using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb; using Ombi.Core.Models.Requests; using Ombi.Helpers; using Ombi.Store.Entities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb.Models; using Ombi.Core.Authentication; using Ombi.Core.Engine.Interfaces; using Ombi.Core.Models.UI; using Ombi.Core.Rule.Interfaces; using Ombi.Core.Settings; using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models; using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests; using Ombi.Store.Repository; using Ombi.Core.Models; using System.Threading; using Ombi.Core.Services; using Ombi.Core.Helpers; namespace Ombi.Core.Engine { public class MovieRequestEngine : BaseMediaEngine, IMovieRequestEngine { public MovieRequestEngine(IMovieDbApi movieApi, IRequestServiceMain requestService, ICurrentUser user, INotificationHelper helper, IRuleEvaluator r, IMovieSender sender, ILogger log, OmbiUserManager manager, IRepository rl, ICacheService cache, ISettingsService ombiSettings, IRepository sub, IMediaCacheService mediaCacheService, IFeatureService featureService) : base(user, requestService, r, manager, cache, ombiSettings, sub) { MovieApi = movieApi; NotificationHelper = helper; Sender = sender; Logger = log; _requestLog = rl; _mediaCacheService = mediaCacheService; _featureService = featureService; } private IMovieDbApi MovieApi { get; } private INotificationHelper NotificationHelper { get; } private IMovieSender Sender { get; } private ILogger Logger { get; } private readonly IRepository _requestLog; private readonly IMediaCacheService _mediaCacheService; private readonly IFeatureService _featureService; /// /// Requests the movie. /// /// The model. /// public async Task RequestMovie(MovieRequestViewModel model) { var movieInfo = await MovieApi.GetMovieInformationWithExtraInfo(model.TheMovieDbId, model.LanguageCode); if (movieInfo == null || movieInfo.Id == 0) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = false, Message = "There was an issue adding this movie!", ErrorMessage = $"Please try again later" }; } var fullMovieName = $"{movieInfo.Title}{(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(movieInfo.ReleaseDate) ? $" ({DateTime.Parse(movieInfo.ReleaseDate).Year})" : string.Empty)}"; var userDetails = await GetUser(); var canRequestOnBehalf = model.RequestOnBehalf.HasValue(); var isAdmin = await UserManager.IsInRoleAsync(userDetails, OmbiRoles.PowerUser) || await UserManager.IsInRoleAsync(userDetails, OmbiRoles.Admin); if (canRequestOnBehalf && !isAdmin) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = false, Message = "You do not have the correct permissions to request on behalf of users!", ErrorMessage = $"You do not have the correct permissions to request on behalf of users!" }; } if ((model.RootFolderOverride.HasValue || model.QualityPathOverride.HasValue) && !isAdmin) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = false, Message = "You do not have the correct permissions!", ErrorMessage = $"You do not have the correct permissions!" }; } var is4kFeatureEnabled = await _featureService.FeatureEnabled(FeatureNames.Movie4KRequests); var is4kRequest = is4kFeatureEnabled && model.Is4kRequest; MovieRequests requestModel; bool isExisting = false; // Do we already have a request? 4k or non 4k var existingRequest = await MovieRepository.GetRequestAsync(movieInfo.Id); if (existingRequest != null && is4kFeatureEnabled) { if (model.Is4kRequest) { existingRequest.Is4kRequest = true; existingRequest.RequestedDate4k = DateTime.Now; } else { existingRequest.RequestedDate = DateTime.Now; } isExisting = true; requestModel = existingRequest; } else { requestModel = new MovieRequests { TheMovieDbId = movieInfo.Id, RequestType = RequestType.Movie, Overview = movieInfo.Overview, ImdbId = movieInfo.ImdbId, PosterPath = PosterPathHelper.FixPosterPath(movieInfo.PosterPath), Title = movieInfo.Title, ReleaseDate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(movieInfo.ReleaseDate) ? DateTime.Parse(movieInfo.ReleaseDate) : DateTime.MinValue, Status = movieInfo.Status, RequestedDate = model.Is4kRequest ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.Now, Approved = false, RequestedUserId = canRequestOnBehalf ? model.RequestOnBehalf : userDetails.Id, Background = movieInfo.BackdropPath, LangCode = model.LanguageCode, RequestedByAlias = model.RequestedByAlias, RootPathOverride = model.RootFolderOverride.GetValueOrDefault(), QualityOverride = model.QualityPathOverride.GetValueOrDefault(), RequestedDate4k = model.Is4kRequest ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.MinValue, Is4kRequest = model.Is4kRequest, Source = model.Source }; } var usDates = movieInfo.ReleaseDates?.Results?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsoCode == "US"); requestModel.DigitalReleaseDate = usDates?.ReleaseDate ?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ReleaseDateType.Digital)?.ReleaseDate; var ruleResults = (await RunRequestRules(requestModel)).ToList(); var ruleResultInError = ruleResults.Find(x => !x.Success); if (ruleResultInError != null) { return new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = ruleResultInError.Message, ErrorCode = ruleResultInError.ErrorCode }; } if (requestModel.Approved) // The rules have auto approved this { var requestEngineResult = await AddMovieRequest(requestModel, fullMovieName, model.RequestOnBehalf, isExisting, is4kRequest); if (requestEngineResult.Result) { var result = await ApproveMovie(requestModel, model.Is4kRequest); if (result.IsError) { Logger.LogWarning("Tried auto sending movie but failed. Message: {0}", result.Message); return new RequestEngineResult { Message = result.Message, ErrorMessage = result.Message, Result = false }; } return requestEngineResult; } // If there are no providers then it's successful but movie has not been sent } return await AddMovieRequest(requestModel, fullMovieName, model.RequestOnBehalf, isExisting, is4kRequest); } /// /// Gets the requests. /// /// The count. /// The position. /// The order/filter type. /// public async Task> GetRequests(int count, int position, OrderFilterModel orderFilter) { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); IQueryable allRequests; if (shouldHide.Hide) { allRequests = MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide .UserId); //.Skip(position).Take(count).OrderByDescending(x => x.ReleaseDate).ToListAsync(); } else { allRequests = MovieRepository .GetWithUser(); //.Skip(position).Take(count).OrderByDescending(x => x.ReleaseDate).ToListAsync(); } switch (orderFilter.AvailabilityFilter) { case FilterType.None: break; case FilterType.Available: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Available); break; case FilterType.NotAvailable: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => !x.Available); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } switch (orderFilter.StatusFilter) { case FilterType.None: break; case FilterType.Approved: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Approved); break; case FilterType.Processing: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Approved && !x.Available); break; case FilterType.PendingApproval: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => !x.Approved && !x.Available && !(x.Denied ?? false)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var total = allRequests.Count(); var requests = await (OrderMovies(allRequests, orderFilter.OrderType)).Skip(position).Take(count) .ToListAsync(); await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, requests); return new RequestsViewModel { Collection = requests, Total = total }; } public async Task> GetRequests(int count, int position, string sortProperty, string sortOrder) { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); IQueryable allRequests; if (shouldHide.Hide) { allRequests = MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide .UserId); } else { allRequests = MovieRepository .GetWithUser(); } var prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find(sortProperty, true); if (sortProperty.Contains('.')) { // This is a navigation property currently not supported prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find("RequestedDate", true); //var properties = sortProperty.Split(new []{'.'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //var firstProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find(properties[0], true); //var propType = firstProp.PropertyType; //var secondProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propType).Find(properties[1], true); } // TODO fix this so we execute this on the server var requests = sortOrder.Equals("asc", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? allRequests.ToList().OrderBy(x => prop.GetValue(x)).ToList() : allRequests.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => prop.GetValue(x)).ToList(); var total = requests.Count(); requests = requests.Skip(position).Take(count).ToList(); await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, requests); return new RequestsViewModel { Collection = requests, Total = total }; } public async Task> GetRequestsByStatus(int count, int position, string sortProperty, string sortOrder, RequestStatus status) { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); IQueryable allRequests; if (shouldHide.Hide) { allRequests = MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide .UserId); } else { allRequests = MovieRepository .GetWithUser(); } switch (status) { case RequestStatus.PendingApproval: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => (x.RequestedDate != DateTime.MinValue && !x.Approved && !x.Available && (!x.Denied.HasValue || !x.Denied.Value)) || (x.Has4KRequest && !x.Approved4K && !x.Available4K && (!x.Denied4K.HasValue || !x.Denied4K.Value)) ); break; case RequestStatus.ProcessingRequest: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => (x.RequestedDate != DateTime.MinValue && x.Approved && !x.Available && (!x.Denied.HasValue || !x.Denied.Value)) || (x.Has4KRequest && x.Approved4K && !x.Available && (!x.Denied.HasValue || !x.Denied.Value)) ); break; case RequestStatus.Available: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Available || x.Available4K); break; case RequestStatus.Denied: allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => (x.Denied.HasValue && x.Denied.Value && !x.Available) || (x.Has4KRequest && x.Denied4K.HasValue && x.Denied4K.Value && !x.Available4K) ); break; default: break; } var requests = allRequests.ToList(); var total = requests.Count; if (total == 0) { return new RequestsViewModel { Collection = Enumerable.Empty(), Total = total }; } var prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find(sortProperty, true); if (sortProperty.Contains('.')) { // This is a navigation property currently not supported prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find("RequestedDate", true); //var properties = sortProperty.Split(new []{'.'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //var firstProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find(properties[0], true); //var propType = firstProp.PropertyType; //var secondProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propType).Find(properties[1], true); } requests = sortOrder.Equals("asc", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? allRequests.ToList().OrderBy(x => prop.GetValue(x)).ToList() : allRequests.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => prop.GetValue(x)).ToList(); // TODO fix this so we execute this on the server requests = requests.Skip(position).Take(count).ToList(); await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, requests); return new RequestsViewModel { Collection = requests, Total = total }; } public async Task> GetUnavailableRequests(int count, int position, string sortProperty, string sortOrder) { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); IQueryable allRequests; if (shouldHide.Hide) { allRequests = MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide .UserId).Where(x => !x.Available && x.Approved); } else { allRequests = MovieRepository .GetWithUser().Where(x => !x.Available && x.Approved); } var prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find(sortProperty, true); if (sortProperty.Contains('.')) { // This is a navigation property currently not supported prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find("RequestedDate", true); //var properties = sortProperty.Split(new []{'.'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //var firstProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(MovieRequests)).Find(properties[0], true); //var propType = firstProp.PropertyType; //var secondProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(propType).Find(properties[1], true); } var requests = (sortOrder.Equals("asc", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? allRequests.ToList().OrderBy(x => prop.GetValue(x)) : allRequests.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => prop.GetValue(x))).ToList(); var total = requests.Count(); requests = requests.Skip(position).Take(count).ToList(); await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, requests); return new RequestsViewModel { Collection = requests, Total = total }; } public async Task UpdateAdvancedOptions(MediaAdvancedOptions options) { var request = await MovieRepository.Find(options.RequestId); if (request == null) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = false, ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist" }; } request.QualityOverride = options.QualityOverride; request.RootPathOverride = options.RootPathOverride; await MovieRepository.Update(request); return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true }; } private IQueryable OrderMovies(IQueryable allRequests, OrderType type) { switch (type) { case OrderType.RequestedDateAsc: return allRequests.OrderBy(x => x.RequestedDate); case OrderType.RequestedDateDesc: return allRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.RequestedDate); case OrderType.TitleAsc: return allRequests.OrderBy(x => x.Title); case OrderType.TitleDesc: return allRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.Title); case OrderType.StatusAsc: return allRequests.OrderBy(x => x.Status); case OrderType.StatusDesc: return allRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.Status); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null); } } public async Task GetTotal() { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); if (shouldHide.Hide) { return await MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide.UserId).CountAsync(); } else { return await MovieRepository.GetWithUser().CountAsync(); } } /// /// Gets the requests. /// /// public async Task> GetRequests() { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); List allRequests; if (shouldHide.Hide) { allRequests = await MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide.UserId).ToListAsync(); } else { allRequests = await MovieRepository.GetWithUser().ToListAsync(); } await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, allRequests); return allRequests; } public async Task GetRequest(int requestId) { var request = await MovieRepository.GetWithUser().Where(x => x.Id == requestId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); await CheckForSubscription(new HideResult(), new List { request }); return request; } private async Task CheckForSubscription(HideResult shouldHide, List movieRequests) { var requestIds = movieRequests.Select(x => x.Id); var sub = await _subscriptionRepository.GetAll().Where(s => s.UserId == shouldHide.UserId && requestIds.Contains(s.RequestId) && s.RequestType == RequestType.Movie) .ToListAsync(); foreach (var x in movieRequests) { x.PosterPath = PosterPathHelper.FixPosterPath(x.PosterPath); if (shouldHide.UserId == x.RequestedUserId) { x.ShowSubscribe = false; } else { x.ShowSubscribe = true; var hasSub = sub.FirstOrDefault(r => r.RequestId == x.Id); x.Subscribed = hasSub != null; } } } /// /// Searches the movie request. /// /// The search. /// public async Task> SearchMovieRequest(string search) { var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers(); List allRequests; if (shouldHide.Hide) { allRequests = await MovieRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide.UserId).ToListAsync(); } else { allRequests = await MovieRepository.GetWithUser().ToListAsync(); } var results = allRequests.Where(x => x.Title.Contains(search, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)).ToList(); await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, results); return results; } public async Task ApproveMovieById(int requestId, bool is4K) { var request = await MovieRepository.Find(requestId); return await ApproveMovie(request, is4K); } public async Task DenyMovieById(int modelId, string denyReason, bool is4K) { var request = await MovieRepository.Find(modelId); if (request == null) { return new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist" }; } if (is4K) { request.Denied4K = true; request.DeniedReason4K = denyReason; } else { request.Denied = true; request.DeniedReason = denyReason; } await MovieRepository.Update(request); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); // We are denying a request await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestDeclined); return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, Message = "Request successfully deleted", }; } public async Task ApproveMovie(MovieRequests request, bool is4K) { if (request == null) { return new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist" }; } if (is4K) { request.MarkedAsApproved4K = DateTime.Now; request.Approved4K = true; request.Denied4K = false; } else { request.MarkedAsApproved = DateTime.Now; request.Approved = true; request.Denied = false; } await MovieRepository.Update(request); var canNotify = await RunSpecificRule(request, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification, string.Empty); if (canNotify.Success) { await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestApproved); } await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return await ProcessSendingMovie(request, is4K); } public async Task RequestCollection(int collectionId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var langCode = await DefaultLanguageCode(null); var collections = await Cache.GetOrAddAsync($"GetCollection{collectionId}{langCode}", () => MovieApi.GetCollection(langCode, collectionId, cancellationToken), DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(1)); var results = new List(); foreach (var collection in { results.Add(await RequestMovie(new MovieRequestViewModel { TheMovieDbId =, LanguageCode = langCode })); } if (results.All(x => x.IsError)) { new RequestEngineResult { Result = false, ErrorMessage = $"The whole collection {} Is already monitored or requested!" }; } return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, Message = $"The collection {} has been successfully added!", RequestId = results.FirstOrDefault().RequestId }; } private async Task ProcessSendingMovie(MovieRequests request, bool is4K) { if (is4K ? request.Approved4K : request.Approved) { var result = await Sender.Send(request, is4K); if (result.Success && result.Sent) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true }; } if (!result.Success) { Logger.LogWarning("Tried auto sending movie but failed. Message: {0}", result.Message); return new RequestEngineResult { Message = result.Message, ErrorMessage = result.Message, Result = false }; } // If there are no providers then it's successful but movie has not been sent } return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true }; } /// /// Updates the movie request. /// /// The request. /// public async Task UpdateMovieRequest(MovieRequests request) { var allRequests = await MovieRepository.GetWithUser().ToListAsync(); var results = allRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == request.Id); results.Approved = request.Approved; results.Available = request.Available; results.Denied = request.Denied; results.DeniedReason = request.DeniedReason; results.ImdbId = request.ImdbId; results.IssueId = request.IssueId; results.Issues = request.Issues; results.Overview = request.Overview; results.PosterPath = PosterPathHelper.FixPosterPath(request.PosterPath); results.QualityOverride = request.QualityOverride; results.RootPathOverride = request.RootPathOverride; await MovieRepository.Update(results); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return results; } /// /// Removes the movie request. /// /// The request identifier. /// public async Task RemoveMovieRequest(int requestId) { var request = await MovieRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == requestId); var result = await CheckCanManageRequest(request); if (result.IsError) return result; await MovieRepository.Delete(request); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, }; } public async Task RemoveAllMovieRequests() { var request = MovieRepository.GetAll(); await MovieRepository.DeleteRange(request); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); } public async Task UserHasRequest(string userId) { return await MovieRepository.GetAll().AnyAsync(x => x.RequestedUserId == userId); } public async Task ReProcessRequest(int requestId, bool is4K, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var request = await MovieRepository.Find(requestId); if (request == null) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = false, ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist" }; } return await ProcessSendingMovie(request, is4K); } public async Task MarkUnavailable(int modelId, bool is4K) { var request = await MovieRepository.Find(modelId); if (request == null) { return new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist" }; } if (is4K) { request.Available4K = false; } else { request.Available = false; } await MovieRepository.Update(request); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return new RequestEngineResult { Message = "Request is now unavailable", Result = true }; } public async Task MarkAvailable(int modelId, bool is4K) { var request = await MovieRepository.Find(modelId); if (request == null) { return new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist" }; } if (!is4K) { request.Available = true; request.MarkedAsAvailable = DateTime.Now; } else { request.Available4K = true; request.MarkedAsAvailable4K = DateTime.Now; } await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestAvailable); await MovieRepository.Update(request); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return new RequestEngineResult { Message = "Request is now available", Result = true }; } private async Task AddMovieRequest(MovieRequests model, string movieName, string requestOnBehalf, bool isExisting, bool is4k) { if (is4k) { model.Has4KRequest = true; } if (!isExisting) { await MovieRepository.Add(model); } else { await MovieRepository.Update(model); } var result = await RunSpecificRule(model, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification, requestOnBehalf); if (result.Success) { await NotificationHelper.NewRequest(model); } await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); await _requestLog.Add(new RequestLog { UserId = requestOnBehalf.HasValue() ? requestOnBehalf : (await GetUser()).Id, RequestDate = DateTime.UtcNow, RequestId = model.Id, RequestType = RequestType.Movie, }); return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, Message = $"{movieName} has been successfully added!", RequestId = model.Id }; } } }