You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { INotificationTemplates, NotificationType } from '../../interfaces/INotifcationSettings';
templateUrl: './notificationtemplate.component.html',
export class NotificationTemplate {
@Input() templates: INotificationTemplates[];
NotificationType = NotificationType;
helpText = `
{RequestedUser} : The User who requested the content <br/>
{RequestedDate} : The Date the media was requested <br/>
{Title} : The title of the request e.g. Lion King <br/>
{Type} : The request type e.g. Movie/Tv Show <br/>
{Overview} : Overview of the requested item <br/>
{Year} : The release year of the request<br/>
{EpisodesList} : A comma seperated list of Episodes requested<br/>
{SeasonsList} : A comma seperated list of seasons requested<br/>
{PosterImage} : The requested poster image link<br/>
{LongDate} : 15 June 2017 <br/>
{ShortDate} : 15/06/2017 <br/>
{LongTime} : 16:02:34 <br/>
{ShortTime} : 16:02 <br/>