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7 years ago
* Part of the Fuel framework.
* @package Fuel
* @version 1.8
* @author Fuel Development Team
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2010 - 2016 Fuel Development Team
* @link
namespace Fuel\Core;
use Fuel\Core\Model;
class Model_Crud extends Model implements \Iterator, \ArrayAccess, \Serializable, \Sanitization
* @var string $_table_name The table name (must set this in your Model)
// protected static $_table_name = '';
* @var string $_primary_key The primary key for the table
// protected static $_primary_key = 'id';
* @var string $_connection The database connection to use
// protected static $_connection = null;
* @var string $_write_connection The database connection to use for writes
// protected static $_write_connection = null;
* @var array $_rules The validation rules (must set this in your Model to use)
// protected static $_rules = array();
* @var array $_properties The table column names (must set this in your Model to use)
// protected static $_properties = array();
* @var array $_mass_whitelist The table column names which will be set while using mass assignment like ->set($data)
// protected static $_mass_whitelist = array();
* @var array $_mass_blacklist The table column names which will not be set while using mass assignment like ->set($data)
// protected static $_mass_blacklist = array();
* @var array $_labels Field labels (must set this in your Model to use)
// protected static $_labels = array();
* @var array $_defaults Field defaults (must set this in your Model to use)
// protected static $_defaults = array();
* @var bool set true to use MySQL timestamp instead of UNIX timestamp
//protected static $_mysql_timestamp = false;
* @var string fieldname of created_at field, uncomment to use.
//protected static $_created_at = 'created_at';
* @var string fieldname of updated_at field, uncomment to use.
//protected static $_updated_at = 'updated_at';
* Forges new Model_Crud objects.
* @param array $data Model data
* @return Model_Crud
public static function forge(array $data = array())
return new static($data);
* Finds a row with the given primary key value.
* @param mixed $value The primary key value to find
* @return null|object Either null or a new Model object
public static function find_by_pk($value)
return static::find_one_by(static::primary_key(), $value);
* Finds a row with the given column value.
* @param mixed $column The column to search
* @param mixed $value The value to find
* @param string $operator
* @return null|object Either null or a new Model object
public static function find_one_by($column, $value = null, $operator = '=')
$config = array(
'limit' => 1,
if (is_array($column) or ($column instanceof \Closure))
$config['where'] = $column;
$config['where'] = array(array($column, $operator, $value));
$result = static::find($config);
if ($result !== null)
return reset($result);
return null;
* Finds all records where the given column matches the given value using
* the given operator ('=' by default). Optionally limited and offset.
* @param string $column The column to search
* @param mixed $value The value to find
* @param string $operator The operator to search with
* @param int $limit Number of records to return
* @param int $offset What record to start at
* @return null|object Null if not found or an array of Model object
public static function find_by($column = null, $value = null, $operator = '=', $limit = null, $offset = 0)
$config = array(
'limit' => $limit,
'offset' => $offset,
if ($column !== null)
if (is_array($column) or ($column instanceof \Closure))
$config['where'] = $column;
$config['where'] = array(array($column, $operator, $value));
return static::find($config);
* Finds all records in the table. Optionally limited and offset.
* @param int $limit Number of records to return
* @param int $offset What record to start at
* @return null|object Null if not found or an array of Model object
public static function find_all($limit = null, $offset = 0)
return static::find(array(
'limit' => $limit,
'offset' => $offset,
* Finds all records.
* @param array $config array containing query settings
* @param string $key optional array index key
* @return array|null an array containing models or null if none are found
public static function find($config = array(), $key = null)
$query = \DB::select()
if ($config instanceof \Closure)
$config = $config + array(
'select' => array(static::$_table_name.'.*'),
'where' => array(),
'order_by' => array(),
'limit' => null,
'offset' => 0,
is_string($select) and $select = array($select);
if ( ! empty($where))
if (is_array($order_by))
foreach ($order_by as $_field => $_direction)
$query->order_by($_field, $_direction);
if ($limit !== null)
$query = $query->limit($limit)->offset($offset);
$result = $query->execute(static::get_connection());
$result = ($result->count() === 0) ? null : $result->as_array($key);
return static::post_find($result);
* Count all of the rows in the table.
* @param string $column Column to count by
* @param bool $distinct Whether to count only distinct rows (by column)
* @param array $where Query where clause(s)
* @param string $group_by Column to group by
* @return int The number of rows OR false
* @throws \FuelException
public static function count($column = null, $distinct = true, $where = array(), $group_by = null)
$select = $column ?: static::primary_key();
// Get the database group / connection
$connection = static::get_connection();
// Get the columns
$columns = \DB::expr('COUNT('.($distinct ? 'DISTINCT ' : '').
') AS count_result');
// Remove the current select and
$query = \DB::select($columns);
// Set from table
$query = $query->from(static::$_table_name);
if ( ! empty($where))
//is_array($where) or $where = array($where);
if ( ! is_array($where) and ($where instanceof \Closure) === false)
throw new \FuelException(get_called_class().'::count where statement must be an array or a closure.');
$query = $query->where($where);
if ( ! empty($group_by))
$result = $query->select($group_by)->group_by($group_by)->execute($connection)->as_array();
$counts = array();
foreach ($result as $res)
$counts[$res[$group_by]] = $res['count_result'];
return $counts;
$count = $query->execute($connection)->get('count_result');
if ($count === null)
return false;
return (int) $count;
* Implements dynamic Model_Crud::find_by_{column} and Model_Crud::find_one_by_{column}
* methods.
* @param string $name The method name
* @param string $args The method args
* @return mixed Based on static::$return_type
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
public static function __callStatic($name, $args)
if (strncmp($name, 'find_by_', 8) === 0)
return static::find_by(substr($name, 8), reset($args));
elseif (strncmp($name, 'find_one_by_', 12) === 0)
return static::find_one_by(substr($name, 12), reset($args));
throw new \BadMethodCallException('Method "'.$name.'" does not exist.');
* Get the connection to use for reading or writing
* @param boolean $writable Get a writable connection
* @return Database_Connection
protected static function get_connection($writable = false)
if ($writable and isset(static::$_write_connection))
return static::$_write_connection;
return isset(static::$_connection) ? static::$_connection : null;
* Get the primary key for the current Model
* @return string
protected static function primary_key()
return isset(static::$_primary_key) ? static::$_primary_key : 'id';
* Gets called before the query is executed. Must return the query object.
* @param Database_Query $query The query object
* @return void
protected static function pre_find(&$query){}
* Gets called after the query is executed and right before it is returned.
* $result will be null if 0 rows are returned.
* @param array|null $result the result array or null when there was no result
* @return array|null
protected static function post_find($result)
return $result;
* @var array $_data Data container for this object
protected $_data = array();
* @var bool $_is_new If this is a new record
protected $_is_new = true;
* @var bool $_is_frozen If this is a record is frozen
protected $_is_frozen = false;
* @var bool $_sanitization_enabled If this is a records data will be sanitized on get
protected $_sanitization_enabled = false;
* @var object $_validation The validation instance
protected $_validation = null;
* Sets up the object.
* @param array $data The data array
public function __construct(array $data = array())
if (isset($this->_data[static::primary_key()]))
* Magic setter so new objects can be assigned values
* @param string $property The property name
* @param mixed $value The property value
* @return void
public function __set($property, $value)
$this->_data[$property] = $value;
* Magic getter to fetch data from the data container
* @param string $property The property name
* @return mixed
public function __get($property)
if (array_key_exists($property, $this->_data))
return $this->_sanitization_enabled ? \Security::clean($this->_data[$property], null, 'security.output_filter') : $this->_data[$property];
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Property "'.$property.'" not found for '.get_called_class().'.');
* Magic isset to check if values exist
* @param string $property The property name
* @return bool whether or not the property exists
public function __isset($property)
return isset($this->_data[$property]);
* Magic unset to remove existing properties
* @param string $property The property name
public function __unset($property)
* Sets an array of values to class properties
* @param array $data The data
* @return $this
public function set(array $data)
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
if (isset(static::$_mass_whitelist))
in_array($key, static::$_mass_whitelist) and $this->_data[$key] = $value;
elseif (isset(static::$_mass_blacklist))
( ! in_array($key, static::$_mass_blacklist)) and $this->_data[$key] = $value;
// no static::$_mass_whitelist or static::$_mass_blacklist set, proceed with default behavior
$this->_data[$key] = $value;
return $this;
* Saves the object to the database by either creating a new record
* or updating an existing record. Sets the default values if set.
* @param bool $validate whether to validate the input
* @return array|int Rows affected and or insert ID
* @throws \Exception
public function save($validate = true)
if ($this->frozen())
throw new \Exception('Cannot modify a frozen row.');
$vars = $this->_data;
// Set default if there are any
isset(static::$_defaults) and $vars = $vars + static::$_defaults;
if ($validate and isset(static::$_rules) and ! empty(static::$_rules))
$vars = $this->pre_validate($vars);
$validated = $this->post_validate($this->run_validation($vars));
if ($validated)
$validated = array_filter($this->validation()->validated(), function($val){
return ($val !== null);
$vars = $validated + $vars;
return false;
$vars = $this->prep_values($vars);
if (isset(static::$_properties))
$vars = \Arr::filter_keys($vars, static::$_properties);
if(isset(static::$_mysql_timestamp) and static::$_mysql_timestamp === true)
$vars[static::$_updated_at] = \Date::forge()->format('mysql');
$vars[static::$_updated_at] = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp();
if ($this->is_new())
if(isset(static::$_mysql_timestamp) and static::$_mysql_timestamp === true)
$vars[static::$_created_at] = \Date::forge()->format('mysql');
$vars[static::$_created_at] = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp();
$query = \DB::insert(static::$_table_name)
$result = $query->execute(static::get_connection(true));
if ($result[1] > 0)
// workaround for PDO connections not returning the insert_id
if ($result[0] === false and isset($vars[static::primary_key()]))
$result[0] = $vars[static::primary_key()];
empty($result[0]) or $this->{static::primary_key()} = $result[0];
return $this->post_save($result);
$query = \DB::update(static::$_table_name)
->where(static::primary_key(), '=', $this->{static::primary_key()});
$result = $query->execute(static::get_connection(true));
$result > 0 and $this->set($vars);
return $this->post_update($result);
* Deletes this record and freezes the object
* @return mixed Rows affected
public function delete()
$query = \DB::delete(static::$_table_name)
->where(static::primary_key(), '=', $this->{static::primary_key()});
$result = $query->execute(static::get_connection(true));
return $this->post_delete($result);
* Either checks if the record is new or sets whether it is new or not.
* @param bool|null $new Whether this is a new record
* @return bool|$this
public function is_new($new = null)
if ($new === null)
return $this->_is_new;
$this->_is_new = (bool) $new;
return $this;
* Either checks if the record is frozen or sets whether it is frozen or not.
* @param bool|null $frozen Whether this is a frozen record
* @return bool|$this
public function frozen($frozen = null)
if ($frozen === null)
return $this->_is_frozen;
$this->_is_frozen = (bool) $frozen;
return $this;
* Enable sanitization mode in the object
* @return $this
public function sanitize()
$this->_sanitization_enabled = true;
return $this;
* Disable sanitization mode in the object
* @return $this
public function unsanitize()
$this->_sanitization_enabled = false;
return $this;
* Returns the current sanitization state of the object
* @return bool
public function sanitized()
return $this->_sanitization_enabled;
* Returns the a validation object for the model.
* @return object Validation object
public function validation()
if( ! $this->_validation)
$this->_validation = \Validation::forge(\Str::random('alnum', 32));
if (isset(static::$_rules) and count(static::$_rules))
foreach (static::$_rules as $field => $rules)
$label = (isset(static::$_labels) and array_key_exists($field, static::$_labels)) ? static::$_labels[$field] : $field;
$this->_validation->add_field($field, $label, $rules);
return $this->_validation;
* Returns all of $this object's public properties as an associative array.
* @return array
public function to_array()
return $this->_data;
* Implementation of the Iterator interface
public function rewind()
public function current()
return current($this->_data);
public function key()
return key($this->_data);
public function next()
return next($this->_data);
public function valid()
return key($this->_data) !== null;
* Sets the value of the given offset (class property).
* @param string $offset class property
* @param string $value value
* @return void
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
$this->_data[$offset] = $value;
* Checks if the given offset (class property) exists.
* @param string $offset class property
* @return bool
public function offsetExists($offset)
return array_key_exists($offset, $this->_data);
* Unsets the given offset (class property).
* @param string $offset class property
* @return void
public function offsetUnset($offset)
* Gets the value of the given offset (class property).
* @param string $offset class property
* @return mixed
public function offsetGet($offset)
if (array_key_exists($offset, $this->_data))
return $this->_data[$offset];
throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Property "'.$offset.'" not found for '.get_called_class().'.');
* Returns whether the instance will pass validation.
* @return bool whether the instance passed validation
public function validates()
if ( ! isset(static::$_rules) or count(static::$_rules) < 0)
return true;
$vars = $this->_data;
// Set default if there are any
isset(static::$_defaults) and $vars = $vars + static::$_defaults;
$vars = $this->pre_validate($vars);
return $this->run_validation($vars);
* Run validation
* @param array $vars array to validate
* @return bool validation result
protected function run_validation($vars)
if ( ! isset(static::$_rules) or count(static::$_rules) < 0)
return true;
$this->_validation = $this->validation();
return $this->_validation->run($vars);
* Gets called before the insert query is executed. Must return
* the query object.
* @param Database_Query $query The query object
* @return void
protected function pre_save(&$query){}
* Gets called after the insert query is executed and right before
* it is returned.
* @param array $result insert id and number of affected rows
* @return array
protected function post_save($result)
return $result;
* Gets called before the update query is executed. Must return the query object.
* @param Database_Query $query The query object
* @return void
protected function pre_update(&$query){}
* Gets called after the update query is executed and right before
* it is returned.
* @param int $result Number of affected rows
* @return int
protected function post_update($result)
return $result;
* Gets called before the delete query is executed. Must return the query object.
* @param Database_Query $query The query object
* @return void
protected function pre_delete(&$query){}
* Gets called after the delete query is executed and right before
* it is returned.
* @param int $result Number of affected rows
* @return int
protected function post_delete($result)
return $result;
* Gets called before the validation is ran.
* @param array $data The validation data
* @return array
protected function pre_validate($data)
return $data;
* Called right after the validation is ran.
* @param bool $result Validation result
* @return bool
protected function post_validate($result)
return $result;
* Called right after values retrieval, before save,
* update, setting defaults and validation.
* @param array $values input array
* @return array
protected function prep_values($values)
return $values;
* Serializable implementation: serialize
* @return array model data
public function serialize()
$data = $this->_data;
$data['_is_new'] = $this->_is_new;
$data['_is_frozen'] = $this->_is_frozen;
return serialize($data);
* Serializable implementation: unserialize
* @param string $data
* @return array model data
public function unserialize($data)
$data = unserialize($data);
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$this->__set($key, $value);