using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using MimeKit; using Ombi.Api.Lidarr; using Ombi.Api.Lidarr.Models; using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb; using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb.Models; using Ombi.Core.Settings; using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External; using Ombi.Helpers; using Ombi.Hubs; using Ombi.I18n.Resources; using Ombi.Notifications; using Ombi.Notifications.Models; using Ombi.Notifications.Templates; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.External; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.Notifications; using Ombi.Store.Entities; using Ombi.Store.Repository; using Quartz; using ContentType = Ombi.Store.Entities.ContentType; namespace Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Ombi { public class NewsletterJob : HtmlTemplateGenerator, INewsletterJob { public NewsletterJob(IPlexContentRepository plex, IEmbyContentRepository emby, IJellyfinContentRepository jellyfin, IRepository addedLog, IMovieDbApi movieApi, IEmailProvider email, ISettingsService custom, ISettingsService emailSettings, INotificationTemplatesRepository templateRepo, UserManager um, ISettingsService newsletter, ILogger log, ILidarrApi lidarrApi, IExternalRepository albumCache, ISettingsService lidarrSettings, ISettingsService ombiSettings, ISettingsService plexSettings, ISettingsService embySettings, ISettingsService jellyfinSettings, IHubContext notification, IRefreshMetadata refreshMetadata) { _plex = plex; _emby = emby; _jellyfin = jellyfin; _recentlyAddedLog = addedLog; _movieApi = movieApi; _email = email; _customizationSettings = custom; _templateRepo = templateRepo; _emailSettings = emailSettings; _newsletterSettings = newsletter; _userManager = um; _log = log; _lidarrApi = lidarrApi; _lidarrAlbumRepository = albumCache; _lidarrSettings = lidarrSettings; _ombiSettings = ombiSettings; _plexSettings = plexSettings; _embySettings = embySettings; _jellyfinSettings = jellyfinSettings; _notification = notification; _ombiSettings.ClearCache(); _plexSettings.ClearCache(); _emailSettings.ClearCache(); _customizationSettings.ClearCache(); _refreshMetadata = refreshMetadata; } private readonly IMediaServerContentRepository _plex; private readonly IMediaServerContentRepository _emby; private readonly IMediaServerContentRepository _jellyfin; private readonly IRepository _recentlyAddedLog; private readonly IMovieDbApi _movieApi; private readonly IEmailProvider _email; private readonly ISettingsService _customizationSettings; private readonly INotificationTemplatesRepository _templateRepo; private readonly ISettingsService _emailSettings; private readonly ISettingsService _newsletterSettings; private readonly ISettingsService _ombiSettings; private readonly UserManager _userManager; private readonly ILogger _log; private readonly ILidarrApi _lidarrApi; private readonly IExternalRepository _lidarrAlbumRepository; private readonly ISettingsService _lidarrSettings; private readonly ISettingsService _plexSettings; private readonly ISettingsService _embySettings; private readonly ISettingsService _jellyfinSettings; private readonly IHubContext _notification; private readonly IRefreshMetadata _refreshMetadata; public async Task Start(NewsletterSettings settings, bool test) { if (!settings.Enabled) { return; } var template = await _templateRepo.GetTemplate(NotificationAgent.Email, NotificationType.Newsletter); if (!template.Enabled) { return; } await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds) .SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Newsletter Started"); var emailSettings = await _emailSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (!ValidateConfiguration(emailSettings)) { await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds) .SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Newsletter Email Settings Not Configured"); return; } try { var plexSettings = await _plexSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var embySettings = await _embySettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var jellyfinSettings = await _jellyfinSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var customization = await _customizationSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); var moviesContents = new List(); var seriesContents = new List(); if (plexSettings.Enable) { moviesContents.AddRange(await GetMoviesContent(_plex, test)); seriesContents.AddRange(GetSeriesContent(_plex, test)); } if (embySettings.Enable) { moviesContents.AddRange(await GetMoviesContent(_emby, test)); seriesContents.AddRange(GetSeriesContent(_emby, test)); } if (jellyfinSettings.Enable) { moviesContents.AddRange(await GetMoviesContent(_jellyfin, test)); seriesContents.AddRange(GetSeriesContent(_jellyfin, test)); } var albumsContents = GetMusicContent(_lidarrAlbumRepository, test); var body = await BuildHtml(moviesContents, seriesContents, albumsContents, settings); if (body.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return; } if (!test) { var users = new List(); foreach (var emails in settings.ExternalEmails) { users.Add(new OmbiUser { UserName = emails, Email = emails }); } // Get the users to send it to users.AddRange(await _userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync(OmbiRoles.ReceivesNewsletter)); if (!users.Any()) { return; } var messageContent = ParseTemplate(template, customization); var email = new NewsletterTemplate(); foreach (var user in users.DistinctBy(x => x.Email)) { // Get the users to send it to if (user.Email.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } var url = GenerateUnsubscribeLink(customization.ApplicationUrl, user.Id); var html = email.LoadTemplate(messageContent.Subject, messageContent.Message, body, customization.Logo, url); var bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder { HtmlBody = html, }; var message = new MimeMessage { Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(), Subject = messageContent.Subject }; // Send the message to the user message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(user.Email.Trim(), user.Email.Trim())); // Send the email await _email.Send(message, emailSettings); } // Now add all of this to the Recently Added log var recentlyAddedLog = new HashSet(); AddToRecentlyAddedLog(moviesContents, recentlyAddedLog); AddToRecentlyAddedLog(seriesContents, recentlyAddedLog); await _recentlyAddedLog.AddRange(recentlyAddedLog); } else { var admins = await _userManager.GetUsersInRoleAsync(OmbiRoles.Admin); foreach (var a in admins) { if (a.Email.IsNullOrEmpty()) { continue; } var unsubscribeLink = GenerateUnsubscribeLink(customization.ApplicationUrl, a.Id); var messageContent = ParseTemplate(template, customization); var email = new NewsletterTemplate(); var html = email.LoadTemplate(messageContent.Subject, messageContent.Message, body, customization.Logo, unsubscribeLink); await _email.Send( new NotificationMessage { Message = html, Subject = messageContent.Subject, To = a.Email }, emailSettings); } } } catch (Exception e) { await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds) .SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Newsletter Failed"); _log.LogError(e, "Error when attempting to create newsletter"); throw; } await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds) .SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Newsletter Finished"); } private void AddToRecentlyAddedLog(ICollection moviesContents, HashSet recentlyAddedLog) { foreach (var p in moviesContents) { recentlyAddedLog.Add(new RecentlyAddedLog { AddedAt = DateTime.Now, Type = p.RecentlyAddedType, ContentType = ContentType.Parent, ContentId = StringHelper.IntParseLinq(p.TheMovieDbId), }); } } private void AddToRecentlyAddedLog(ICollection episodes, HashSet recentlyAddedLog) { foreach (var p in episodes) { recentlyAddedLog.Add(new RecentlyAddedLog { AddedAt = DateTime.Now, Type = p.Series.RecentlyAddedType, ContentType = ContentType.Episode, ContentId = StringHelper.IntParseLinq(p.Series.TvDbId), EpisodeNumber = p.EpisodeNumber, SeasonNumber = p.SeasonNumber }); } } private void GetRecentlyAddedMoviesData(List addedLog, out HashSet addedAlbumLogIds) { var lidarrParent = addedLog.Where(x => x.Type == RecentlyAddedType.Lidarr && x.ContentType == ContentType.Album); addedAlbumLogIds = lidarrParent != null && lidarrParent.Any() ? (lidarrParent?.Select(x => x.AlbumId)?.ToHashSet() ?? new HashSet()) : new HashSet(); } private async Task> GetMoviesContent(IMediaServerContentRepository repository, bool test) where T : class, IMediaServerContent { IQueryable content = repository.GetAll().Include(x => x.Episodes).AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.Type == MediaType.Movie).OrderByDescending(x => x.AddedAt); var localDataset = content.Where(x => x.Type == MediaType.Movie && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.TheMovieDbId)).ToHashSet(); HashSet moviesToSend; if (test) { moviesToSend = content.Take(10).ToHashSet(); } else { // Filter out the ones that we haven't sent yet var parent = _recentlyAddedLog.GetAll().Where(x => x.Type == repository.RecentlyAddedType && x.ContentType == ContentType.Parent).ToList(); var addedMovieLogIds = parent != null && parent.Any() ? (parent?.Select(x => x.ContentId)?.ToHashSet() ?? new HashSet()) : new HashSet(); moviesToSend = localDataset.Where(x => !addedMovieLogIds.Contains(StringHelper.IntParseLinq(x.TheMovieDbId))).ToHashSet(); _log.LogInformation("Movies to send: {0}", moviesToSend.Count()); // Find the movies that do not yet have MovieDbIds var needsMovieDb = content.Where(x => x.Type == MediaType.Movie && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.TheMovieDbId)).ToHashSet(); var newMovies = await GetMoviesWithoutId(addedMovieLogIds, needsMovieDb, repository); moviesToSend = moviesToSend.Union(newMovies).ToHashSet(); } _log.LogInformation("Movies to send: {0}", moviesToSend.Count()); return moviesToSend.DistinctBy(x => x.Id).ToHashSet(); } private HashSet GetSeriesContent(IMediaServerContentRepository repository, bool test) where T : class, IMediaServerContent { var content = repository.GetAllEpisodes().Include(x => x.Series).OrderByDescending(x => x.Series.AddedAt).AsNoTracking(); HashSet episodesToSend; if (test) { var count = repository.GetAllEpisodes().Count(); episodesToSend = content.Take(10).ToHashSet(); } else { // Filter out the ones that we haven't sent yet var addedEpisodesLogIds = _recentlyAddedLog.GetAll().Where(x => x.Type == repository.RecentlyAddedType && x.ContentType == ContentType.Episode); episodesToSend = FilterEpisodes(content, addedEpisodesLogIds); } _log.LogInformation("Episodes to send: {0}", episodesToSend.Count()); return episodesToSend; } private HashSet GetMusicContent(IExternalRepository repository, bool test) { var lidarrContent = repository.GetAll().AsNoTracking().ToList().Where(x => x.FullyAvailable); HashSet albumsToSend; if (test) { albumsToSend = lidarrContent.OrderByDescending(x => x.AddedAt).Take(10).ToHashSet(); } else { // Filter out the ones that we haven't sent yet var addedLog = _recentlyAddedLog.GetAll().ToList(); HashSet addedAlbumLogIds; GetRecentlyAddedMoviesData(addedLog, out addedAlbumLogIds); albumsToSend = lidarrContent.Where(x => !addedAlbumLogIds.Contains(x.ForeignAlbumId)).ToHashSet(); } _log.LogInformation("Albums to send: {0}", albumsToSend.Count()); return albumsToSend; } public static string GenerateUnsubscribeLink(string applicationUrl, string id) { if (!applicationUrl.HasValue() || !id.HasValue()) { return string.Empty; } if (!applicationUrl.EndsWith('/')) { applicationUrl += '/'; } var b = new UriBuilder($"{applicationUrl}unsubscribe/{id}"); return b.ToString(); } private async Task> GetMoviesWithoutId(HashSet addedMovieLogIds, HashSet needsMovieDb, IMediaServerContentRepository repository) where T : class, IMediaServerContent { foreach (var movie in needsMovieDb) { var id = await _refreshMetadata.GetTheMovieDbId(false, true, null, movie.ImdbId, movie.Title, true); movie.TheMovieDbId = id.ToString(); } var result = needsMovieDb.Where(x => x.HasTheMovieDb && !addedMovieLogIds.Contains(StringHelper.IntParseLinq(x.TheMovieDbId))); await UpdateTheMovieDbId(result, repository); // Filter them out now return result.ToHashSet(); } private async Task UpdateTheMovieDbId(IEnumerable content, IMediaServerContentRepository repository) where T : class, IMediaServerContent { foreach (var movie in content) { if (!movie.HasTheMovieDb) { continue; } var entity = await repository.Find(movie.Id); if (entity == null) { return; } entity.TheMovieDbId = movie.TheMovieDbId; repository.UpdateWithoutSave(entity); } await repository.SaveChangesAsync(); } public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext job) { var newsletterSettings = await _newsletterSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); await Start(newsletterSettings, false); } private HashSet FilterEpisodes(IEnumerable source, IEnumerable recentlyAdded) { var itemsToReturn = new HashSet(); foreach (var ep in source.Where(x => x.Series.HasTvDb // needed for recentlyAddedLog && x.Series.HasTheMovieDb // needed to fetch info to publish, this is just in case... )) { var tvDbId = StringHelper.IntParseLinq(ep.Series.TvDbId); if (recentlyAdded.Any(x => x.ContentId == tvDbId && x.EpisodeNumber == ep.EpisodeNumber && x.SeasonNumber == ep.SeasonNumber)) { continue; } itemsToReturn.Add(ep); } return itemsToReturn; } private NotificationMessageContent ParseTemplate(NotificationTemplates template, CustomizationSettings settings) { var resolver = new NotificationMessageResolver(); var curlys = new NotificationMessageCurlys(); curlys.SetupNewsletter(settings); return resolver.ParseMessage(template, curlys); } private async Task BuildHtml(ICollection movies, IEnumerable episodes, HashSet albums, NewsletterSettings settings) { var ombiSettings = await _ombiSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); sb = new StringBuilder(); if (movies.Any() && !settings.DisableMovies) { sb.Append($"


"); sb.Append( ""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); await ProcessMovies(movies, ombiSettings.DefaultLanguageCode); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append("
"); } if (episodes.Any() && !settings.DisableTv) { sb.Append($"


"); sb.Append( ""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); await ProcessTv(episodes, ombiSettings.DefaultLanguageCode); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append("
"); } if (albums.Any() && !settings.DisableMusic) { sb.Append($"


"); sb.Append( ""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); await ProcessAlbums(albums); sb.Append(""); sb.Append("
"); sb.Append("
"); } return sb.ToString(); } private async Task ProcessMovies(ICollection plexContentToSend, string defaultLanguageCode) { int count = 0; var ordered = plexContentToSend; foreach (var content in ordered) { int.TryParse(content.TheMovieDbId, out var movieDbId); var info = await _movieApi.GetMovieInformationWithExtraInfo(movieDbId, defaultLanguageCode); var mediaurl = content.Url; if (info == null) { _log.LogError($"TMDB does not know movie {content.Title}. This shouldn't happen because our media server knows it as ID '{movieDbId}'."); continue; } try { CreateMovieHtmlContent(info, mediaurl); count += 1; } catch (Exception e) { _log.LogError(e, "Error when Processing Movies {0}", info.Title); } finally { EndLoopHtml(); } if (count == 2) { count = 0; sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } } } private async Task ProcessAlbums(HashSet albumsToSend) { var settings = await _lidarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); int count = 0; var ordered = albumsToSend.OrderByDescending(x => x.AddedAt); foreach (var content in ordered) { var info = await _lidarrApi.GetAlbumByForeignId(content.ForeignAlbumId, settings.ApiKey, settings.FullUri); if (info == null) { continue; } try { CreateAlbumHtmlContent(info); count += 1; } catch (Exception e) { _log.LogError(e, "Error when Processing Lidarr Album {0}", info.title); } finally { EndLoopHtml(); } if (count == 2) { count = 0; sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } } } private void CreateMovieHtmlContent(MovieResponseDto info, string mediaurl) { AddBackgroundInsideTable($"{info.BackdropPath}"); AddPosterInsideTable($"{info.PosterPath}"); AddMediaServerUrl(mediaurl, $"{info.PosterPath}"); AddInfoTable(); var releaseDate = string.Empty; try { releaseDate = $"({DateTime.Parse(info.ReleaseDate).Year})"; } #pragma warning disable RCS1075 // Avoid empty catch clause that catches System.Exception. catch (Exception) #pragma warning restore RCS1075 // Avoid empty catch clause that catches System.Exception. { // Swallow, couldn't parse the date } AddTitle($"{info.ImdbId}/", $"{info.Title} {releaseDate}"); var summary = info.Overview; if (summary.Length > 280) { summary = summary.Remove(280); summary = summary + "...

"; } AddParagraph(summary); if (info.Genres.Any()) { AddGenres($"{Texts.GenresLabel} {string.Join(", ", info.Genres.Select(x => x.Name.ToString()).ToArray())}"); } } private void CreateAlbumHtmlContent(AlbumLookup info) { var cover = info.images .FirstOrDefault(x => x.coverType.Equals("cover", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))?.url; if (cover.IsNullOrEmpty()) { cover = info.remoteCover; } AddBackgroundInsideTable(cover); var disk = info.images .FirstOrDefault(x => x.coverType.Equals("disc", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))?.url; if (disk.IsNullOrEmpty()) { disk = info.remoteCover; } AddPosterInsideTable(disk); AddMediaServerUrl(string.Empty, string.Empty); AddInfoTable(); var releaseDate = $"({info.releaseDate.Year})"; AddTitle(string.Empty, $"{info.title} {releaseDate}"); var summary = info.artist?.artistName ?? string.Empty; if (summary.Length > 280) { summary = summary.Remove(280); summary = summary + "...

"; } AddParagraph(summary); AddGenres($"{Texts.AlbumTypeLabel} {info.albumType}"); } private async Task ProcessTv(IEnumerable episodes, string languageCode) { var series = new List(); foreach (var episode in episodes) { var existingSeries = episode.SeriesIsIn(series); if (existingSeries != null) { if (!episode.IsIn(existingSeries)) { existingSeries.Episodes.Add(episode); } } else { episode.Series.Episodes = new List { episode }; series.Add(episode.Series); } } int count = 0; var orderedTv = series.OrderByDescending(x => x.AddedAt); foreach (var t in orderedTv) { try { var tvInfo = await _movieApi.GetTVInfo(t.TheMovieDbId, languageCode); if (tvInfo == null) { _log.LogError($"TMDB does not know series {t.Title}. This shouldn't happen because our media server knows it as ID '{t.TheMovieDbId}'."); continue; } if (tvInfo.backdrop_path.HasValue()) { AddBackgroundInsideTable($"{tvInfo.backdrop_path}"); } else { AddBackgroundInsideTable($""); } var banner = tvInfo.poster_path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner)) { banner = $"{banner?.TrimStart('/') ?? string.Empty}"; }; AddPosterInsideTable(banner); AddMediaServerUrl(t.Url, banner); AddInfoTable(); AddTvTitle(tvInfo); var tvEpisodesString = GetTvEpisodesString(tvInfo, t.Episodes); AddTvEpisodesSummaryGenres(tvEpisodesString, tvInfo); } catch (Exception e) { _log.LogError(e, "Error when processing TV {0}", t.Title); } finally { EndLoopHtml(); count += 1; } if (count == 2) { count = 0; sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } } } private string GetTvEpisodesString(TvInfo tvInfo, ICollection episodes) { if (episodes.Count >= tvInfo.number_of_episodes) { // do not list individual episodes when the series is complete return string.Empty; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); // Group by the season number var seasons = episodes.GroupBy(p => p.SeasonNumber, (key, g) => new { SeasonNumber = key, Episodes = g.ToList(), Header = tvInfo?.seasons?.Where(x => x.season_number == key).FirstOrDefault(), } ); // Group the episodes foreach (var season in seasons.OrderBy(x => x.SeasonNumber)) { string episodeList; if (season.Episodes.Count >= season.Header.episode_count) { // do not list individual episodes when the season is complete episodeList = string.Empty; } else { var orderedEpisodes = season.Episodes.OrderBy(x => x.EpisodeNumber).ToList(); episodeList = $"{Texts.EpisodesLabel} {StringHelper.BuildEpisodeList(orderedEpisodes.Select(x => x.EpisodeNumber))}"; } var episodeAirDate = season.Header.air_date; sb.Append($"{Texts.SeasonLabel} {season.SeasonNumber} - {episodeList} {episodeAirDate}"); sb.Append("
"); } return sb.ToString(); } private void AddTvTitle(TvInfo tvInfo) { var title = ""; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvInfo.first_air_date) && tvInfo.first_air_date.Length > 4) { title = $"{} ({tvInfo.first_air_date.Remove(4)})"; } else { title = $"{}"; } AddTitle($"{}/", title); } private void AddTvEpisodesSummaryGenres(string episodes, TvInfo tvInfo) { var summary = tvInfo.overview; if (summary.Length > 280) { summary = summary.Remove(280); summary = summary + "...

"; } AddTvParagraph(episodes, summary); if (tvInfo.genres.Any()) { AddGenres($"{Texts.GenresLabel} {string.Join(", ", tvInfo.genres.Select(x =>}"); } } private void EndLoopHtml() { //NOTE: BR have to be in TD's as per html spec or it will be put outside of the table... //Source: sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); } protected bool ValidateConfiguration(EmailNotificationSettings settings) { if (!settings.Enabled) { return false; } if (settings.Authentication) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Password)) { return false; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Host) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Port.ToString())) { return false; } return true; } private bool _disposed; protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) return; if (disposing) { //_newsletterSettings?.Dispose(); //_customizationSettings?.Dispose(); //_emailSettings.Dispose(); _templateRepo?.Dispose(); _userManager?.Dispose(); } _disposed = true; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } }