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import { ModuleWithProviders, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HumanizePipe } from './HumanizePipe';
import { TranslateStatusPipe } from './TranslateStatus';
import { ThousandShortPipe } from './ThousandShortPipe';
import { SafePipe } from './SafePipe';
import { QualityPipe } from './QualityPipe';
import { OrderPipe } from './OrderPipe';
import { OmbiDatePipe } from './OmbiDatePipe';
import { FormatPipeModule, FormatPipe } from 'ngx-date-fns';
imports: [FormatPipeModule],
declarations: [HumanizePipe, ThousandShortPipe, SafePipe, QualityPipe, TranslateStatusPipe, OrderPipe, OmbiDatePipe],
exports: [HumanizePipe, ThousandShortPipe, SafePipe, QualityPipe, TranslateStatusPipe, OrderPipe, OmbiDatePipe],
providers: [FormatPipe],
export class PipeModule {
public static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders<PipeModule> {
return {
ngModule: PipeModule,
providers: [],