You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Ombi.Api.Emby;
using Ombi.Core.Settings;
using Ombi.Core.Settings.Models.External;
using Ombi.Helpers;
using Ombi.Hubs;
using Quartz;
namespace Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Emby
public abstract class EmbyLibrarySync
public EmbyLibrarySync(ISettingsService<EmbySettings> settings, IEmbyApiFactory api, ILogger<EmbyContentSync> logger,
INotificationHubService notification)
_logger = logger;
_settings = settings;
_apiFactory = api;
_notification = notification;
protected readonly ILogger<EmbyContentSync> _logger;
protected readonly ISettingsService<EmbySettings> _settings;
protected readonly IEmbyApiFactory _apiFactory;
protected bool recentlyAdded;
protected readonly INotificationHubService _notification;
protected const int AmountToTake = 100;
protected IEmbyApi Api { get; set; }
public virtual async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
JobDataMap dataMap = context.MergedJobDataMap;
if (dataMap.TryGetValue(JobDataKeys.EmbyRecentlyAddedSearch, out var recentlyAddedObj))
recentlyAdded = Convert.ToBoolean(recentlyAddedObj);
await _notification.SendNotificationToAdmins(recentlyAdded ? "Emby Recently Added Started" : "Emby Content Sync Started");
var embySettings = await _settings.GetSettingsAsync();
if (!embySettings.Enable)
Api = _apiFactory.CreateClient(embySettings);
foreach (var server in embySettings.Servers)
await StartServerCache(server);
catch (Exception e)
await _notification.SendNotificationToAdmins("Emby Content Sync Failed");
_logger.LogError(e, "Exception when caching Emby for server {0}", server.Name);
await _notification.SendNotificationToAdmins("Emby Content Sync Finished");
private async Task StartServerCache(EmbyServers server)
if (!ValidateSettings(server))
if (server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Any() && server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Any(x => x.Enabled))
var movieLibsToFilter = server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Where(x => x.Enabled && x.CollectionType == "movies");
foreach (var movieParentIdFilder in movieLibsToFilter)
_logger.LogInformation($"Scanning Lib '{movieParentIdFilder.Title}'");
await ProcessMovies(server, movieParentIdFilder.Key);
var tvLibsToFilter = server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Where(x => x.Enabled && x.CollectionType == "tvshows");
foreach (var tvParentIdFilter in tvLibsToFilter)
_logger.LogInformation($"Scanning Lib '{tvParentIdFilter.Title}'");
await ProcessTv(server, tvParentIdFilter.Key);
var mixedLibs = server.EmbySelectedLibraries.Where(x => x.Enabled && x.CollectionType == "mixed");
foreach (var m in mixedLibs)
_logger.LogInformation($"Scanning Lib '{m.Title}'");
await ProcessTv(server, m.Key);
await ProcessMovies(server, m.Key);
await ProcessMovies(server);
await ProcessTv(server);
protected abstract Task ProcessTv(EmbyServers server, string parentId = default);
protected abstract Task ProcessMovies(EmbyServers server, string parentId = default);
private bool ValidateSettings(EmbyServers server)
if (server?.Ip == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(server?.ApiKey))
_logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.EmbyContentCacher, $"Server {server?.Name} is not configured correctly");
return false;
return true;
private bool _disposed;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_disposed)
if (disposing)
_disposed = true;
public void Dispose()