Updated FAQ (markdown)

Jamie 6 years ago
parent 65edeaca1b
commit f615f66d8f


@ -1,124 +1,14 @@
Here are some frequently asked questions!
If you feel like there should be something added please edit this page!
### How can I upgrade to the newest version of Ombi?
So you need to download the latest release (You can find this in the Status settings page).
Once you have downloaded the latests `.zip` (Unblock if on Windows) you can then just overwrite your previous install directory. All your settings will stay, since Ombi creates a Database when it starts (`Ombi.sqlite`), so you will not be overwriting the database (which contains all of your settings).
### I'm getting a 500 Internal Server error on launching Ombi
This is because you never unblocked the `.zip` file!
You will need to Right Click the `.zip` > Properties > Unblock.
You can now extract the `.zip` and run Ombi !
### How can I run Ombi as a non administrator
If you want to run Ombi as a non administrator, you will need to add a URL reservation for the port Ombi is listening on.
You can do this with the following command in an admin cmd window:
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user=DOMAIN\username
Replace `8080` with the port you plan running Ombi under, and also replace `DOMAIN\username` with the user you want it to run under, you can use everyone.
This is what I run under a fresh install of Ombi
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:3579/ user=EVERYONE
[Here](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms733768.aspx) is some more information about `netsh`.
### I am having issues allowing Ombi through my firewall
This is because HttpListener is built on top of http.sys which will listen on the port you specified on behalf of your program.
I haven't found a way to allow only a single program using HttpListener through the Windows Firewall, but you might want to limit your inbound rule to system components only by:
- Entering typing **system** in the field "This program" in the tab "Program and services"
- Selecting protocol type **TCP** in the tab "Protocols and Ports" together with the port you will be listening on
### How do I install Ombi in a FreeNAS/FreeBSD jail environment?
This guide was created assuming you have the knowledge and ability to create a standard jail through the FreeNAS GUI (see [here](http://doc.freenas.org/9.10/jails.html#adding-jails) on how to do this), and also be able to SSH into the newly created jail (see [here](http://doc.freenas.org/9.10/jails.html#accessing-a-jail-using-ssh) on how to do that).
Once you have SSH into the jail...
1. Type `pkg update && pkg upgrade -y` and press `<enter>` (applies updates to installed programs)
2. Type `pkg install wget mono screen unzip nano` and press `<enter>` (installs a few extra programs you need)
3. Type `setenv EDITOR /usr/local/bin/nano` and press `<enter>` (sets nano as default file editor)
4. Type `wget -O /tmp/Ombi.zip https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/releases/download/v2.1.0/Ombi.zip` and press `<enter>`
NOTE: This command will grab version version 2.1.0, so find the latest release [here]https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/releases) and replace the link in the command.
5. Type `unzip /tmp/Ombi.zip -d /usr/local/share/` and press `<enter>` (unzips the file we downloaded above)
6. Type `mv /usr/local/share/Release /usr/local/share/ombi/` and press `<enter>` (renames the 'Release' directory to 'ombi')
7. Type `nano /usr/local/bin/ombi` and press `<enter>` (this creates a file called 'ombi' and opens it for editing)
8. Type the code below, exactly how it looks, line for line:
cd /usr/local/share/ombi/
/usr/local/bin/screen -d -m -S ombi /usr/local/bin/mono /usr/local/share/ombi/Ombi.exe
9. Press `Ctrl + X` then `y <enter>` then `<enter>` (saves the file and quits the nano editor)
10. Type `chmod 775 /usr/local/bin/ombi` and press `<enter>` (changes the permissions on the ombi file)
11. Type `crontab -e` and press `<enter>` (starts the nano editor to edit the crontab file)
12. Type the code below, exactly how it looks, line for line:
#start ombi
@reboot /usr/local/bin/ombi
13. Press `Ctrl + X` then `y <enter>` then `<enter>` (saves the file and quits the nano editor)
14. Restart the jail from the FreeNAS GUI.
15. Open a browser and go to your jail's IP address and port number 3579 (eg.
### How can I run this on FreeBSD - Thanks to [derblub](https://www.reddit.com/user/derblub)
1. Create a new standard 64bit jail
1. SSH into your freenas server
1. jexec <jail_name> tcsh
1. pkg update && pkg upgrade
1. pkg install wget mono
1. echo 'jail_sysvipc_allow="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
1. unzip | wget <release.zip>
1. mv <release_dir> /var/db/ombi
1. screen mono /var/db/ombi/Ombi.exe
1. dedatch screen with ctrl + a d
### How can I change the port of Ombi without actually launching the application?
You can do this by passing a valid port via the command line/terminal e.g. `Ombi.exe 8080`.
This will start the application up on port 8080 but it will not save this port to the settings. So if you then launch the application without passing in the port like the above it will go back to the old settings.
### Ombi is not picking up TV shows and episodes as available
So the main reason for this is that we require TVDB information and your TV library in Plex probably doesn't have this metadata information.
To fix this you need to Edit your Library > Advanced > Agent = TheTVDB
### How to run Ombi with [NSSM](https://nssm.cc/) - Thanks [theginger3469](https://www.reddit.com/user/theginger3469):
1. Hit Windows Key
1. Type "CMD" (Command Prompt should pop up as top hit)
1. Right click the CMD result and select "Run as Administrator" OR Ctrl+Shift+Enter (This will start it as admin as well)
1. Navigate to where you have NSSM (For me its "CD C:\nssm\win64\")
1. type "nssm install ombi" (it will pop up the NSSM GUI)
1. In the Application tab select the `...` next to Path.
1. Navigate to where you unzipped `Ombi.exe` and select it.
1. Notice that the Path is the path to Ombi.exe and Start directory should be the directory that Ombi.exe resides in.
1. Click Install Service
1. In the same CMD admin window type "nssm start ombi"
1. Type "nssm start ombi"
1. Enjoy!
Refresh the metadata for that library and then once the Plex Sync job runs it should then pick up that the content now has TheTVDB Id's!
> Useful CMD commands for ombi:
* "nssm status ombi" - status of the service
* "nssm stop ombi" - stops the service
* "nssm start ombi" - starts the service
* "nssm restart ombi" - restarts the service
All of these assuming you named the service ombi and your cmd session is navigated to where you have nssm installed.
