import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from "@angular/forms"; import { IGotifyNotificationSettings, INotificationTemplates, NotificationType } from "../../interfaces"; import { TesterService } from "../../services"; import { NotificationService } from "../../services"; import { SettingsService } from "../../services"; @Component({ templateUrl: "./gotify.component.html", }) export class GotifyComponent implements OnInit { public NotificationType = NotificationType; public templates: INotificationTemplates[]; public form: FormGroup; constructor(private settingsService: SettingsService, private notificationService: NotificationService, private fb: FormBuilder, private testerService: TesterService) { } public ngOnInit() { this.settingsService.getGotifyNotificationSettings().subscribe(x => { this.templates = x.notificationTemplates; this.form ={ enabled: [x.enabled], baseUrl: [x.baseUrl, [Validators.required]], applicationToken: [x.applicationToken, [Validators.required]], priority: [x.priority], }); }); } public onSubmit(form: FormGroup) { if (form.invalid) { this.notificationService.error("Please check your entered values"); return; } const settings = form.value; settings.notificationTemplates = this.templates; this.settingsService.saveGotifyNotificationSettings(settings).subscribe(x => { if (x) { this.notificationService.success("Successfully saved the Gotify settings"); } else { this.notificationService.success("There was an error when saving the Gotify settings"); } }); } public test(form: FormGroup) { if (form.invalid) { this.notificationService.error("Please check your entered values"); return; } this.testerService.gotifyTest(form.value).subscribe(x => { if (x) { this.notificationService.success("Successfully sent a Gotify message"); } else { this.notificationService.error("There was an error when sending the Gotify message. Please check your settings"); } }); } }