import { Component, OnInit, Input, ViewChild, Output, EventEmitter } from "@angular/core"; import { DiscoverOption, IDiscoverCardResult } from "../../interfaces"; import { ISearchMovieResult, ISearchTvResult, RequestType } from "../../../interfaces"; import { SearchV2Service } from "../../../services"; import { StorageService } from "../../../shared/storage/storage-service"; import { MatButtonToggleChange } from '@angular/material/button-toggle'; import { Carousel } from 'primeng/carousel'; import { FeaturesFacade } from "../../../state/features/features.facade"; export enum DiscoverType { Upcoming, Trending, Popular, RecentlyRequested, Seasonal, } @Component({ selector: "carousel-list", templateUrl: "./carousel-list.component.html", styleUrls: ["./carousel-list.component.scss"], }) export class CarouselListComponent implements OnInit { @Input() public discoverType: DiscoverType; @Input() public id: string; @Input() public isAdmin: boolean; @Output() public movieCount: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild('carousel', {static: false}) carousel: Carousel; public DiscoverOption = DiscoverOption; public discoverOptions: DiscoverOption = DiscoverOption.Combined; public discoverResults: IDiscoverCardResult[] = []; public movies: ISearchMovieResult[] = []; public tvShows: ISearchTvResult[] = []; public responsiveOptions: any; public RequestType = RequestType; public loadingFlag: boolean; public DiscoverType = DiscoverType; public is4kEnabled = false; get mediaTypeStorageKey() { return "DiscoverOptions" + this.discoverType.toString(); }; private amountToLoad = 17; private currentlyLoaded = 0; constructor(private searchService: SearchV2Service, private storageService: StorageService, private featureFacade: FeaturesFacade) { this.responsiveOptions = [ { breakpoint: '4000px', numVisible: 17, numScroll: 16 }, { breakpoint: '3800px', numVisible: 16, numScroll: 15 }, { breakpoint: '3600px', numVisible: 15, numScroll: 14 }, { breakpoint: '3400px', numVisible: 14, numScroll: 13 }, { breakpoint: '3200px', numVisible: 13, numScroll: 12 }, { breakpoint: '3000px', numVisible: 12, numScroll: 11 }, { breakpoint: '2800px', numVisible: 11, numScroll: 10 }, { breakpoint: '2600px', numVisible: 10, numScroll: 9 }, { breakpoint: '2400px', numVisible: 9, numScroll: 8 }, { breakpoint: '2200px', numVisible: 8, numScroll: 7 }, { breakpoint: '2000px', numVisible: 7, numScroll: 6 }, { breakpoint: '1800px', numVisible: 6, numScroll: 5 }, { breakpoint: '1650px', numVisible: 5, numScroll: 4 }, { breakpoint: '1500px', numVisible: 4, numScroll: 3 }, { breakpoint: '768px', numVisible: 3, numScroll: 2 }, { breakpoint: '660px', numVisible: 2, numScroll: 2 }, { breakpoint: '480px', numVisible: 1, numScroll: 1 } ]; } public async ngOnInit() { this.is4kEnabled = this.featureFacade.is4kEnabled(); this.currentlyLoaded = 0; const localDiscoverOptions = +this.storageService.get(this.mediaTypeStorageKey); if (localDiscoverOptions) { this.discoverOptions = DiscoverOption[DiscoverOption[localDiscoverOptions]]; } let currentIteration = 0; while (this.discoverResults.length <= 14 && currentIteration <= 3) { currentIteration++; await this.loadData(false); } } public async toggleChanged(event: MatButtonToggleChange) { await this.switchDiscoverMode(event.value); } public async newPage() { // Note this is using the internal carousel APIs // if (!this.carousel?.page) { return; } var end = >= (this.carousel.totalDots() - 2) || this.carousel.totalDots() === 1; if (end) { var moviePromise: Promise; var tvPromise: Promise; switch (+this.discoverOptions) { case DiscoverOption.Combined: moviePromise = this.loadMovies(); tvPromise = this.loadTv(); break; case DiscoverOption.Movie: moviePromise = this.loadMovies(); break; case DiscoverOption.Tv: tvPromise = this.loadTv(); break; } await moviePromise; await tvPromise; this.createModel(); } } private async loadData(clearExisting: boolean = true) { var moviePromise: Promise; var tvPromise: Promise; switch (+this.discoverOptions) { case DiscoverOption.Combined: moviePromise = this.loadMovies(); tvPromise = this.loadTv(); break; case DiscoverOption.Movie: moviePromise = this.loadMovies(); break; case DiscoverOption.Tv: tvPromise = this.loadTv(); break; } await moviePromise; await tvPromise; this.createInitialModel(clearExisting); } private async switchDiscoverMode(newMode: DiscoverOption) { if (this.discoverOptions === newMode) { return; } this.loading(); this.currentlyLoaded = 0; this.discoverOptions = +newMode;, newMode.toString()); await this.loadData(); this.finishLoading(); } private async loadMovies() { switch (this.discoverType) { case DiscoverType.Popular: this.movies = await this.searchService.popularMoviesByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break; case DiscoverType.Trending: this.movies = await this.searchService.nowPlayingMoviesByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break; case DiscoverType.Upcoming: this.movies = await this.searchService.upcomingMoviesByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break case DiscoverType.RecentlyRequested: this.movies = await this.searchService.recentlyRequestedMoviesByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break; case DiscoverType.Seasonal: this.movies = await this.searchService.seasonalMoviesByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break; } this.movieCount.emit(this.movies.length); this.currentlyLoaded += this.amountToLoad; } private async loadTv() { switch (this.discoverType) { case DiscoverType.Popular: this.tvShows = await this.searchService.popularTvByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break; case DiscoverType.Trending: this.tvShows = await this.searchService.trendingTvByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break; case DiscoverType.Upcoming: this.tvShows = await this.searchService.anticipatedTvByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); break case DiscoverType.RecentlyRequested: // this.tvShows = await this.searchService.recentlyRequestedMoviesByPage(this.currentlyLoaded, this.amountToLoad); // TODO need to do some more mapping break; } this.currentlyLoaded += this.amountToLoad; } private createInitialModel(clearExisting: boolean = true) { if (clearExisting) { this.clear(); } this.createModel(); } private createModel() { const tempResults = []; switch (+this.discoverOptions) { case DiscoverOption.Combined: tempResults.push(...this.mapMovieModel()); tempResults.push(...this.mapTvModel()); this.shuffle(tempResults); break; case DiscoverOption.Movie: tempResults.push(...this.mapMovieModel()); break; case DiscoverOption.Tv: tempResults.push(...this.mapTvModel()); break; } this.discoverResults.push(...tempResults); this.carousel.ngAfterContentInit(); this.finishLoading(); } private mapMovieModel(): IDiscoverCardResult[] { const tempResults = []; this.movies.forEach(m => { tempResults.push({ available: m.available, posterPath: m.posterPath ? `${m.posterPath}` : "../../../images/default_movie_poster.png", requested: m.requested, title: m.title, type:, id:, url: `${m.imdbId}/`, rating: m.voteAverage, overview: m.overview, approved: m.approved, imdbid: m.imdbId, denied: false, background: m.backdropPath }); }); return tempResults; } private mapTvModel(): IDiscoverCardResult[] { const tempResults = []; this.tvShows.forEach(m => { tempResults.push({ available: m.fullyAvailable, posterPath: m.backdropPath ? `${m.backdropPath}` : "../../../images/default_tv_poster.png", requested: m.requested, title: m.title, type: RequestType.tvShow, id:, url: undefined, rating: +m.rating, overview: m.overview, approved: m.approved || m.partlyAvailable, imdbid: m.imdbId, denied: false, background: m.background }); }); return tempResults; } private clear() { this.discoverResults = []; } private shuffle(discover: IDiscoverCardResult[]): IDiscoverCardResult[] { for (let i = discover.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); [discover[i], discover[j]] = [discover[j], discover[i]]; } return discover; } private loading() { this.loadingFlag = true; } private finishLoading() { this.loadingFlag = false; } }