRageSettings = await SickRageSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (sickRageSettings.Enabled) { qualities = sickRageSettings.Qualities.Select(x => new QualityModel { Id = x.Key, Name = x.Value }).ToList(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Info(e); } } var canManageRequest = Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ManageRequests); var allowViewUsers = Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ViewUsers); var viewModel = dbTv.Select(tv => new RequestViewModel { ProviderId = tv.ProviderId, Type = tv.Type, Status = tv.Status, ImdbId = tv.ImdbId, Id = tv.Id, PosterPath = tv.PosterPath?.Contains("http:") ?? false ? tv.PosterPath?.Replace("http:", "https:") : tv.PosterPath ?? string.Empty, // We make the poster path https on request, but this is just incase ReleaseDate = tv.ReleaseDate, ReleaseDateTicks = tv.ReleaseDate.Ticks, RequestedDate = tv.RequestedDate, RequestedDateTicks = DateTimeHelper.OffsetUTCDateTime(tv.RequestedDate, DateTimeOffset).Ticks, Released = DateTime.Now > tv.ReleaseDate, Approved = tv.Available || tv.Approved, Title = tv.Title, Overview = tv.Overview, RequestedUsers = canManageRequest || allowViewUsers ? tv.AllUsers.ToArray() : new string[] { }, ReleaseYear = tv.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), Available = tv.Available, Admin = canManageRequest, IssueId = tv.IssueId, Denied = tv.Denied, DeniedReason = tv.DeniedReason, TvSeriesRequestType = tv.SeasonsRequested, Qualities = qualities.ToArray(), Episodes = tv.Episodes.ToArray(), RootFolders = rootFolders.ToArray(), HasRootFolders = rootFolders.Any(), CurrentRootPath = sonarrSettings.Enabled ? GetRootPath(tv.RootFolderSelected, sonarrSettings).Result : null }).ToList(); return Response.AsJson(viewModel); } private async Task GetRootPath(int pathId, SonarrSettings sonarrSettings) { var rootFoldersResult = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.SonarrRootFolders, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => SonarrApi.GetRootFolders(sonarrSettings.ApiKey, sonarrSettings.FullUri)); }); foreach (var r in rootFoldersResult.Where(r => r.id == pathId)) { return r.path; } int outRoot; var defaultPath = int.TryParse(sonarrSettings.RootPath, out outRoot); if (defaultPath) { // Return default path return rootFoldersResult.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id.Equals(outRoot))?.path ?? string.Empty; } else { return rootFoldersResult.FirstOrDefault()?.path ?? string.Empty; } } private async Task GetRootPath(int pathId, RadarrSettings radarrSettings) { var rootFoldersResult = await Cache.GetOrSetAsync(CacheKeys.RadarrRootFolders, async () => { return await Task.Run(() => RadarrApi.GetRootFolders(radarrSettings.ApiKey, radarrSettings.FullUri)); }); foreach (var r in rootFoldersResult.Where(r => r.id == pathId)) { return r.path; } int outRoot; var defaultPath = int.TryParse(radarrSettings.RootPath, out outRoot); if (defaultPath) { // Return default path return rootFoldersResult.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id.Equals(outRoot))?.path ?? string.Empty; } else { return rootFoldersResult.FirstOrDefault()?.path ?? string.Empty; } } private async Task GetAlbumRequests() { var dbAlbum = await Service.GetAllAsync(); dbAlbum = dbAlbum.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.Album); if (Security.HasPermissions(User, Permissions.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests) && !IsAdmin) { dbAlbum = dbAlbum.Where(x => x.UserHasRequested(Username)); } var canManageRequest = Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ManageRequests); var viewModel = dbAlbum.Select(album => { return new RequestViewModel { ProviderId = album.ProviderId, Type = album.Type, Status = album.Status, ImdbId = album.ImdbId, Id = album.Id, PosterPath = album.PosterPath, ReleaseDate = album.ReleaseDate, ReleaseDateTicks = album.ReleaseDate.Ticks, RequestedDate = album.RequestedDate, RequestedDateTicks = DateTimeHelper.OffsetUTCDateTime(album.RequestedDate, DateTimeOffset).Ticks, Released = DateTime.Now > album.ReleaseDate, Approved = album.Available || album.Approved, Title = album.Title, Overview = album.Overview, RequestedUsers = canManageRequest ? album.AllUsers.ToArray() : new string[] { }, ReleaseYear = album.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), Available = album.Available, Admin = canManageRequest, IssueId = album.IssueId, Denied = album.Denied, DeniedReason = album.DeniedReason, TvSeriesRequestType = album.SeasonsRequested, MusicBrainzId = album.MusicBrainzId, ArtistName = album.ArtistName }; }).ToList(); return Response.AsJson(viewModel); } private async Task DeleteRequest(int requestid) { if (!Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ManageRequests)) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Requests, Action.Delete, "Delete Request", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies)); var currentEntity = await Service.GetAsync(requestid); await Service.DeleteRequestAsync(currentEntity); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } /// /// Reports the issue. /// Comment can be null if the IssueState != Other /// /// The request identifier. /// The issue. /// The comment. /// private async Task ReportIssue(int requestId, IssueState issue, string comment) { if (!Security.HasPermissions(User, Permissions.ReportIssue)) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Sorry, you do not have the correct permissions to report an issue." }); } var originalRequest = await Service.GetAsync(requestId); if (originalRequest == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not add issue, please try again or contact the administrator!" }); } originalRequest.Issues = issue; originalRequest.OtherMessage = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) ? $"{Username} - {comment}" : string.Empty; var result = await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(originalRequest); var model = new NotificationModel { User = Username, NotificationType = NotificationType.Issue, Title = originalRequest.Title, DateTime = DateTime.Now, Body = issue == IssueState.Other ? comment : issue.ToString().ToCamelCaseWords(), ImgSrc = originalRequest.Type == RequestType.Movie ? $"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300/{originalRequest.PosterPath}" : originalRequest.PosterPath }; await NotificationService.Publish(model); return Response.AsJson(result ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not add issue, please try again or contact the administrator!" }); } private async Task ClearIssue(int requestId) { if (!Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ManageRequests)) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Sorry, you do not have the correct permissions to clear an issue." }); } var originalRequest = await Service.GetAsync(requestId); if (originalRequest == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Request does not exist to clear it!" }); } originalRequest.Issues = IssueState.None; originalRequest.OtherMessage = string.Empty; var result = await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(originalRequest); return Response.AsJson(result ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Could not clear issue, please try again or check the logs" }); } private async Task ChangeRequestAvailability(int requestId, bool available) { if (!Security.HasAnyPermissions(User, Permissions.Administrator, Permissions.ManageRequests)) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Sorry, you do not have the correct permissions to change a request." }); } Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Requests, Action.Update, available ? "Make request available" : "Make request unavailable", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies)); var originalRequest = await Service.GetAsync(requestId); if (originalRequest == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Request does not exist to change the availability!" }); } originalRequest.Available = available; var result = await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(originalRequest); var plexSettings = await PlexSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (plexSettings.Enable) { await PlexNotificationEngine.NotifyUsers(originalRequest, available ? NotificationType.RequestAvailable : NotificationType.RequestDeclined); } var embySettings = await EmbySettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (embySettings.Enable) { await EmbyNotificationEngine.NotifyUsers(originalRequest, available ? NotificationType.RequestAvailable : NotificationType.RequestDeclined); } return Response.AsJson(result ? new { Result = true, Available = available, Message = string.Empty } : new { Result = false, Available = false, Message = "Could not update the availability, please try again or check the logs" }); } private async Task GetFilterAndSortSettings() { var s = await CustomizationSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var sortVal = EnumHelper.GetDisplayValue((SortOptions)s.DefaultSort); var filterVal = EnumHelper.GetDisplayValue((FilterOptions)s.DefaultFilter); var vm = new { DefaultSort = sortVal, DefaultFilter = filterVal }; return Response.AsJson(vm); } private async Task ChangeRootFolder(RequestType type, int id, int rootFolderId) { var rootFolders = new List(); if (type == RequestType.TvShow) { // Get all root folders var settings = await SonarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); rootFolders = SonarrApi.GetRootFolders(settings.ApiKey, settings.FullUri); } else { var settings = await Radarr.GetSettingsAsync(); rootFolders = RadarrApi.GetRootFolders(settings.ApiKey, settings.FullUri); } // Get Request var allRequests = await Service.GetAllAsync(); var request = allRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (request == null) { return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false }); } foreach (var folder in rootFolders) { if (folder.id.Equals(rootFolderId)) { request.RootFolderSelected = folder.id; break; } } await Service.UpdateRequestAsync(request); return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); } } }