using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Ombi.Core; using Ombi.Helpers; using Ombi.Notifications.Models; using Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.Models; using Ombi.Store.Entities; using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests; using Ombi.Store.Repository; using Ombi.Store.Repository.Requests; using Quartz; namespace Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex { public class PlexAvailabilityChecker : IPlexAvailabilityChecker { public PlexAvailabilityChecker(IPlexContentRepository repo, ITvRequestRepository tvRequest, IMovieRequestRepository movies, INotificationHelper notification, ILogger log) { _tvRepo = tvRequest; _repo = repo; _movieRepo = movies; _notificationService = notification; _log = log; } private readonly ITvRequestRepository _tvRepo; private readonly IMovieRequestRepository _movieRepo; private readonly IPlexContentRepository _repo; private readonly INotificationHelper _notificationService; private readonly ILogger _log; public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext job) { try { await ProcessMovies(); await ProcessTv(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.LogError(e, "Exception thrown in Plex availability checker"); } } private Task ProcessTv() { var tv = _tvRepo.GetChild().Where(x => !x.Available); return ProcessTv(tv); } private async Task ProcessTv(IQueryable tv) { var plexEpisodes = _repo.GetAllEpisodes().Include(x => x.Series); foreach (var child in tv) { var useImdb = false; var useTvDb = false; if (child.ParentRequest.ImdbId.HasValue()) { useImdb = true; } if (child.ParentRequest.TvDbId.ToString().HasValue()) { useTvDb = true; } var tvDbId = child.ParentRequest.TvDbId; var imdbId = child.ParentRequest.ImdbId; IQueryable seriesEpisodes = null; if (useImdb) { seriesEpisodes = plexEpisodes.Where(x => x.Series.ImdbId == imdbId.ToString()); } if (useTvDb && (seriesEpisodes == null || !seriesEpisodes.Any())) { seriesEpisodes = plexEpisodes.Where(x => x.Series.TvDbId == tvDbId.ToString()); } if (seriesEpisodes == null) { continue; } if (!seriesEpisodes.Any()) { // Let's try and match the series by name seriesEpisodes = plexEpisodes.Where(x => x.Series.Title.Equals(child.Title, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.Series.ReleaseYear.Equals(child.ParentRequest.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } var availableEpisode = new List(); foreach (var season in child.SeasonRequests) { foreach (var episode in season.Episodes) { if (episode.Available) { continue; } var foundEp = await seriesEpisodes.FirstOrDefaultAsync( x => x.EpisodeNumber == episode.EpisodeNumber && x.SeasonNumber == episode.Season.SeasonNumber); if (foundEp != null) { availableEpisode.Add(new AvailabilityModel { Id = episode.Id }); episode.Available = true; } } } //TODO Partial avilability notifications here foreach(var c in availableEpisode) { await _tvRepo.MarkEpisodeAsAvailable(c.Id); } // Check to see if all of the episodes in all seasons are available for this request var allAvailable = child.SeasonRequests.All(x => x.Episodes.All(c => c.Available)); if (allAvailable) { _log.LogInformation("[PAC] - Child request {0} is now available, sending notification", $"{child.Title} - {child.Id}"); // We have ful-fulled this request! await _tvRepo.MarkChildAsAvailable(child.Id); await _notificationService.Publish(new NotificationOptions { DateTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationType = NotificationType.RequestAvailable, RequestId = child.Id, RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, Recipient = child.RequestedUser.Email }); } } await _tvRepo.Save(); } private async Task ProcessMovies() { // Get all non available var movies = _movieRepo.GetAll().Include(x => x.RequestedUser).Where(x => !x.Available); var itemsForAvailbility = new List(); foreach (var movie in movies) { if (movie.Available) { return; } PlexServerContent item = null; if (movie.ImdbId.HasValue()) { item = await _repo.Get(movie.ImdbId); } if (item == null) { if (movie.TheMovieDbId.ToString().HasValue()) { item = await _repo.Get(movie.TheMovieDbId.ToString()); } } if (item == null) { // We don't yet have this continue; } _log.LogInformation("[PAC] - Movie request {0} is now available, sending notification", $"{movie.Title} - {movie.Id}"); itemsForAvailbility.Add(new AvailabilityModel { Id = movie.Id, RequestedUser = movie.RequestedUser != null ? movie.RequestedUser.Email : string.Empty }); } foreach (var i in itemsForAvailbility) { await _movieRepo.MarkAsAvailable(i.Id); await _notificationService.Publish(new NotificationOptions { DateTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationType = NotificationType.RequestAvailable, RequestId = i.Id, RequestType = RequestType.Movie, Recipient = i.RequestedUser }); } await _repo.SaveChangesAsync(); } private bool _disposed; protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) return; if (disposing) { } _disposed = true; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } }