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7 years ago
* Part of the Fuel framework.
* @package Fuel
* @version 1.8
* @author Fuel Development Team
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2010 - 2016 Fuel Development Team
* @link
namespace Fuel\Tasks;
* migrate task
* use this command line task to deploy and rollback changes
class Migrate
* @var boolean if true, migrate the app
protected static $default = true;
* @var array list of modules to migrate
protected static $modules = array();
* @var array list of packages to migrate
protected static $packages = array();
* @var int number of modules migrated
protected static $module_count = 0;
* @var int number of packages migrated
protected static $package_count = 0;
* @var bool flag to indicate a rerun is needed
protected static $rerun = false;
* @var array list of migrations executed
protected static $executed = array();
* sets the properties by grabbing Cli options
public function __construct()
// load config
\Config::load('migrations', true);
// get Cli options
$modules = \Cli::option('modules', \Cli::option('m'));
$packages = \Cli::option('packages', \Cli::option('p'));
$default = \Cli::option('default');
$all = \Cli::option('all');
$installed = \Cli::option('installed');
if ($all and $installed)
\Cli::write('--all and --installed are mutually exclusive!', 'light_red');
if ($all)
$default = true;
$modules = true;
$packages = true;
elseif ($installed)
$default = true;
// fetch defined modules
$modules = explode(',', $modules);
foreach(\Config::get('always_load.modules', array()) as $module)
$modules[] = $module;
$modules = implode(',', array_unique($modules));
// fetch defined packages
$packages = explode(',', $packages);
foreach(\Config::get('always_load.packages', array()) as $name => $package)
$packages[] = is_numeric($name) ? $package : $name;
$packages = implode(',', array_unique($packages));
// if modules option set
if ( ! empty($modules))
// if true - get all modules
if ($modules === true)
// loop through module paths
foreach (\Config::get('module_paths') as $path)
// get all modules that have files in the migration folder
foreach(new \GlobIterator(realpath($path).DS.'*') as $m)
if (count(new \GlobIterator($m->getPathname().rtrim(DS.\Config::get('migrations.folder'), '\\/').DS.'*.php')))
static::$modules[] = $m->getBasename();
// else do selected modules
static::$modules = explode(',', $modules);
// if packages option set
if ( ! empty($packages))
// if true - get all packages
if ($packages === true)
// get all packages that have files in the migration folder
foreach (\Config::get('package_paths', array(PKGPATH)) as $path)
// get all modules that have files in the migration folder
foreach(new \GlobIterator(realpath($path).DS.'*') as $p)
if (count(new \GlobIterator($p->getPathname().rtrim(DS.\Config::get('migrations.folder'), '\\/').DS.'*.php')))
static::$packages[] = $p->getBasename();
// else do selected packages
static::$packages = explode(',', $packages);
// if packages or modules are specified, and the app isn't, disable app migrations
if ( ( ! empty($packages) or ! empty($modules)) and empty($default))
static::$default = false;
// set the module and package count
static::$module_count = count(static::$modules);
static::$package_count = count(static::$packages);
* catches requested method call and runs as needed
* @param string name of the method to run
* @param string any additional method arguments (not used here!)
public function __call($name, $args)
// set method name
$name = '_'.$name;
// make sure the called name exists
if ( ! method_exists(get_called_class(), $name))
return static::help();
// reset the rerun flag
static::$rerun = false;
// store and reset the current execution state
$state = static::$executed;
static::$executed = array();
// run app (default) migrations if default is true
if (static::$default)
static::$name('default', 'app');
// run migrations on all specified modules
foreach (static::$modules as $module)
// check if the module exists
if ( ! \Module::exists($module))
\Cli::write('Requested module "'.$module.'" does not exist!', 'light_red');
// run the migration
static::$name($module, 'module');
// run migrations on all specified packages
foreach (static::$packages as $package)
// check if the module exists
if ( ! \Package::exists($package))
\Cli::write('Requested package "'.$package.'" does not exist!', 'light_red');
static::$name($package, 'package');
// do we need to re-run?
if (static::$rerun)
// check for any progress on this run
if ($state == static::$executed)
// there wasn't any, bail out
static::$rerun = false;
\Cli::write('Migration loop detected! Check if there is a dependency that can\'t be fulfilled by the current selection!', 'light_red');
while (static::$rerun);
* migrates to the latest version unless -version is specified
* @param string name of the type (in case of app, it's 'default')
* @param string type (app, module or package)
* @param string direction of migration (up or down)
protected static function _run($name, $type)
// -v or --version
$version = \Cli::option('v', \Cli::option('version', ''));
// version is used as a flag, so show it
if ($version === true)
\Cli::write('Currently installed migrations for '.$type.':'.$name.':', 'green');
foreach (\Config::get('migrations.version.'.$type.'.'.$name, array()) as $version)
\Cli::write('- '.$version);
// version contains a timestamp of sorts
elseif ($version !== '')
// if version has a value, make sure only 1 item was passed
if (static::$default + static::$module_count + static::$package_count > 1)
\Cli::write('Migration: version only accepts 1 item.');
$migrations = \Migrate::version($version, $name, $type, \Cli::option('catchup', false));
// migrate to the latest version
$migrations = \Migrate::latest($name, $type, \Cli::option('catchup', false));
// were there any migrations at all?
if (empty($migrations))
if ($version !== '')
\Cli::write('No migrations were found for '.$type.':'.$name.'.');
\Cli::write('Already on the latest migration for '.$type.':'.$name.'.');
// did we run all migrations?
elseif ($last = end($migrations))
\Cli::write('Performed migrations for '.$type.':'.$name.':', 'green');
foreach ($migrations as $migration)
\Cli::write('Some migrations for '.$type.':'.$name.' are postponed due to dependencies.', 'cyan');
// store the ones we've executed
static::$executed[$type.'-'.$name] = $migrations;
// set the rerun flag
static::$rerun = true;
* migrates item to current config version
* @param string name of the type (in case of app, it's 'default')
* @param string type (app, module or package)
protected static function _current($name, $type)
// -v or --version
if (\Cli::option('v', \Cli::option('version', '')) !== '')
\Cli::write('You can not define a version when using the "current" command.', 'red');
$migrations = \Migrate::current($name, $type);
if ($migrations)
\Cli::write('Newly installed migrations for '.$type.':'.$name.':', 'green');
foreach ($migrations as $migration)
\Cli::write('- '.$migration);
// migration is already on current version
\Cli::write('Already on the current migration version for '.$type.':'.$name.'.');
* migrates item up to the given version
* @param string
* @param string
protected static function _up($name, $type)
// -v or --version
$version = \Cli::option('v', \Cli::option('version', null));
// if version has a value, make sure only 1 item was passed
if ($version and (static::$default + static::$module_count + static::$package_count > 1))
\Cli::write('Migration: version only accepts 1 item.');
$migrations = \Migrate::up($version, $name, $type);
if ($migrations)
\Cli::write('Newly installed migrations for '.$type.':'.$name.':', 'green');
foreach ($migrations as $migration)
\Cli::write('- '.$migration);
// there is no 'up'...
\Cli::write('You are already on the latest migration version for '.$type.':'.$name.'.');
* migrates item down to the given version
* @param string
* @param string
protected static function _down($name, $type)
// -v or --version
$version = \Cli::option('v', \Cli::option('version', null));
// if version has a value, make sure only 1 item was passed
if ($version and (static::$default + static::$module_count + static::$package_count > 1))
\Cli::write('Migration: version only accepts 1 item.');
$migrations = \Migrate::down($version, $name, $type);
if ($migrations)
\Cli::write('Reverted migrations for '.$type.':'.$name.':', 'green');
foreach ($migrations as $migration)
\Cli::write('- '.$migration);
// there is no 'down'...
\Cli::write('There are no migrations installed to revert for '.$type.':'.$name.'.');
* Shows basic help instructions for using migrate in oil
public static function help()
echo <<<HELP
php oil refine migrate[:command] [--version=X]
Fuel commands:
help shows this text
current migrates to the version defined in the migration configuration file
up migrate up to the next version
down migrate down to the previous version
run run all migrations (default)
Fuel options:
-v, [--version] # Migrate to a specific version ( only 1 item at a time)
# If no version is given, it lists all installed migrations
--catchup # Use if you have out-of-sequence migrations that can be safely run
--installed # shortcut for --modules=<list> --packages=<list> --default, it will use
your applications' "always_load" configuration to determine what to migrate
--all # shortcut for --modules --packages --default
# The following disable default migrations unless you add --default to the command
--default # re-enables default migration
--modules -m # Migrates all modules
--modules=item1,item2 -m=item1,item2 # Migrates specific modules
--packages -p # Migrates all packages
--packages=item1,item2 -p=item1,item2 # Migrates specific modules
The migrate task can run migrations. You can go up, down or by default go to the current migration marked in the config file.
php oil r migrate
php oil r migrate:current
php oil r migrate:up -v=6
php oil r migrate:down
php oil r migrate --version=201203171206
php oil r migrate --modules --packages --default
php oil r migrate:up --modules=module1,module2 --packages=package1
php oil r migrate --modules=module1 -v=3
php oil r migrate --all
php oil r migrate --installed
php oil r migrate --installed --modules=extramodule --packages=extrapackage
php oil r migrate --all -v