You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
4.2 KiB

using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Ombi.Core.Models.Search;
using Ombi.Core.Rule.Interfaces;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Store.Entities;
using Ombi.Store.Repository;
namespace Ombi.Core.Rule.Rules.Search
public class JellyfinAvailabilityRule : BaseSearchRule, IRules<SearchViewModel>
public JellyfinAvailabilityRule(IJellyfinContentRepository repo, ILogger<JellyfinAvailabilityRule> log, ISettingsService<JellyfinSettings> s)
JellyfinContentRepository = repo;
Log = log;
JellyfinSettings = s;
private IJellyfinContentRepository JellyfinContentRepository { get; }
private ILogger Log { get; }
private ISettingsService<JellyfinSettings> JellyfinSettings { get; }
public async Task<RuleResult> Execute(SearchViewModel obj)
JellyfinContent item = null;
var useImdb = false;
var useTheMovieDb = false;
var useTvDb = false;
var useId = false;
if (obj.ImdbId.HasValue())
item = await JellyfinContentRepository.GetByImdbId(obj.ImdbId);
if (item != null)
useImdb = true;
if (item == null)
if (obj.Id > 0)
item = await JellyfinContentRepository.GetByTheMovieDbId(obj.Id.ToString());
if (item != null)
useId = true;
if (obj.TheMovieDbId.HasValue())
item = await JellyfinContentRepository.GetByTheMovieDbId(obj.TheMovieDbId);
if (item != null)
useTheMovieDb = true;
if (item == null)
if (obj.TheTvDbId.HasValue())
item = await JellyfinContentRepository.GetByTvDbId(obj.TheTvDbId);
if (item != null)
useTvDb = true;
if (item != null)
if (useId)
obj.TheMovieDbId = obj.Id.ToString();
useTheMovieDb = true;
if (obj is SearchMovieViewModel movie)
if (item.Has4K)
movie.Available4K = true;
obj.JellyfinUrl = item.Url;
if (item.Quality.HasValue())
obj.Available = true;
obj.EmbyUrl = item.Url;
obj.Quality = item.Quality;
obj.Available = true;
obj.JellyfinUrl = item.Url;
if (obj.Type == RequestType.TvShow)
var search = (SearchTvShowViewModel)obj;
// Let's go through the episodes now
if (search.SeasonRequests.Any())
var allEpisodes = JellyfinContentRepository.GetAllEpisodes().Include(x => x.Series);
foreach (var season in search.SeasonRequests)
foreach (var episode in season.Episodes)
await AvailabilityRuleHelper.SingleEpisodeCheck(useImdb, allEpisodes, episode, season, item, useTheMovieDb, useTvDb, Log);
return Success();