How To Fix Inline CSS Editor Hotfix

DevilsCoder 4 years ago
parent 99c8d6c399
commit d8cb52bb30

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Ombi v4 Inline CSS Hotfix
**Important Note: Currently Ombi v4 inline CSS is not working to fix please do the below. There are two options either a docker install or Regular Baremetal install Please choose the one that suits you.**
## How to Make A Custom CSS in for Ombi for Windows
**Note: Ive never installed ombi base in windows but im going to attempt to walk you through as best i can**
1. Go to your ombi directory
Its usually `C:/ombi`
2. Navigate inside the ombi root directories and go this directory
IE. if were using my example of where its install it would be
3. Open the file index.html in your preferred editor and make the edit below. Add `<link rel="stylesheet" href="CustomCSS.css">` right under `<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.4d16b0dc8c12c7d965e8.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="main.8ae492ffa0cbafb195ba.css">` and before `</head>`
4. Save and Close the Document
5. Go back to directory C:/ombi/ClientApp/dist/
6. Right click in the folder and select on the dropdown for new
Then select text document
7. It should make a document in the folder ready for it to be name name it CustomCSS.css
You should get a prompt telling you do you want to change this file type select yes.
**If you dont get this prompt make sure is not named eneding in .txt**
8. Now open the file in prefered editor CustomCSS.css
9. Edit your Custom Defualt CSS and rejoice and profit.
## How to Make A Custom CSS in for Ombi for Linux
1. Open Terminal
2. Run if dont have a CLI Editor (Only run sudo if your system is not logged in as root)
`sudo apt update`
`sudo apt install nano`
3. Edit the index.html to allow for our customcss to load by defualt
`sudo nano /opt/ombi/ClientApp/dist/index.html`
4. Add `<link rel="stylesheet" href="CustomCSS.css">` right under `<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.4d16b0dc8c12c7d965e8.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="main.8ae492ffa0cbafb195ba.css">` and before `</head>`
5. CTRL+O to save and CTRL+X to exit
6. Now run this command `touch CustomCSS.css`
7. Now edit your new CSS `nano /opt/ombi/ClientApp/dist/CustomCSS.css`
8. Edit Your CSS to your liking
9. Please continue to the Custom CSS Section for more CSS edits
## How to Make A Custom CSS in Docker for Ombi v4 Hotfix
1. run the commands below to ssh into your docker container (I used for ease of acccess you can also use bin/bash if you prefer)
sudo docker run -d -p 2222:22 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
3. Run the command below to run the ssh in container `sudo ssh localhost -p 2222`
4. install nano in container `sudo apt install nano`
5. once ssh into container run this to get to the directory `sudo nano /opt/ombi/ClientApp/dist/index.html`
6. Make the below edits to the file. Add `<link rel="stylesheet" href="CustomCSS.css">` right under `<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.4d16b0dc8c12c7d965e8.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="main.8ae492ffa0cbafb195ba.css"> and before `</head>`
7. CTRL+ O and then CTRL+X
8. Now run this command `touch CustomCSS.css`
9. Now edit your new CSS `nano /opt/ombi/ClientApp/dist/CustomCSS.css`
10. Edit Your CSS to your liking
11. Success and Rejoice