You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

282 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Ombi.Api.DogNzb;
using Ombi.Api.DogNzb.Models;
using Ombi.Api.Sonarr;
using Ombi.Api.Sonarr.Models;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.External;
using Ombi.Store.Entities.Requests;
namespace Ombi.Core.Senders
public class TvSender : ITvSender
public TvSender(ISonarrApi sonarrApi, ILogger<TvSender> log, ISettingsService<SonarrSettings> sonarrSettings,
ISettingsService<DogNzbSettings> dog, IDogNzbApi dogApi)
SonarrApi = sonarrApi;
Logger = log;
SonarrSettings = sonarrSettings;
DogNzbSettings = dog;
DogNzbApi = dogApi;
private ISonarrApi SonarrApi { get; }
private IDogNzbApi DogNzbApi { get; }
private ILogger<TvSender> Logger { get; }
private ISettingsService<SonarrSettings> SonarrSettings { get; }
private ISettingsService<DogNzbSettings> DogNzbSettings { get; }
public async Task<SenderResult> Send(ChildRequests model)
var sonarr = await SonarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (sonarr.Enabled)
var result = await SendToSonarr(model);
if (result != null)
return new SenderResult
Sent = true,
Success = true
var dog = await DogNzbSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (dog.Enabled)
var result = await SendToDogNzb(model, dog);
if (!result.Failure)
return new SenderResult
Sent = true,
Success = true
return new SenderResult
Message = result.ErrorMessage
return new SenderResult
Success = true
private async Task<DogNzbAddResult> SendToDogNzb(ChildRequests model, DogNzbSettings settings)
var id = model.ParentRequest.TvDbId;
return await DogNzbApi.AddTvShow(settings.ApiKey, id.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Send the request to Sonarr to process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="s"></param>
/// <param name="model"></param>
/// <param name="qualityId">This is for any qualities overriden from the UI</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<NewSeries> SendToSonarr(ChildRequests model, string qualityId = null)
var s = await SonarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (!s.Enabled)
return null;
return null;
var qualityProfile = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualityId)) // try to parse the passed in quality, otherwise use the settings default quality
int.TryParse(qualityId, out qualityProfile);
if (qualityProfile <= 0)
int.TryParse(s.QualityProfile, out qualityProfile);
// Get the root path from the rootfolder selected.
// For some reason, if we haven't got one use the first root folder in Sonarr
// TODO make this overrideable via the UI
var rootFolderPath = await GetSonarrRootPath(model.ParentRequest.RootFolder ?? 0, s);
// Does the series actually exist?
var allSeries = await SonarrApi.GetSeries(s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
var existingSeries = allSeries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.tvdbId == model.ParentRequest.TvDbId);
if (existingSeries == null)
// Time to add a new one
var newSeries = new NewSeries
title = model.ParentRequest.Title,
imdbId = model.ParentRequest.ImdbId,
tvdbId = model.ParentRequest.TvDbId,
cleanTitle = model.ParentRequest.Title,
monitored = true,
seasonFolder = s.SeasonFolders,
rootFolderPath = rootFolderPath,
qualityProfileId = qualityProfile,
titleSlug = model.ParentRequest.Title,
addOptions = new AddOptions
ignoreEpisodesWithFiles = true, // There shouldn't be any episodes with files, this is a new season
ignoreEpisodesWithoutFiles = true, // We want all missing
searchForMissingEpisodes = false // we want dont want to search yet. We want to make sure everything is unmonitored/monitored correctly.
// Montitor the correct seasons,
// If we have that season in the model then it's monitored!
var seasonsToAdd = new List<Season>();
for (var i = 1; i < model.ParentRequest.TotalSeasons + 1; i++)
var index = i;
var season = new Season
seasonNumber = i,
monitored = model.SeasonRequests.Any(x => x.SeasonNumber == index)
newSeries.seasons = seasonsToAdd;
var result = await SonarrApi.AddSeries(newSeries, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
existingSeries = await SonarrApi.GetSeriesById(, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
await SendToSonarr(model, existingSeries, s);
await SendToSonarr(model, existingSeries, s);
return new NewSeries
id =,
seasons = existingSeries.seasons.ToList(),
cleanTitle = existingSeries.cleanTitle,
title = existingSeries.title,
tvdbId = existingSeries.tvdbId
catch (Exception e)
Logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.SonarrSender, e, "Exception thrown when attempting to send series over to Sonarr");
private async Task SendToSonarr(ChildRequests model, SonarrSeries result, SonarrSettings s)
var episodesToUpdate = new List<Episode>();
// Ok, now let's sort out the episodes.
var sonarrEpisodes = await SonarrApi.GetEpisodes(, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
var sonarrEpList = sonarrEpisodes.ToList() ?? new List<Episode>();
while (!sonarrEpList.Any())
// It could be that the series metadata is not ready yet. So wait
sonarrEpList = (await SonarrApi.GetEpisodes(, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri)).ToList();
await Task.Delay(500);
foreach (var req in model.SeasonRequests)
foreach (var ep in req.Episodes)
var sonarrEp = sonarrEpList.FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.episodeNumber == ep.EpisodeNumber && x.seasonNumber == req.SeasonNumber);
if (sonarrEp != null)
sonarrEp.monitored = true;
var seriesChanges = false;
foreach (var season in model.SeasonRequests)
var sonarrSeason = sonarrEpList.Where(x => x.seasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber);
var sonarrEpCount = sonarrSeason.Count();
var ourRequestCount = season.Episodes.Count;
if (sonarrEpCount == ourRequestCount)
// We have the same amount of requests as all of the episodes in the season.
var existingSeason =
result.seasons.First(x => x.seasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber);
existingSeason.monitored = true;
seriesChanges = true;
// Now update the episodes that need updating
foreach (var epToUpdate in episodesToUpdate.Where(x => x.seasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber))
await SonarrApi.UpdateEpisode(epToUpdate, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
if (seriesChanges)
await SonarrApi.UpdateSeries(result, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
if (!s.AddOnly)
await SearchForRequest(model, sonarrEpList, result, s, episodesToUpdate);
private async Task SearchForRequest(ChildRequests model, IEnumerable<Episode> sonarrEpList, SonarrSeries existingSeries, SonarrSettings s,
IReadOnlyCollection<Episode> episodesToUpdate)
foreach (var season in model.SeasonRequests)
var sonarrSeason = sonarrEpList.Where(x => x.seasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber);
var sonarrEpCount = sonarrSeason.Count();
var ourRequestCount = season.Episodes.Count;
if (sonarrEpCount == ourRequestCount)
// We have the same amount of requests as all of the episodes in the season.
// Do a season search
await SonarrApi.SeasonSearch(, season.SeasonNumber, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
// There is a miss-match, let's search the episodes indiviaully
await SonarrApi.EpisodeSearch(episodesToUpdate.Select(x =>, s.ApiKey, s.FullUri);
private async Task<string> GetSonarrRootPath(int pathId, SonarrSettings sonarrSettings)
var rootFoldersResult = await SonarrApi.GetRootFolders(sonarrSettings.ApiKey, sonarrSettings.FullUri);
if (pathId == 0)
return rootFoldersResult.FirstOrDefault().path;
foreach (var r in rootFoldersResult.Where(r => == pathId))
return r.path;
return string.Empty;