You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Ombi.Api.Emby;
using Ombi.Api.Jellyfin;
using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb;
using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb.Models;
using Ombi.Api.TvMaze;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Hubs;
using Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Emby;
using Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Jellyfin;
using Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex;
using Ombi.Store.Entities;
using Ombi.Store.Repository;
using Quartz;
namespace Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Ombi
public class RefreshMetadata : IRefreshMetadata
public RefreshMetadata(IPlexContentRepository plexRepo, IEmbyContentRepository embyRepo, IJellyfinContentRepository jellyfinRepo,
ILogger<RefreshMetadata> log, ITvMazeApi tvApi, ISettingsService<PlexSettings> plexSettings,
IMovieDbApi movieApi,
ISettingsService<EmbySettings> embySettings, IEmbyApiFactory embyApi,
ISettingsService<JellyfinSettings> jellyfinSettings, IJellyfinApiFactory jellyfinApi,
IHubContext<NotificationHub> notification)
_plexRepo = plexRepo;
_embyRepo = embyRepo;
_jellyfinRepo = jellyfinRepo;
_log = log;
_movieApi = movieApi;
_tvApi = tvApi;
_plexSettings = plexSettings;
_embySettings = embySettings;
_embyApiFactory = embyApi;
_jellyfinSettings = jellyfinSettings;
_jellyfinApiFactory = jellyfinApi;
_notification = notification;
private readonly IPlexContentRepository _plexRepo;
private readonly IEmbyContentRepository _embyRepo;
private readonly IJellyfinContentRepository _jellyfinRepo;
private readonly ILogger _log;
private readonly IMovieDbApi _movieApi;
private readonly ITvMazeApi _tvApi;
private readonly ISettingsService<PlexSettings> _plexSettings;
private readonly ISettingsService<EmbySettings> _embySettings;
private readonly ISettingsService<JellyfinSettings> _jellyfinSettings;
private readonly IEmbyApiFactory _embyApiFactory;
private readonly IJellyfinApiFactory _jellyfinApiFactory;
private readonly IHubContext<NotificationHub> _notification;
private IEmbyApi EmbyApi { get; set; }
private IJellyfinApi JellyfinApi { get; set; }
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext job)
_log.LogInformation("Starting the Metadata refresh");
await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds)
.SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Metadata Refresh Started");
var settings = await _plexSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (settings.Enable)
await StartPlex();
await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IPlexAvailabilityChecker), "Plex");
var embySettings = await _embySettings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (embySettings.Enable)
await StartEmby(embySettings);
await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IEmbyAvaliabilityChecker), "Emby");
var jellyfinSettings = await _jellyfinSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (jellyfinSettings.Enable)
await StartJellyfin(jellyfinSettings);
await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(IJellyfinAvaliabilityChecker), "Jellyfin");
catch (Exception e)
_log.LogError(e, $"Exception when refreshing the Metadata Refresh");
await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds)
.SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Metadata Refresh Failed");
_log.LogInformation("Metadata refresh finished");
await _notification.Clients.Clients(NotificationHub.AdminConnectionIds)
.SendAsync(NotificationHub.NotificationEvent, "Metadata Refresh Finished");
private async Task StartPlex()
// Ensure we check that we have not linked this item to a request
var allMovies = await _plexRepo.GetAll().Where(x =>
x.Type == PlexMediaTypeEntity.Movie && x.RequestId == null && (x.TheMovieDbId == null || x.ImdbId == null)).ToListAsync();
await StartPlexMovies(allMovies);
// Now Tv
var allTv = await _plexRepo.GetAll().Where(x =>
x.Type == PlexMediaTypeEntity.Show && x.RequestId == null && (x.TheMovieDbId == null || x.ImdbId == null || x.TvDbId == null)).ToListAsync();
await StartPlexTv(allTv);
private async Task StartEmby(EmbySettings s)
EmbyApi = _embyApiFactory.CreateClient(s);
await StartEmbyMovies(s);
await StartEmbyTv();
private async Task StartJellyfin(JellyfinSettings s)
JellyfinApi = _jellyfinApiFactory.CreateClient(s);
await StartJellyfinMovies(s);
await StartJellyfinTv();
private async Task StartPlexTv(List<PlexServerContent> allTv)
foreach (var show in allTv)
// Just double check there is no associated request id
if (show.RequestId.HasValue)
var hasImdb = show.ImdbId.HasValue();
var hasTheMovieDb = show.TheMovieDbId.HasValue();
var hasTvDbId = show.TvDbId.HasValue();
if (!hasTheMovieDb)
var id = await GetTheMovieDbId(hasTvDbId, hasImdb, show.TvDbId, show.ImdbId, show.Title, false);
show.TheMovieDbId = id;
if (!hasImdb)
var id = await GetImdbId(hasTheMovieDb, hasTvDbId, show.Title, show.TheMovieDbId, show.TvDbId);
show.ImdbId = id;
if (!hasTvDbId)
var id = await GetTvDbId(hasTheMovieDb, hasImdb, show.TheMovieDbId, show.ImdbId, show.Title);
show.TvDbId = id;
await _plexRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task StartEmbyTv()
var allTv = await _embyRepo.GetAll().Where(x =>
x.Type == EmbyMediaType.Series && (x.TheMovieDbId == null || x.ImdbId == null || x.TvDbId == null)).ToListAsync();
foreach (var show in allTv)
var hasImdb = show.ImdbId.HasValue();
var hasTheMovieDb = show.TheMovieDbId.HasValue();
var hasTvDbId = show.TvDbId.HasValue();
if (!hasTheMovieDb)
var id = await GetTheMovieDbId(hasTvDbId, hasImdb, show.TvDbId, show.ImdbId, show.Title, false);
show.TheMovieDbId = id;
if (!hasImdb)
var id = await GetImdbId(hasTheMovieDb, hasTvDbId, show.Title, show.TheMovieDbId, show.TvDbId);
show.ImdbId = id;
if (!hasTvDbId)
var id = await GetTvDbId(hasTheMovieDb, hasImdb, show.TheMovieDbId, show.ImdbId, show.Title);
show.TvDbId = id;
await _embyRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task StartJellyfinTv()
var allTv = await _jellyfinRepo.GetAll().Where(x =>
x.Type == JellyfinMediaType.Series && (x.TheMovieDbId == null || x.ImdbId == null || x.TvDbId == null)).ToListAsync();
foreach (var show in allTv)
var hasImdb = show.ImdbId.HasValue();
var hasTheMovieDb = show.TheMovieDbId.HasValue();
var hasTvDbId = show.TvDbId.HasValue();
if (!hasTheMovieDb)
var id = await GetTheMovieDbId(hasTvDbId, hasImdb, show.TvDbId, show.ImdbId, show.Title, false);
show.TheMovieDbId = id;
if (!hasImdb)
var id = await GetImdbId(hasTheMovieDb, hasTvDbId, show.Title, show.TheMovieDbId, show.TvDbId);
show.ImdbId = id;
if (!hasTvDbId)
var id = await GetTvDbId(hasTheMovieDb, hasImdb, show.TheMovieDbId, show.ImdbId, show.Title);
show.TvDbId = id;
await _jellyfinRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task StartPlexMovies(List<PlexServerContent> allMovies)
foreach (var movie in allMovies)
// Just double check there is no associated request id
if (movie.RequestId.HasValue)
var hasImdb = movie.ImdbId.HasValue();
var hasTheMovieDb = movie.TheMovieDbId.HasValue();
// Movies don't really use TheTvDb
if (!hasImdb)
var imdbId = await GetImdbId(hasTheMovieDb, false, movie.Title, movie.TheMovieDbId, string.Empty);
movie.ImdbId = imdbId;
if (!hasTheMovieDb)
var id = await GetTheMovieDbId(false, hasImdb, string.Empty, movie.ImdbId, movie.Title, true);
movie.TheMovieDbId = id;
await _plexRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task StartEmbyMovies(EmbySettings settings)
var allMovies = await _embyRepo.GetAll().Where(x =>
x.Type == EmbyMediaType.Movie && (x.TheMovieDbId == null || x.ImdbId == null)).ToListAsync();
foreach (var movie in allMovies)
// Movies don't really use TheTvDb
// Check if it even has 1 ID
if (!movie.HasImdb && !movie.HasTheMovieDb)
// Ok this sucks,
// The only think I can think that has happened is that we scanned Emby before Emby has got the metadata
// So let's recheck emby to see if they have got the metadata now
// Yeah your right that does suck - Future Jamie
_log.LogInformation($"Movie {movie.Title} does not have a ImdbId or TheMovieDbId, so rechecking emby");
foreach (var server in settings.Servers)
_log.LogInformation($"Checking server {server.Name} for upto date metadata");
var movieInfo = await EmbyApi.GetMovieInformation(movie.EmbyId, server.ApiKey, server.AdministratorId,
if (movieInfo.ProviderIds?.Imdb.HasValue() ?? false)
movie.ImdbId = movieInfo.ProviderIds.Imdb;
if (movieInfo.ProviderIds?.Tmdb.HasValue() ?? false)
movie.TheMovieDbId = movieInfo.ProviderIds.Tmdb;
if (!movie.HasImdb)
var imdbId = await GetImdbId(movie.HasTheMovieDb, false, movie.Title, movie.TheMovieDbId, string.Empty);
movie.ImdbId = imdbId;
if (!movie.HasTheMovieDb)
var id = await GetTheMovieDbId(false, movie.HasImdb, string.Empty, movie.ImdbId, movie.Title, true);
movie.TheMovieDbId = id;
await _embyRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task StartJellyfinMovies(JellyfinSettings settings)
var allMovies = await _jellyfinRepo.GetAll().Where(x =>
x.Type == JellyfinMediaType.Movie && (x.TheMovieDbId == null || x.ImdbId == null)).ToListAsync();
foreach (var movie in allMovies)
// Movies don't really use TheTvDb
// Check if it even has 1 ID
if (!movie.HasImdb && !movie.HasTheMovieDb)
// Ok this sucks,
// The only think I can think that has happened is that we scanned Jellyfin before Jellyfin has got the metadata
// So let's recheck jellyfin to see if they have got the metadata now
// Yeah your right that does suck - Future Jamie
_log.LogInformation($"Movie {movie.Title} does not have a ImdbId or TheMovieDbId, so rechecking jellyfin");
foreach (var server in settings.Servers)
_log.LogInformation($"Checking server {server.Name} for upto date metadata");
var movieInfo = await JellyfinApi.GetMovieInformation(movie.JellyfinId, server.ApiKey, server.AdministratorId,
if (movieInfo.ProviderIds?.Imdb.HasValue() ?? false)
movie.ImdbId = movieInfo.ProviderIds.Imdb;
if (movieInfo.ProviderIds?.Tmdb.HasValue() ?? false)
movie.TheMovieDbId = movieInfo.ProviderIds.Tmdb;
if (!movie.HasImdb)
var imdbId = await GetImdbId(movie.HasTheMovieDb, false, movie.Title, movie.TheMovieDbId, string.Empty);
movie.ImdbId = imdbId;
if (!movie.HasTheMovieDb)
var id = await GetTheMovieDbId(false, movie.HasImdb, string.Empty, movie.ImdbId, movie.Title, true);
movie.TheMovieDbId = id;
await _jellyfinRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task<string> GetTheMovieDbId(bool hasTvDbId, bool hasImdb, string tvdbID, string imdbId, string title, bool movie)
_log.LogInformation("The Media item {0} does not have a TheMovieDbId, searching for TheMovieDbId", title);
FindResult result = null;
var hasResult = false;
if (hasTvDbId)
result = await _movieApi.Find(tvdbID, ExternalSource.tvdb_id);
hasResult = result?.tv_results?.Length > 0;
_log.LogInformation("Setting Show {0} because we have TvDbId, result: {1}", title, hasResult);
if (hasImdb && !hasResult)
result = await _movieApi.Find(imdbId, ExternalSource.imdb_id);
if (movie)
hasResult = result?.movie_results?.Length > 0;
hasResult = result?.tv_results?.Length > 0;
_log.LogInformation("Setting Show {0} because we have ImdbId, result: {1}", title, hasResult);
if (hasResult)
if (movie)
return result.movie_results?[0]?.id.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
return result.tv_results?[0]?.id.ToString() ?? string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
private async Task<string> GetImdbId(bool hasTheMovieDb, bool hasTvDbId, string title, string theMovieDbId, string tvDbId)
_log.LogInformation("The media item {0} does not have a ImdbId, searching for ImdbId", title);
// Looks like TV Maze does not provide the moviedb id, neither does the TV endpoint on TheMovieDb
if (hasTheMovieDb)
_log.LogInformation("The show {0} has TheMovieDbId but not ImdbId, searching for ImdbId", title);
if (int.TryParse(theMovieDbId, out var id))
var result = await _movieApi.GetTvExternals(id);
return result.imdb_id;
if (hasTvDbId)
_log.LogInformation("The show {0} has tvdbid but not ImdbId, searching for ImdbId", title);
if (int.TryParse(tvDbId, out var id))
var result = await _tvApi.ShowLookupByTheTvDbId(id);
return result?.externals?.imdb;
return string.Empty;
private async Task<string> GetTvDbId(bool hasTheMovieDb, bool hasImdb, string theMovieDbId, string imdbId, string title)
_log.LogInformation("The media item {0} does not have a TvDbId, searching for TvDbId", title);
if (hasTheMovieDb)
_log.LogInformation("The show {0} has theMovieDBId but not ImdbId, searching for ImdbId", title);
if (int.TryParse(theMovieDbId, out var id))
var result = await _movieApi.GetTvExternals(id);
return result.tvdb_id.ToString();
if (hasImdb)
_log.LogInformation("The show {0} has ImdbId but not ImdbId, searching for ImdbId", title);
var result = await _movieApi.Find(imdbId, ExternalSource.imdb_id);
if (result?.tv_results?.Length > 0)
var movieId = result.tv_results?[0]?.id ?? 0;
var externalResult = await _movieApi.GetTvExternals(movieId);
return externalResult.imdb_id;
return string.Empty;
private bool _disposed;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
if (disposing)
_disposed = true;
public void Dispose()