You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MailKit.Net.Smtp;
using MimeKit;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Notifications.Interfaces;
using Ombi.Notifications.Models;
using Ombi.Notifications.Templates;
using Ombi.Settings.Settings.Models.Notifications;
using Ombi.Store.Repository;
namespace Ombi.Notifications.Agents
public class EmailNotification : BaseNotification<EmailNotificationSettings>, IEmailNotification
public EmailNotification(ISettingsService<EmailNotificationSettings> settings, INotificationTemplatesRepository r) : base(settings, r)
public override string NotificationName => nameof(EmailNotification);
protected override bool ValidateConfiguration(EmailNotificationSettings settings)
if (!settings.Enabled)
return false;
if (settings.Authentication)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Password))
return false;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Host) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.AdminEmail) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Port.ToString()))
return false;
return true;
private async Task<NotificationMessage> LoadTemplate(NotificationType type, NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var template = await TemplateRepository.GetTemplate(NotificationAgent.Email, type);
if (!template.Enabled)
return null;
// Need to do the parsing
var resolver = new NotificationMessageResolver();
var parsed = resolver.ParseMessage(template, new NotificationMessageCurlys(model.RequestedUser, model.Title, DateTime.Now.ToString("D"),
model.NotificationType.ToString(), null));
var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
var html = email.LoadTemplate(parsed.Subject, parsed.Message, model.ImgSrc);
var message = new NotificationMessage
Message = html,
Subject = parsed.Subject,
To = settings.AdminEmail,
return message;
protected override async Task NewRequest(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var message = await LoadTemplate(NotificationType.NewRequest, model, settings);
if (message == null)
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.RequestedUser}' has requested the {model.RequestType} '{model.Title}'! Please log in to approve this request. Request Date: {model.DateTime:f}");
await Send(message, settings);
protected override async Task Issue(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var message = await LoadTemplate(NotificationType.Issue, model, settings);
if (message == null)
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.RequestedUser}' has reported a new issue {model.Body} for the title {model.Title}!");
await Send(message, settings);
protected override async Task AddedToRequestQueue(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
var html = email.LoadTemplate(
"Ombi: A request could not be added.",
$"Hello! The user '{model.RequestedUser}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying",
var message = new NotificationMessage
Message = html,
Subject = $"Ombi: A request could not be added",
To = settings.AdminEmail,
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.RequestedUser}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying");
await Send(message, settings);
protected override async Task RequestDeclined(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var message = await LoadTemplate(NotificationType.RequestDeclined, model, settings);
if (message == null)
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! Your request for {model.Title} has been declined, Sorry!");
await Send(message, settings);
protected override async Task RequestApproved(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var message = await LoadTemplate(NotificationType.RequestApproved, model, settings);
if (message == null)
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! Your request for {model.Title} has been approved!");
await Send(message, settings);
protected override async Task AvailableRequest(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var message = await LoadTemplate(NotificationType.RequestAvailable, model, settings);
if (message == null)
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! You requested {model.Title} on Ombi! This is now available on Plex! :)");
await Send(message, settings);
protected override async Task Send(NotificationMessage model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var body = new BodyBuilder
HtmlBody = model.Message,
TextBody = model.Other["PlainTextBody"]
var message = new MimeMessage
Body = body.ToMessageBody(),
Subject = model.Subject
message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.Sender, settings.Sender));
message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(model.To, model.To));
using (var client = new SmtpClient())
client.Connect(settings.Host, settings.Port); // Let MailKit figure out the correct SecureSocketOptions.
// Note: since we don't have an OAuth2 token, disable
// the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism.
if (settings.Authentication)
client.Authenticate(settings.Username, settings.Password);
//Log.Info("sending message to {0} \r\n from: {1}\r\n Are we authenticated: {2}", message.To, message.From, client.IsAuthenticated);
await client.SendAsync(message);
await client.DisconnectAsync(true);
catch (Exception e)
throw new InvalidOperationException(e.Message);
protected override async Task Test(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
var html = email.LoadTemplate(
"Test Message",
"This is just a test! Success!",
var message = new NotificationMessage
Message = html,
Subject = $"Ombi: Test",
To = settings.AdminEmail,
message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", "This is just a test! Success!");
await Send(message, settings);