@using Ombi.UI.Helpers @inherits Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor.NancyRazorViewBase @Html.Partial("Shared/Partial/_Sidebar") @{ int port; if (Model.Port == 0) { port = 32400; } else { port = Model.Port; } }
Plex Settings @**@ @*TODO*@
@if (Model.Ssl) { } else { }
@if (Model.AdvancedSearch) { } else { }
If enabled we will be able to have a 100% accurate match, but we will be querying Plex for every single item in your library. So if you have a big library then this could take some time.
@if (Model.EnableTvEpisodeSearching) { } else { }
If enabled then we will lookup all episodes on your Plex server and store them in the local database. This will stop episode requests that already exist on Plex (that might not be in Sonarr). Please be aware that this is a very resource intensive process and while the Plex Episode Cacher job is running the application may appear slow (Depending on the size of your Plex library).