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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1075 lines
46 KiB
1075 lines
46 KiB
#region Copyright
// /************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 2016 Jamie Rees
// File: SearchModule.cs
// Created By: Jamie Rees
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// ************************************************************************/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using Nancy;
using Nancy.Responses.Negotiation;
using NLog;
using PlexRequests.Api;
using PlexRequests.Api.Interfaces;
using PlexRequests.Api.Models.Music;
using PlexRequests.Core;
using PlexRequests.Core.SettingModels;
using PlexRequests.Helpers;
using PlexRequests.Services.Interfaces;
using PlexRequests.Services.Notification;
using PlexRequests.Store;
using PlexRequests.UI.Helpers;
using PlexRequests.UI.Models;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Nancy.Extensions;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using PlexRequests.Api.Models.Tv;
using PlexRequests.Core.Models;
using PlexRequests.Helpers.Analytics;
using PlexRequests.Store.Models;
using PlexRequests.Store.Repository;
using TMDbLib.Objects.General;
using Action = PlexRequests.Helpers.Analytics.Action;
namespace PlexRequests.UI.Modules
public class SearchModule : BaseAuthModule
public SearchModule(ICacheProvider cache, ISettingsService<CouchPotatoSettings> cpSettings,
ISettingsService<PlexRequestSettings> prSettings, IAvailabilityChecker checker,
IRequestService request, ISonarrApi sonarrApi, ISettingsService<SonarrSettings> sonarrSettings,
ISettingsService<SickRageSettings> sickRageService, ICouchPotatoApi cpApi, ISickRageApi srApi,
INotificationService notify, IMusicBrainzApi mbApi, IHeadphonesApi hpApi, ISettingsService<HeadphonesSettings> hpService,
ICouchPotatoCacher cpCacher, ISonarrCacher sonarrCacher, ISickRageCacher sickRageCacher, IPlexApi plexApi,
ISettingsService<PlexSettings> plexService, ISettingsService<AuthenticationSettings> auth, IRepository<UsersToNotify> u, ISettingsService<EmailNotificationSettings> email,
IIssueService issue, IAnalytics a, IRepository<RequestLimit> rl) : base("search", prSettings)
Auth = auth;
PlexService = plexService;
PlexApi = plexApi;
CpService = cpSettings;
PrService = prSettings;
MovieApi = new TheMovieDbApi();
Cache = cache;
Checker = checker;
CpCacher = cpCacher;
SonarrCacher = sonarrCacher;
SickRageCacher = sickRageCacher;
RequestService = request;
SonarrApi = sonarrApi;
SonarrService = sonarrSettings;
CouchPotatoApi = cpApi;
SickRageService = sickRageService;
SickrageApi = srApi;
NotificationService = notify;
MusicBrainzApi = mbApi;
HeadphonesApi = hpApi;
HeadphonesService = hpService;
UsersToNotifyRepo = u;
EmailNotificationSettings = email;
IssueService = issue;
Analytics = a;
RequestLimitRepo = rl;
TvApi = new TvMazeApi();
Get["SearchIndex", "/", true] = async (x, ct) => await RequestLoad();
Get["movie/{searchTerm}", true] = async (x, ct) => await SearchMovie((string)x.searchTerm);
Get["tv/{searchTerm}", true] = async (x, ct) => await SearchTvShow((string)x.searchTerm);
Get["music/{searchTerm}", true] = async (x, ct) => await SearchMusic((string)x.searchTerm);
Get["music/coverArt/{id}"] = p => GetMusicBrainzCoverArt((string)p.id);
Get["movie/upcoming", true] = async (x, ct) => await UpcomingMovies();
Get["movie/playing", true] = async (x, ct) => await CurrentlyPlayingMovies();
Post["request/movie", true] = async (x, ct) => await RequestMovie((int)Request.Form.movieId);
Post["request/tv", true] = async (x, ct) => await RequestTvShow((int)Request.Form.tvId, (string)Request.Form.seasons);
Post["request/tvEpisodes", true] = async (x, ct) => await RequestTvShow(0, "episode");
Post["request/album", true] = async (x, ct) => await RequestAlbum((string)Request.Form.albumId);
Post["/notifyuser", true] = async (x, ct) => await NotifyUser((bool)Request.Form.notify);
Get["/notifyuser", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetUserNotificationSettings();
Get["/seasons"] = x => GetSeasons();
Get["/episodes", true] = async (x, ct) => await GetEpisodes();
private TvMazeApi TvApi { get; }
private IPlexApi PlexApi { get; }
private TheMovieDbApi MovieApi { get; }
private INotificationService NotificationService { get; }
private ICouchPotatoApi CouchPotatoApi { get; }
private ISonarrApi SonarrApi { get; }
private ISickRageApi SickrageApi { get; }
private IRequestService RequestService { get; }
private ICacheProvider Cache { get; }
private ISettingsService<AuthenticationSettings> Auth { get; }
private ISettingsService<PlexSettings> PlexService { get; }
private ISettingsService<CouchPotatoSettings> CpService { get; }
private ISettingsService<PlexRequestSettings> PrService { get; }
private ISettingsService<SonarrSettings> SonarrService { get; }
private ISettingsService<SickRageSettings> SickRageService { get; }
private ISettingsService<HeadphonesSettings> HeadphonesService { get; }
private ISettingsService<EmailNotificationSettings> EmailNotificationSettings { get; }
private IAvailabilityChecker Checker { get; }
private ICouchPotatoCacher CpCacher { get; }
private ISonarrCacher SonarrCacher { get; }
private ISickRageCacher SickRageCacher { get; }
private IMusicBrainzApi MusicBrainzApi { get; }
private IHeadphonesApi HeadphonesApi { get; }
private IRepository<UsersToNotify> UsersToNotifyRepo { get; }
private IIssueService IssueService { get; }
private IAnalytics Analytics { get; }
private IRepository<RequestLimit> RequestLimitRepo { get; }
private static Logger Log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private async Task<Negotiator> RequestLoad()
var settings = await PrService.GetSettingsAsync();
return View["Search/Index", settings];
private async Task<Response> UpcomingMovies()
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Movie, "Upcoming", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
return await ProcessMovies(MovieSearchType.Upcoming, string.Empty);
private async Task<Response> CurrentlyPlayingMovies()
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Movie, "CurrentlyPlaying", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
return await ProcessMovies(MovieSearchType.CurrentlyPlaying, string.Empty);
private async Task<Response> SearchMovie(string searchTerm)
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Movie, searchTerm, Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
return await ProcessMovies(MovieSearchType.Search, searchTerm);
private async Task<Response> ProcessMovies(MovieSearchType searchType, string searchTerm)
List<MovieResult> apiMovies;
switch (searchType)
case MovieSearchType.Search:
var movies = await MovieApi.SearchMovie(searchTerm);
apiMovies = movies.Select(x =>
new MovieResult()
Adult = x.Adult,
BackdropPath = x.BackdropPath,
GenreIds = x.GenreIds,
Id = x.Id,
OriginalLanguage = x.OriginalLanguage,
OriginalTitle = x.OriginalTitle,
Overview = x.Overview,
Popularity = x.Popularity,
PosterPath = x.PosterPath,
ReleaseDate = x.ReleaseDate,
Title = x.Title,
Video = x.Video,
VoteAverage = x.VoteAverage,
VoteCount = x.VoteCount
case MovieSearchType.CurrentlyPlaying:
apiMovies = await MovieApi.GetCurrentPlayingMovies();
case MovieSearchType.Upcoming:
apiMovies = await MovieApi.GetUpcomingMovies();
apiMovies = new List<MovieResult>();
var allResults = await RequestService.GetAllAsync();
allResults = allResults.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.Movie);
var distinctResults = allResults.DistinctBy(x => x.ProviderId);
var dbMovies = distinctResults.ToDictionary(x => x.ProviderId);
var cpCached = CpCacher.QueuedIds();
var plexMovies = Checker.GetPlexMovies();
var settings = await PrService.GetSettingsAsync();
var viewMovies = new List<SearchMovieViewModel>();
foreach (var movie in apiMovies)
var viewMovie = new SearchMovieViewModel
Adult = movie.Adult,
BackdropPath = movie.BackdropPath,
GenreIds = movie.GenreIds,
Id = movie.Id,
OriginalLanguage = movie.OriginalLanguage,
OriginalTitle = movie.OriginalTitle,
Overview = movie.Overview,
Popularity = movie.Popularity,
PosterPath = movie.PosterPath,
ReleaseDate = movie.ReleaseDate,
Title = movie.Title,
Video = movie.Video,
VoteAverage = movie.VoteAverage,
VoteCount = movie.VoteCount
var canSee = CanUserSeeThisRequest(viewMovie.Id, settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests, dbMovies);
if (Checker.IsMovieAvailable(plexMovies.ToArray(), movie.Title, movie.ReleaseDate?.Year.ToString()))
viewMovie.Available = true;
else if (dbMovies.ContainsKey(movie.Id) && canSee) // compare to the requests db
var dbm = dbMovies[movie.Id];
viewMovie.Requested = true;
viewMovie.Approved = dbm.Approved;
viewMovie.Available = dbm.Available;
else if (cpCached.Contains(movie.Id) && canSee) // compare to the couchpotato db
viewMovie.Requested = true;
return Response.AsJson(viewMovies);
private bool CanUserSeeThisRequest(int movieId, bool usersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests, Dictionary<int, RequestedModel> moviesInDb)
if (usersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests)
var result = moviesInDb.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.ProviderId == movieId);
return result.Value == null || result.Value.UserHasRequested(Username);
return true;
private async Task<Response> SearchTvShow(string searchTerm)
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.TvShow, searchTerm, Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
var plexSettings = await PlexService.GetSettingsAsync();
var providerId = string.Empty;
var apiTv = new List<TvMazeSearch>();
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new TvMazeApi().Search(searchTerm)).ContinueWith((t) =>
apiTv = t.Result;
var allResults = await RequestService.GetAllAsync();
allResults = allResults.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.TvShow);
var dbTv = allResults.ToDictionary(x => x.ProviderId);
if (!apiTv.Any())
return Response.AsJson("");
var sonarrCached = SonarrCacher.QueuedIds();
var sickRageCache = SickRageCacher.QueuedIds(); // consider just merging sonarr/sickrage arrays
var plexTvShows = Checker.GetPlexTvShows();
var viewTv = new List<SearchTvShowViewModel>();
foreach (var t in apiTv)
var tvInfoTask = Task.Run(() => TvApi.EpisodeLookup(t.show.id));
var banner = t.show.image?.medium;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(banner))
banner = banner.Replace("http", "https"); // Always use the Https banners
var viewT = new SearchTvShowViewModel
Banner = banner,
FirstAired = t.show.premiered,
Id = t.show.externals?.thetvdb ?? 0,
ImdbId = t.show.externals?.imdb,
Network = t.show.network?.name,
NetworkId = t.show.network?.id.ToString(),
Overview = t.show.summary.RemoveHtml(),
Rating = t.score.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture),
Runtime = t.show.runtime.ToString(),
SeriesId = t.show.id,
SeriesName = t.show.name,
Status = t.show.status
if (plexSettings.AdvancedSearch)
providerId = viewT.Id.ToString();
if (Checker.IsTvShowAvailable(plexTvShows.ToArray(), t.show.name, t.show.premiered?.Substring(0, 4), providerId))
viewT.Available = true;
else if (t.show?.externals?.thetvdb != null)
var tvdbid = (int)t.show.externals.thetvdb;
if (dbTv.ContainsKey(tvdbid))
var dbt = dbTv[tvdbid];
viewT.Requested = true;
viewT.Episodes = dbt.Episodes.ToList();
viewT.Approved = dbt.Approved;
viewT.Available = dbt.Available;
else if (sonarrCached.Contains(tvdbid) || sickRageCache.Contains(tvdbid)) // compare to the sonarr/sickrage db
viewT.Requested = true;
var tvInfo = await tvInfoTask;
// Check if we have every episode in all seasons
var epModel = tvInfo.Select(tvIn => new Store.EpisodesModel { SeasonNumber = tvIn.season, EpisodeNumber = tvIn.number }).ToList();
var diff = viewT.Episodes.Except(epModel);
if (diff.Any())
viewT.TvFullyAvailable = true;
return Response.AsJson(viewTv);
private async Task<Response> SearchMusic(string searchTerm)
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Album, searchTerm, Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
var apiAlbums = new List<Release>();
await Task.Run(() => MusicBrainzApi.SearchAlbum(searchTerm)).ContinueWith((t) =>
apiAlbums = t.Result.releases ?? new List<Release>();
var allResults = await RequestService.GetAllAsync();
allResults = allResults.Where(x => x.Type == RequestType.Album);
var dbAlbum = allResults.ToDictionary(x => x.MusicBrainzId);
var plexAlbums = Checker.GetPlexAlbums();
var viewAlbum = new List<SearchMusicViewModel>();
foreach (var a in apiAlbums)
var viewA = new SearchMusicViewModel
Title = a.title,
Id = a.id,
Artist = a.ArtistCredit?.Select(x => x.artist?.name).FirstOrDefault(),
Overview = a.disambiguation,
ReleaseDate = a.date,
TrackCount = a.TrackCount,
ReleaseType = a.status,
Country = a.country
DateTime release;
DateTimeHelper.CustomParse(a.ReleaseEvents?.FirstOrDefault()?.date, out release);
var artist = a.ArtistCredit?.FirstOrDefault()?.artist;
if (Checker.IsAlbumAvailable(plexAlbums.ToArray(), a.title, release.ToString("yyyy"), artist?.name))
viewA.Available = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.id) && dbAlbum.ContainsKey(a.id))
var dba = dbAlbum[a.id];
viewA.Requested = true;
viewA.Approved = dba.Approved;
viewA.Available = dba.Available;
return Response.AsJson(viewAlbum);
private async Task<Response> RequestMovie(int movieId)
var settings = await PrService.GetSettingsAsync();
if (!await CheckRequestLimit(settings, RequestType.Movie))
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "You have reached your weekly request limit for Movies! Please contact your admin." });
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Request, "Movie", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
var movieInfo = await MovieApi.GetMovieInformation(movieId);
var fullMovieName = $"{movieInfo.Title}{(movieInfo.ReleaseDate.HasValue ? $" ({movieInfo.ReleaseDate.Value.Year})" : string.Empty)}";
var existingRequest = await RequestService.CheckRequestAsync(movieId);
if (existingRequest != null)
// check if the current user is already marked as a requester for this movie, if not, add them
if (!existingRequest.UserHasRequested(Username))
await RequestService.UpdateRequestAsync(existingRequest);
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true, Message = settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests ? $"{fullMovieName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}" : $"{fullMovieName} {Resources.UI.Search_AlreadyRequested}" });
var movies = Checker.GetPlexMovies();
if (Checker.IsMovieAvailable(movies.ToArray(), movieInfo.Title, movieInfo.ReleaseDate?.Year.ToString()))
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = $"{fullMovieName} is already in Plex!" });
catch (Exception e)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = string.Format(Resources.UI.Search_CouldNotCheckPlex, fullMovieName) });
var model = new RequestedModel
ProviderId = movieInfo.Id,
Type = RequestType.Movie,
Overview = movieInfo.Overview,
ImdbId = movieInfo.ImdbId,
PosterPath = "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w150/" + movieInfo.PosterPath,
Title = movieInfo.Title,
ReleaseDate = movieInfo.ReleaseDate ?? DateTime.MinValue,
Status = movieInfo.Status,
RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
Approved = false,
RequestedUsers = new List<string> { Username },
Issues = IssueState.None,
if (ShouldAutoApprove(RequestType.Movie, settings))
var cpSettings = await CpService.GetSettingsAsync();
model.Approved = true;
if (cpSettings.Enabled)
Log.Info("Adding movie to CP (No approval required)");
var result = CouchPotatoApi.AddMovie(model.ImdbId, cpSettings.ApiKey, model.Title,
cpSettings.FullUri, cpSettings.ProfileId);
Log.Debug("Adding movie to CP result {0}", result);
if (result)
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullMovieName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel
Result = false,
Message = Resources.UI.Search_CouchPotatoError
model.Approved = true;
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullMovieName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullMovieName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
catch (Exception e)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_CouchPotatoError });
/// <summary>
/// Requests the tv show.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="showId">The show identifier.</param>
/// <param name="seasons">The seasons.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private async Task<Response> RequestTvShow(int showId, string seasons)
// Get the JSON from the request
var req = (Dictionary<string, object>.ValueCollection)Request.Form.Values;
var json = req.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString();
var episodeModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EpisodeRequestModel>(json); // Convert it into the object
var episodeRequest = false;
var settings = await PrService.GetSettingsAsync();
if (!await CheckRequestLimit(settings, RequestType.TvShow))
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_WeeklyRequestLimitTVShow });
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Request, "TvShow", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
var sonarrSettings = SonarrService.GetSettingsAsync();
// This means we are requesting an episode rather than a whole series or season
if (episodeModel != null)
episodeRequest = true;
showId = episodeModel.ShowId;
var s = await sonarrSettings;
if (!s.Enabled)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Message = "This is currently only supported with Sonarr, Please enable Sonarr for this feature", Result = false });
var showInfo = TvApi.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(showId);
DateTime firstAir;
DateTime.TryParse(showInfo.premiered, out firstAir);
string fullShowName = $"{showInfo.name} ({firstAir.Year})";
if (showInfo.externals?.thetvdb == null)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = "Our TV Provider (TVMaze) doesn't have a TheTVDBId for this item. Please report this to TVMaze. We cannot add the series sorry." });
// check if the show/episodes have already been requested
var existingRequest = await RequestService.CheckRequestAsync(showId);
var difference = new List<Store.EpisodesModel>();
if (existingRequest != null)
if (episodeRequest)
difference = GetListDifferences(existingRequest.Episodes, episodeModel.Episodes).ToList();
if (!difference.Any())
return await AddUserToRequest(existingRequest, settings, fullShowName);
// We have an episode that has not yet been requested, let's continue
return await AddUserToRequest(existingRequest, settings, fullShowName);
var shows = Checker.GetPlexTvShows();
var providerId = string.Empty;
var plexSettings = await PlexService.GetSettingsAsync();
if (plexSettings.AdvancedSearch)
providerId = showId.ToString();
if (episodeRequest)
foreach (var d in difference)
if (Checker.IsEpisodeAvailable(providerId, d.SeasonNumber, d.EpisodeNumber))
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = $"{fullShowName} {d.SeasonNumber} - {d.EpisodeNumber} {Resources.UI.Search_AlreadyInPlex}" });
if (Checker.IsTvShowAvailable(shows.ToArray(), showInfo.name, showInfo.premiered?.Substring(0, 4), providerId))
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_AlreadyInPlex}" });
catch (Exception)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = string.Format(Resources.UI.Search_CouldNotCheckPlex, fullShowName) });
var model = new RequestedModel
ProviderId = showInfo.externals?.thetvdb ?? 0,
Type = RequestType.TvShow,
Overview = showInfo.summary.RemoveHtml(),
PosterPath = showInfo.image?.medium,
Title = showInfo.name,
ReleaseDate = firstAir,
Status = showInfo.status,
RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
Approved = false,
RequestedUsers = new List<string> { Username },
Issues = IssueState.None,
ImdbId = showInfo.externals?.imdb ?? string.Empty,
SeasonCount = showInfo.seasonCount,
TvDbId = showId.ToString()
var seasonsList = new List<int>();
switch (seasons)
case "first":
model.SeasonsRequested = "First";
case "latest":
model.SeasonsRequested = "Latest";
case "all":
model.SeasonsRequested = "All";
case "episode":
model.Episodes = new Store.EpisodesModel[episodeModel.Episodes.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < episodeModel.Episodes.Length; i++)
model.Episodes[i] = new Store.EpisodesModel { EpisodeNumber = episodeModel.Episodes[i].EpisodeNumber, SeasonNumber = episodeModel.Episodes[i].SeasonNumber };
model.SeasonsRequested = seasons;
var split = seasons.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var seasonsCount = new int[split.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
int tryInt;
int.TryParse(split[i], out tryInt);
seasonsCount[i] = tryInt;
model.SeasonList = seasonsList.ToArray();
if (ShouldAutoApprove(RequestType.TvShow, settings))
model.Approved = true;
var s = await sonarrSettings;
var sender = new TvSender(SonarrApi, SickrageApi);
if (s.Enabled)
var result = await sender.SendToSonarr(s, model);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result?.title))
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
Log.Debug("Error with sending to sonarr.");
return Response.AsJson(ValidationHelper.SendSonarrError(result?.ErrorMessages ?? new List<string>()));
var srSettings = SickRageService.GetSettings();
if (srSettings.Enabled)
var result = sender.SendToSickRage(srSettings, model);
if (result?.result == "success")
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = result?.message ?? Resources.UI.Search_SickrageError });
if (!srSettings.Enabled && !s.Enabled)
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_TvNotSetUp });
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
private async Task<Response> AddUserToRequest(RequestedModel existingRequest, PlexRequestSettings settings, string fullShowName)
// check if the current user is already marked as a requester for this show, if not, add them
if (!existingRequest.UserHasRequested(Username))
await RequestService.UpdateRequestAsync(existingRequest);
new JsonResponseModel
Result = true,
Message =
? $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}"
: $"{fullShowName} {Resources.UI.Search_AlreadyRequested}"
private bool ShouldSendNotification(RequestType type, PlexRequestSettings prSettings)
var sendNotification = ShouldAutoApprove(type, prSettings) ? !prSettings.IgnoreNotifyForAutoApprovedRequests : true;
var claims = Context.CurrentUser?.Claims;
if (claims != null)
var enumerable = claims as string[] ?? claims.ToArray();
if (enumerable.Contains(UserClaims.Admin) || enumerable.Contains(UserClaims.PowerUser))
sendNotification = false; // Don't bother sending a notification if the user is an admin
return sendNotification;
private async Task<Response> RequestAlbum(string releaseId)
var settings = await PrService.GetSettingsAsync();
if (!await CheckRequestLimit(settings, RequestType.Album))
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_WeeklyRequestLimitAlbums });
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Request, "Album", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies));
var existingRequest = await RequestService.CheckRequestAsync(releaseId);
if (existingRequest != null)
if (!existingRequest.UserHasRequested(Username))
await RequestService.UpdateRequestAsync(existingRequest);
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true, Message = settings.UsersCanViewOnlyOwnRequests ? $"{existingRequest.Title} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}" : $"{existingRequest.Title} {Resources.UI.Search_AlreadyRequested}" });
var albumInfo = MusicBrainzApi.GetAlbum(releaseId);
DateTime release;
DateTimeHelper.CustomParse(albumInfo.ReleaseEvents?.FirstOrDefault()?.date, out release);
var artist = albumInfo.ArtistCredits?.FirstOrDefault()?.artist;
if (artist == null)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_MusicBrainzError });
var albums = Checker.GetPlexAlbums();
var alreadyInPlex = Checker.IsAlbumAvailable(albums.ToArray(), albumInfo.title, release.ToString("yyyy"), artist.name);
if (alreadyInPlex)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel
Result = false,
Message = $"{albumInfo.title} {Resources.UI.Search_AlreadyInPlex}"
var img = GetMusicBrainzCoverArt(albumInfo.id);
var model = new RequestedModel
Title = albumInfo.title,
MusicBrainzId = albumInfo.id,
Overview = albumInfo.disambiguation,
PosterPath = img,
Type = RequestType.Album,
ProviderId = 0,
RequestedUsers = new List<string> { Username },
Status = albumInfo.status,
Issues = IssueState.None,
RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
ReleaseDate = release,
ArtistName = artist.name,
ArtistId = artist.id
if (ShouldAutoApprove(RequestType.Album, settings))
model.Approved = true;
var hpSettings = HeadphonesService.GetSettings();
if (!hpSettings.Enabled)
await RequestService.AddRequestAsync(model);
Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel
Result = true,
Message = $"{model.Title} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}"
var sender = new HeadphonesSender(HeadphonesApi, hpSettings, RequestService);
await sender.AddAlbum(model);
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{model.Title} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
return await AddRequest(model, settings, $"{model.Title} {Resources.UI.Search_SuccessfullyAdded}");
private string GetMusicBrainzCoverArt(string id)
var coverArt = MusicBrainzApi.GetCoverArt(id);
var firstImage = coverArt?.images?.FirstOrDefault();
var img = string.Empty;
if (firstImage != null)
img = firstImage.thumbnails?.small ?? firstImage.image;
return img;
private bool ShouldAutoApprove(RequestType requestType, PlexRequestSettings prSettings)
// if the user is an admin or they are whitelisted, they go ahead and allow auto-approval
if (IsAdmin || prSettings.ApprovalWhiteList.Any(x => x.Equals(Username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) return true;
// check by request type if the category requires approval or not
switch (requestType)
case RequestType.Movie:
return !prSettings.RequireMovieApproval;
case RequestType.TvShow:
return !prSettings.RequireTvShowApproval;
case RequestType.Album:
return !prSettings.RequireMusicApproval;
return false;
private async Task<Response> NotifyUser(bool notify)
Analytics.TrackEventAsync(Category.Search, Action.Save, "NotifyUser", Username, CookieHelper.GetAnalyticClientId(Cookies), notify ? 1 : 0);
var authSettings = await Auth.GetSettingsAsync();
var auth = authSettings.UserAuthentication;
var emailSettings = await EmailNotificationSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
var email = emailSettings.EnableUserEmailNotifications;
if (!auth)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_ErrorPlexAccountOnly });
if (!email)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_ErrorNotEnabled });
var username = Username;
var originalList = await UsersToNotifyRepo.GetAllAsync();
if (!notify)
if (originalList == null)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Search_NotificationError });
var userToRemove = originalList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == username);
if (userToRemove != null)
await UsersToNotifyRepo.DeleteAsync(userToRemove);
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true });
if (originalList == null)
var userModel = new UsersToNotify { Username = username };
var insertResult = await UsersToNotifyRepo.InsertAsync(userModel);
return Response.AsJson(insertResult != -1 ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Common_CouldNotSave });
var existingUser = originalList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == username);
if (existingUser != null)
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true }); // It's already enabled
var userModel = new UsersToNotify { Username = username };
var insertResult = await UsersToNotifyRepo.InsertAsync(userModel);
return Response.AsJson(insertResult != -1 ? new JsonResponseModel { Result = true } : new JsonResponseModel { Result = false, Message = Resources.UI.Common_CouldNotSave });
private async Task<Response> GetUserNotificationSettings()
var all = await UsersToNotifyRepo.GetAllAsync();
var retVal = all.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == Username);
return Response.AsJson(retVal != null);
private Response GetSeasons()
var seriesId = (int)Request.Query.tvId;
var show = TvApi.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(seriesId);
var seasons = TvApi.GetSeasons(show.id);
var model = seasons.Select(x => x.number);
return Response.AsJson(model);
private async Task<Response> GetEpisodes()
var allResults = await RequestService.GetAllAsync();
var model = new List<EpisodeListViewModel>();
var seriesId = (int)Request.Query.tvId;
var enumerable = allResults as RequestedModel[] ?? allResults.ToArray();
var dbDbShow = enumerable.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == RequestType.TvShow && x.TvDbId == seriesId.ToString());
var show = await Task.Run(() => TvApi.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(seriesId));
var seasons = await Task.Run(() => TvApi.EpisodeLookup(show.id));
foreach (var ep in seasons)
var requested = dbDbShow?.Episodes
.Any(episodesModel =>
ep.number == episodesModel.EpisodeNumber && ep.season == episodesModel.SeasonNumber) ?? false;
var alreadyInPlex = Checker.IsEpisodeAvailable(seriesId.ToString(), ep.season, ep.number);
model.Add(new EpisodeListViewModel
Id = show.id,
SeasonNumber = ep.season,
EpisodeNumber = ep.number,
Requested = requested || alreadyInPlex,
Name = ep.name,
EpisodeId = ep.id
return Response.AsJson(model);
public async Task<bool> CheckRequestLimit(PlexRequestSettings s, RequestType type)
if (IsAdmin)
return true;
if (s.ApprovalWhiteList.Contains(Username))
return true;
var requestLimit = GetRequestLimitForType(type, s);
if (requestLimit == 0)
return true;
var limit = await RequestLimitRepo.GetAllAsync();
var usersLimit = limit.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == Username && x.RequestType == type);
if (usersLimit == null)
// Have not set a requestLimit yet
return true;
return requestLimit > usersLimit.RequestCount;
private int GetRequestLimitForType(RequestType type, PlexRequestSettings s)
int requestLimit;
switch (type)
case RequestType.Movie:
requestLimit = s.MovieWeeklyRequestLimit;
case RequestType.TvShow:
requestLimit = s.TvWeeklyRequestLimit;
case RequestType.Album:
requestLimit = s.AlbumWeeklyRequestLimit;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);
return requestLimit;
private async Task<Response> AddRequest(RequestedModel model, PlexRequestSettings settings, string message)
await RequestService.AddRequestAsync(model);
if (ShouldSendNotification(model.Type, settings))
var notificationModel = new NotificationModel
Title = model.Title,
User = Username,
DateTime = DateTime.Now,
NotificationType = NotificationType.NewRequest,
RequestType = model.Type
await NotificationService.Publish(notificationModel);
var limit = await RequestLimitRepo.GetAllAsync();
var usersLimit = limit.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == Username && x.RequestType == model.Type);
if (usersLimit == null)
await RequestLimitRepo.InsertAsync(new RequestLimit
Username = Username,
RequestType = model.Type,
FirstRequestDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
RequestCount = 1
await RequestLimitRepo.UpdateAsync(usersLimit);
return Response.AsJson(new JsonResponseModel { Result = true, Message = message });
private IEnumerable<Store.EpisodesModel> GetListDifferences(IEnumerable<Store.EpisodesModel> model, IEnumerable<Models.EpisodesModel> request)
var newRequest = request
.Select(r =>
new Store.EpisodesModel
SeasonNumber = r.SeasonNumber,
EpisodeNumber = r.EpisodeNumber
return newRequest.Except(model);