You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using Ombi.Api.TheMovieDb;
using Ombi.Core.Models.Requests;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Store.Entities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Ombi.Api.Lidarr;
using Ombi.Core.Authentication;
using Ombi.Core.Engine.Interfaces;
using Ombi.Core.Models;
using Ombi.Core.Models.UI;
using Ombi.Core.Rule.Interfaces;
using Ombi.Core.Senders;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models;
using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.External;
using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests;
using Ombi.Store.Repository;
namespace Ombi.Core.Engine
public class MusicRequestEngine : BaseMediaEngine, IMusicRequestEngine
public MusicRequestEngine(IRequestServiceMain requestService, IPrincipal user,
INotificationHelper helper, IRuleEvaluator r, ILogger<MusicRequestEngine> log,
OmbiUserManager manager, IRepository<RequestLog> rl, ICacheService cache,
ISettingsService<OmbiSettings> ombiSettings, IRepository<RequestSubscription> sub, ILidarrApi lidarr,
ISettingsService<LidarrSettings> lidarrSettings, IMusicSender sender)
: base(user, requestService, r, manager, cache, ombiSettings, sub)
NotificationHelper = helper;
_musicSender = sender;
Logger = log;
_requestLog = rl;
_lidarrApi = lidarr;
_lidarrSettings = lidarrSettings;
private INotificationHelper NotificationHelper { get; }
//private IMovieSender Sender { get; }
private ILogger Logger { get; }
private readonly IRepository<RequestLog> _requestLog;
private readonly ISettingsService<LidarrSettings> _lidarrSettings;
private readonly ILidarrApi _lidarrApi;
private readonly IMusicSender _musicSender;
/// <summary>
/// Requests the Album.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">The model.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> RequestAlbum(MusicAlbumRequestViewModel model)
var s = await _lidarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
var album = await _lidarrApi.GetAlbumByForeignId(model.ForeignAlbumId, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
if (album == null)
return new RequestEngineResult
Result = false,
Message = "There was an issue adding this album!",
ErrorMessage = "Please try again later"
if(album?.artist == null)
// Lookup the artist
//album.artist = await _lidarrApi.ArtistLookup(album.artist, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
var userDetails = await GetUser();
var requestModel = new AlbumRequest
ForeignAlbumId = model.ForeignAlbumId,
ArtistName = album.artist?.artistName,
ReleaseDate = album.releaseDate,
RequestedDate = DateTime.Now,
RequestType = RequestType.Album,
Rating = album.ratings?.value ?? 0m,
RequestedUserId = userDetails.Id,
Title = album.title,
Disk = album.images?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.coverType.Equals("disc"))?.url,
Cover = album.images?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.coverType.Equals("cover"))?.url,
ForeignArtistId = album?.artist?.foreignArtistId ?? string.Empty, // This needs to be populated to send to Lidarr for new requests
RequestedByAlias = model.RequestedByAlias
if (requestModel.Cover.IsNullOrEmpty())
requestModel.Cover = album.remoteCover;
var ruleResults = (await RunRequestRules(requestModel)).ToList();
if (ruleResults.Any(x => !x.Success))
return new RequestEngineResult
ErrorMessage = ruleResults.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Message.HasValue()).Message
if (requestModel.Approved) // The rules have auto approved this
var requestEngineResult = await AddAlbumRequest(requestModel);
if (requestEngineResult.Result)
var result = await ApproveAlbum(requestModel);
if (result.IsError)
Logger.LogWarning("Tried auto sending Album but failed. Message: {0}", result.Message);
return new RequestEngineResult
Message = result.Message,
ErrorMessage = result.Message,
Result = false
return requestEngineResult;
// If there are no providers then it's successful but album has not been sent
return await AddAlbumRequest(requestModel);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the requests.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">The count.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position.</param>
/// <param name="orderFilter">The order/filter type.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<RequestsViewModel<AlbumRequest>> GetRequests(int count, int position,
OrderFilterModel orderFilter)
var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers();
IQueryable<AlbumRequest> allRequests;
if (shouldHide.Hide)
allRequests =
.UserId); //.Skip(position).Take(count).OrderByDescending(x => x.ReleaseDate).ToListAsync();
allRequests =
.GetWithUser(); //.Skip(position).Take(count).OrderByDescending(x => x.ReleaseDate).ToListAsync();
switch (orderFilter.AvailabilityFilter)
case FilterType.None:
case FilterType.Available:
allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Available);
case FilterType.NotAvailable:
allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => !x.Available);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
switch (orderFilter.StatusFilter)
case FilterType.None:
case FilterType.Approved:
allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Approved);
case FilterType.Processing:
allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => x.Approved && !x.Available);
case FilterType.PendingApproval:
allRequests = allRequests.Where(x => !x.Approved && !x.Available && !(x.Denied ?? false));
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
var total = allRequests.Count();
var requests = await (OrderAlbums(allRequests, orderFilter.OrderType)).Skip(position).Take(count)
requests.ForEach(async x =>
await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, x);
return new RequestsViewModel<AlbumRequest>
Collection = requests,
Total = total
private IQueryable<AlbumRequest> OrderAlbums(IQueryable<AlbumRequest> allRequests, OrderType type)
switch (type)
case OrderType.RequestedDateAsc:
return allRequests.OrderBy(x => x.RequestedDate);
case OrderType.RequestedDateDesc:
return allRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.RequestedDate);
case OrderType.TitleAsc:
return allRequests.OrderBy(x => x.Title);
case OrderType.TitleDesc:
return allRequests.OrderByDescending(x => x.Title);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null);
public async Task<int> GetTotal()
var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers();
if (shouldHide.Hide)
return await MusicRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide.UserId).CountAsync();
return await MusicRepository.GetWithUser().CountAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the requests.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IEnumerable<AlbumRequest>> GetRequests()
var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers();
List<AlbumRequest> allRequests;
if (shouldHide.Hide)
allRequests = await MusicRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide.UserId).ToListAsync();
allRequests = await MusicRepository.GetWithUser().ToListAsync();
allRequests.ForEach(async x =>
await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, x);
return allRequests;
private async Task CheckForSubscription(HideResult shouldHide, AlbumRequest x)
if (shouldHide.UserId == x.RequestedUserId)
x.ShowSubscribe = false;
x.ShowSubscribe = true;
var sub = await _subscriptionRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(s =>
s.UserId == shouldHide.UserId && s.RequestId == x.Id && s.RequestType == RequestType.Album);
x.Subscribed = sub != null;
/// <summary>
/// Searches the album request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="search">The search.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<IEnumerable<AlbumRequest>> SearchAlbumRequest(string search)
var shouldHide = await HideFromOtherUsers();
List<AlbumRequest> allRequests;
if (shouldHide.Hide)
allRequests = await MusicRepository.GetWithUser(shouldHide.UserId).ToListAsync();
allRequests = await MusicRepository.GetWithUser().ToListAsync();
var results = allRequests.Where(x => x.Title.Contains(search, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase)).ToList();
results.ForEach(async x =>
await CheckForSubscription(shouldHide, x);
return results;
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> ApproveAlbumById(int requestId)
var request = await MusicRepository.Find(requestId);
return await ApproveAlbum(request);
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> DenyAlbumById(int modelId, string reason)
var request = await MusicRepository.Find(modelId);
if (request == null)
return new RequestEngineResult
ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist"
request.Denied = true;
request.DeniedReason = reason;
// We are denying a request
await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestDeclined);
await MusicRepository.Update(request);
return new RequestEngineResult
Message = "Request successfully deleted",
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> ApproveAlbum(AlbumRequest request)
if (request == null)
return new RequestEngineResult
ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist"
request.MarkedAsApproved = DateTime.Now;
request.Approved = true;
request.Denied = false;
await MusicRepository.Update(request);
var canNotify = await RunSpecificRule(request, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification);
if (canNotify.Success)
await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestApproved);
if (request.Approved)
var result = await _musicSender.Send(request);
if (result.Success && result.Sent)
return new RequestEngineResult
Result = true
if (!result.Success)
Logger.LogWarning("Tried auto sending album but failed. Message: {0}", result.Message);
return new RequestEngineResult
Message = result.Message,
ErrorMessage = result.Message,
Result = false
// If there are no providers then it's successful but movie has not been sent
return new RequestEngineResult
Result = true
/// <summary>
/// Removes the Album request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requestId">The request identifier.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task RemoveAlbumRequest(int requestId)
var request = await MusicRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == requestId);
await MusicRepository.Delete(request);
public async Task<bool> UserHasRequest(string userId)
return await MusicRepository.GetAll().AnyAsync(x => x.RequestedUserId == userId);
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> MarkUnavailable(int modelId)
var request = await MusicRepository.Find(modelId);
if (request == null)
return new RequestEngineResult
ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist"
request.Available = false;
await MusicRepository.Update(request);
return new RequestEngineResult
Message = "Request is now unavailable",
Result = true
public async Task<RequestQuotaCountModel> GetRemainingRequests(OmbiUser user)
if (user == null)
user = await GetUser();
// If user is still null after attempting to get the logged in user, return null.
if (user == null)
return null;
int limit = user.MusicRequestLimit ?? 0;
if (limit <= 0)
return new RequestQuotaCountModel()
HasLimit = false,
Limit = 0,
Remaining = 0,
NextRequest = DateTime.Now,
IQueryable<RequestLog> log = _requestLog.GetAll().Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.RequestType == RequestType.Album);
int count = limit - await log.CountAsync(x => x.RequestDate >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7));
DateTime oldestRequestedAt = await log.Where(x => x.RequestDate >= DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7))
.OrderBy(x => x.RequestDate)
.Select(x => x.RequestDate)
return new RequestQuotaCountModel()
HasLimit = true,
Limit = limit,
Remaining = count,
NextRequest = DateTime.SpecifyKind(oldestRequestedAt.AddDays(7), DateTimeKind.Utc),
public async Task<RequestEngineResult> MarkAvailable(int modelId)
var request = await MusicRepository.Find(modelId);
if (request == null)
return new RequestEngineResult
ErrorMessage = "Request does not exist"
request.Available = true;
request.MarkedAsAvailable = DateTime.Now;
await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestAvailable);
await MusicRepository.Update(request);
return new RequestEngineResult
Message = "Request is now available",
Result = true
private async Task<RequestEngineResult> AddAlbumRequest(AlbumRequest model)
await MusicRepository.Add(model);
var result = await RunSpecificRule(model, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification);
if (result.Success)
await NotificationHelper.NewRequest(model);
await _requestLog.Add(new RequestLog
UserId = (await GetUser()).Id,
RequestDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
RequestId = model.Id,
RequestType = RequestType.Album,
return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, Message = $"{model.Title} has been successfully added!", RequestId = model.Id };