You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

124 lines
5.0 KiB

import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BreakpointObserver, Breakpoints } from '@angular/cdk/layout';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { INavBar } from '../interfaces/ICommon';
import { StorageService } from '../shared/storage/storage-service';
import { SettingsService } from '../services';
import { MatSlideToggleChange } from '@angular/material/slide-toggle';
import { SearchFilter } from './SearchFilter';
import {Md5} from 'ts-md5/dist/md5';
export enum SearchFilterType {
Movie = 1,
TvShow = 2,
Music = 3,
People = 4
selector: 'app-my-nav',
templateUrl: './my-nav.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my-nav.component.scss'],
export class MyNavComponent implements OnInit {
isHandset$: Observable<boolean> = this.breakpointObserver.observe(Breakpoints.Handset)
map(result => result.matches)
@Input() public showNav: boolean;
@Input() public applicationName: string;
@Input() public username: string;
@Input() public isAdmin: string;
@Input() public email: string;
@Output() public logoutClick = new EventEmitter();
@Output() public themeChange = new EventEmitter<string>();
public theme: string;
public issuesEnabled: boolean = false;
public navItems: INavBar[];
public searchFilter: SearchFilter;
public SearchFilterType = SearchFilterType;
public emailHash: string|Int32Array;
constructor(private breakpointObserver: BreakpointObserver,
private settingsService: SettingsService,
private store: StorageService) {
public async ngOnInit() {
this.searchFilter = {
movies: true,
music: false,
people: false,
tvShows: true
const md5 = new Md5();
this.emailHash = md5.appendStr(;
this.issuesEnabled = await this.settingsService.issueEnabled().toPromise();
const customizationSettings = await this.settingsService.getCustomization().toPromise();
console.log("issues enabled: " + this.issuesEnabled);
this.theme ="theme");
if (!this.theme) {"theme", "dark");
var filter ="searchFilter");
if (filter) {
this.searchFilter = Object.assign(new SearchFilter(), JSON.parse(filter));
this.navItems = [
{ name: "NavigationBar.Discover", icon: "find_replace", link: "/discover", requiresAdmin: false, enabled: true, faIcon: null },
{ name: "NavigationBar.Requests", icon: "list", link: "/requests-list", requiresAdmin: false, enabled: true, faIcon: null },
{ name: "NavigationBar.Issues", icon: "notification_important", link: "/issues", requiresAdmin: false, enabled: this.issuesEnabled, faIcon: null },
{ name: "NavigationBar.UserManagement", icon: "account_circle", link: "/usermanagement", requiresAdmin: true, enabled: true, faIcon: null },
// { name: "NavigationBar.Calendar", icon: "calendar_today", link: "/calendar", requiresAdmin: false, enabled: true },
{ name: "NavigationBar.Donate", icon: "attach_money", link: "", externalLink: true, requiresAdmin: true, enabled: true, toolTip: true, style: "color:red;", toolTipMessage: 'NavigationBar.DonateTooltip', faIcon: null },
{ name: "NavigationBar.Donate", icon: "attach_money", link: customizationSettings.customDonationUrl, externalLink: true, requiresAdmin: false, enabled: customizationSettings.enableCustomDonations, toolTip: true, toolTipMessage: customizationSettings.customDonationMessage, faIcon: null },
{ name: "NavigationBar.FeatureSuggestion", icon: null, link: "", externalLink: true, requiresAdmin: true, enabled: true, toolTip: true, toolTipMessage: 'NavigationBar.FeatureSuggestionTooltip', faIcon: "fa-lightbulb-o" },
{ name: "NavigationBar.Settings", icon: "settings", link: "/Settings/About", requiresAdmin: true, enabled: true, faIcon: null },
{ name: "NavigationBar.UserPreferences", icon: "person", link: "/user-preferences", requiresAdmin: false, enabled: true, faIcon: null },
public logOut() {
public switchTheme() {
if (this.theme) {
let newTheme = "";
if (this.theme === "dark") {
newTheme = "light";
} else {
newTheme = "dark";
}"theme", newTheme)
this.theme = newTheme;
public changeFilter(event: MatSlideToggleChange, searchFilterType: SearchFilterType) {
switch (searchFilterType) {
case SearchFilterType.Movie:
this.searchFilter.movies = event.checked;
case SearchFilterType.TvShow:
this.searchFilter.tvShows = event.checked;
case SearchFilterType.Music: = event.checked;
case SearchFilterType.People:
this.searchFilter.people = event.checked;
}"searchFilter", JSON.stringify(this.searchFilter));