using AutoMapper; using Ombi.Api.Trakt; using Ombi.Api.TvMaze; using Ombi.Core.Engine.Interfaces; using Ombi.Core.Models.Requests; using Ombi.Core.Models.Search; using Ombi.Core.Settings; using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External; using Ombi.Store.Repository; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Ombi.Core.Rule.Interfaces; using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests; using Ombi.Store.Repository.Requests; using Ombi.Store.Entities; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; using Ombi.Core.Authentication; using Ombi.Helpers; namespace Ombi.Core.Engine { public class TvSearchEngine : BaseMediaEngine, ITvSearchEngine { public TvSearchEngine(IPrincipal identity, IRequestServiceMain service, ITvMazeApi tvMaze, IMapper mapper, ISettingsService plexSettings, ISettingsService embySettings, IPlexContentRepository repo, IEmbyContentRepository embyRepo, ITraktApi trakt, IRuleEvaluator r, OmbiUserManager um, IMemoryCache memCache) : base(identity, service, r, um) { TvMazeApi = tvMaze; Mapper = mapper; PlexSettings = plexSettings; EmbySettings = embySettings; PlexContentRepo = repo; TraktApi = trakt; EmbyContentRepo = embyRepo; MemCache = memCache; } private ITvMazeApi TvMazeApi { get; } private IMapper Mapper { get; } private ISettingsService PlexSettings { get; } private ISettingsService EmbySettings { get; } private IPlexContentRepository PlexContentRepo { get; } private IEmbyContentRepository EmbyContentRepo { get; } private ITraktApi TraktApi { get; } private IMemoryCache MemCache { get; } public async Task> Search(string searchTerm) { var searchResult = await TvMazeApi.Search(searchTerm); if (searchResult != null) { return await ProcessResults(searchResult); } return null; } public async Task>> SearchTreeNode(string searchTerm) { var result = await Search(searchTerm); return result.Select(ParseIntoTreeNode).ToList(); } public async Task GetShowInformation(int tvdbid) { var show = await TvMazeApi.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(tvdbid); if (show == null) { // We don't have enough information return null; } var episodes = await TvMazeApi.EpisodeLookup(; if (episodes == null || !episodes.Any()) { // We don't have enough information return null; } var mapped = Mapper.Map(show); foreach (var e in episodes) { var season = mapped.SeasonRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SeasonNumber == e.season); if (season == null) { var newSeason = new SeasonRequests { SeasonNumber = e.season, Episodes = new List() }; newSeason.Episodes.Add(new EpisodeRequests { Url = e.url, Title =, AirDate = DateTime.Parse(e.airstamp ?? DateTime.MinValue.ToString()), EpisodeNumber = e.number, }); mapped.SeasonRequests.Add(newSeason); } else { // We already have the season, so just add the episode season.Episodes.Add(new EpisodeRequests { Url = e.url, Title =, AirDate = DateTime.Parse(e.airstamp ?? DateTime.MinValue.ToString()), EpisodeNumber = e.number, }); } } var existingRequests = await GetTvRequests(); var plexSettings = await PlexSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var embySettings = await EmbySettings.GetSettingsAsync(); return await ProcessResult(mapped, existingRequests, plexSettings, embySettings); } public async Task> GetShowInformationTreeNode(int tvdbid) { var result = await GetShowInformation(tvdbid); return ParseIntoTreeNode(result); } public async Task>> Popular() { var result = await MemCache.GetOrCreateAsync(CacheKeys.PopularTv, async entry => { entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(12); return await TraktApi.GetPopularShows(); }); var processed = await ProcessResults(result); return processed.Select(ParseIntoTreeNode).ToList(); } public async Task>> Anticipated() { var result = await MemCache.GetOrCreateAsync(CacheKeys.AnticipatedTv, async entry => { entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(12); return await TraktApi.GetAnticipatedShows(); }); var processed= await ProcessResults(result); return processed.Select(ParseIntoTreeNode).ToList(); } public async Task>> MostWatches() { var result = await MemCache.GetOrCreateAsync(CacheKeys.MostWatchesTv, async entry => { entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(12); return await TraktApi.GetMostWatchesShows(); }); var processed = await ProcessResults(result); return processed.Select(ParseIntoTreeNode).ToList(); } public async Task>> Trending() { var result = await MemCache.GetOrCreateAsync(CacheKeys.TrendingTv, async entry => { entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddHours(12); return await TraktApi.GetTrendingShows(); }); var processed = await ProcessResults(result); return processed.Select(ParseIntoTreeNode).ToList(); } private static TreeNode ParseIntoTreeNode(SearchTvShowViewModel result) { return new TreeNode { Data = result, Children = new List> { new TreeNode { Data = result, Leaf = true } }, Leaf = false }; } private async Task> ProcessResults(IEnumerable items) { var existingRequests = await GetTvRequests(); var plexSettings = await PlexSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var embySettings = await EmbySettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var retVal = new List(); foreach (var tvMazeSearch in items) { var viewT = Mapper.Map(tvMazeSearch); retVal.Add(await ProcessResult(viewT, existingRequests, plexSettings, embySettings)); } return retVal; } private async Task ProcessResult(SearchTvShowViewModel item, Dictionary existingRequests, PlexSettings plexSettings, EmbySettings embySettings) { if (embySettings.Enable) { var content = await EmbyContentRepo.Get(item.Id.ToString()); if (content != null) { item.Available = true; } // Let's go through the episodes now if (item.SeasonRequests.Any()) { var allEpisodes = EmbyContentRepo.GetAllEpisodes().Include(x => x.Series); foreach (var season in item.SeasonRequests) { foreach (var episode in season.Episodes) { var epExists = await allEpisodes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.EpisodeNumber == episode.EpisodeNumber && x.SeasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber && item.Id.ToString() == x.Series.ProviderId); if (epExists != null) { episode.Available = true; } } } } } if (plexSettings.Enable) { var content = await PlexContentRepo.Get(item.Id.ToString()); if (content != null) { item.Available = true; item.PlexUrl = content.Url; } // Let's go through the episodes now if (item.SeasonRequests.Any()) { var allEpisodes = PlexContentRepo.GetAllEpisodes(); foreach (var season in item.SeasonRequests) { foreach (var episode in season.Episodes) { var epExists = await allEpisodes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.EpisodeNumber == episode.EpisodeNumber && x.SeasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber && x.Series.ProviderId == item.Id.ToString()); if (epExists != null) { episode.Available = true; } } } } } if (item.SeasonRequests.Any() && item.SeasonRequests.All(x => x.Episodes.All(e => e.Approved))) { item.FullyAvailable = true; } if (item.Id > 0) { var tvdbid = item.Id; if (existingRequests.ContainsKey(tvdbid)) { var existingRequest = existingRequests[tvdbid]; item.Requested = true; item.Approved = existingRequest.ChildRequests.Any(x => x.Approved); // Let's modify the seasonsrequested to reflect what we have requested... foreach (var season in item.SeasonRequests) { foreach (var existingRequestChildRequest in existingRequest.ChildRequests) { // Find the existing request season var existingSeason = existingRequestChildRequest.SeasonRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SeasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber); if (existingSeason == null) continue; foreach (var ep in existingSeason.Episodes) { // Find the episode from what we are searching var episodeSearching = season.Episodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EpisodeNumber == ep.EpisodeNumber); if (episodeSearching == null) { continue; } episodeSearching.Requested = true; episodeSearching.Available = ep.Available; episodeSearching.Approved = ep.Season.ChildRequest.Approved; } } } } // TODO CHECK SONARR/RADARR //if (sonarrCached.Select(x => x.TvdbId).Contains(tvdbid) || sickRageCache.Contains(tvdbid)) // // compare to the sonarr/sickrage db //{ // item.Requested = true; //} } return item; } } }