You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using TraktSharp;
using TraktSharp.Entities;
using TraktSharp.Enums;
namespace Ombi.Api.Trakt
public class TraktApi : ITraktApi
private TraktClient Client { get; }
private static readonly string Encrypted = "MTM0ZTU2ODM1MGY3NDI3NTExZTI1N2E2NTM0MDI2NjYwNDgwY2Y5YjkzYzc3ZjczNzhmMzQwNjAzYjY3MzgxZA==";
private readonly string _apiKey = StringCipher.DecryptString(Encrypted, "ApiKey");
public TraktApi()
Client = new TraktClient
Authentication =
ClientId = _apiKey,
ClientSecret = "7beeb6f1c0c842341f6bd285adb86200cb810e431fff0a8a1ed7158af4cffbbb"
public async Task<IEnumerable<TraktShow>> GetPopularShows(int? page = null, int? limitPerPage = null)
var popular = await Client.Shows.GetPopularShowsAsync(TraktExtendedOption.Full, page, limitPerPage);
return popular;
public async Task<IEnumerable<TraktShow>> GetTrendingShows(int? page = null, int? limitPerPage = null)
var trendingShowsTop10 = await Client.Shows.GetTrendingShowsAsync(TraktExtendedOption.Full, page, limitPerPage);
return trendingShowsTop10.Select(x => x.Show);
public async Task<IEnumerable<TraktShow>> GetAnticipatedShows(int? page = null, int? limitPerPage = null)
var anticipatedShows = await Client.Shows.GetAnticipatedShowsAsync(TraktExtendedOption.Full, page, limitPerPage);
return anticipatedShows.Select(x => x.Show);
public async Task<TraktShow> GetTvExtendedInfo(string imdbId)
return await Client.Shows.GetShowAsync(imdbId, TraktExtendedOption.Full);
catch (Exception e)
// Ignore the exception since the information returned from this API is optional.
Console.WriteLine($"Failed to retrieve extended tv information from Trakt. IMDbId: '{imdbId}'.");
return null;