You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

153 lines
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import { ISettings } from "./ICommon";
export interface INotificationSettings extends ISettings {
enabled: boolean;
export interface IEmailNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
host: string;
password: string;
port: number;
senderAddress: string;
senderName: string;
username: string;
authentication: boolean;
disableTLS: boolean;
disableCertificateChecking: boolean;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface INotificationTemplates {
subject: string;
message: string;
notificationType: NotificationType;
notificationAgent: NotificationAgent;
enabled: boolean;
export enum NotificationAgent {
Email = 0,
Discord = 1,
Pushbullet = 2,
Pushover = 3,
Telegram = 4,
Slack = 5,
Mattermost = 6,
Mobile = 7,
Gotify = 8,
WhatsApp = 9,
Ntfy = 10
export enum NotificationType {
NewRequest = 0,
Issue = 1,
RequestAvailable = 2,
RequestApproved = 3,
AdminNote = 4,
Test = 5,
RequestDeclined = 6,
ItemAddedToFaultQueue = 7,
WelcomeEmail = 8,
IssueResolved = 9,
IssueComment = 10,
Newsletter = 11,
PartiallyAvailable = 12,
export interface IDiscordNotifcationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
webhookUrl: string;
username: string;
icon: string;
hideUser: boolean;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface INewsletterNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
notificationTemplate: INotificationTemplates;
disableMovies: boolean;
disableTv: boolean;
disableMusic: boolean;
externalEmails: string[];
export interface ITelegramNotifcationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
botApi: string;
chatId: string;
parseMode: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface ISlackNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
webhookUrl: string;
username: string;
channel: string;
iconEmoji: string;
iconUrl: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface IPushbulletNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
accessToken: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
channelTag: string;
export interface ITwilioSettings extends ISettings {
whatsAppSettings: IWhatsAppSettings;
export interface IWhatsAppSettings {
enabled: number;
from: string;
accountSid: string;
authToken: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface IPushoverNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
accessToken: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
userToken: string;
priority: number;
sound: string;
export interface IGotifyNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
accessToken: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
baseUrl: string;
applicationToken: string;
priority: number;
export interface INtfyNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
baseUrl: string;
authorizationHeader: string;
topic: string;
priority: number;
export interface IWebhookNotificationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
webhookUrl: string;
applicationToken: string;
export interface IMattermostNotifcationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
webhookUrl: string;
username: string;
channel: string;
iconUrl: string;
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface IMobileNotifcationSettings extends INotificationSettings {
notificationTemplates: INotificationTemplates[];
export interface IMobileNotificationTestSettings {
settings: IMobileNotifcationSettings;
userId: string;