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552 lines
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552 lines
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7 years ago
* Part of the Fuel framework.
* @package Fuel
* @version 1.8
* @author Fuel Development Team
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2010 - 2016 Fuel Development Team
* @link
namespace Fuel\Core;
* Debug class
* The Debug class is a simple utility for debugging variables, objects, arrays, etc by outputting information to the display.
* @package Fuel
* @category Core
* @link
class Debug
public static $max_nesting_level = 5;
public static $js_toggle_open = false;
protected static $js_displayed = false;
protected static $files = array();
* Quick and nice way to output a mixed variable to the browser
* @static
* @access public
* @return string
public static function dump()
if (\Fuel::$is_cli)
// no fancy flying, jump dump 'm
foreach (func_get_args() as $arg)
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
// locate the first file entry that isn't this class itself
foreach ($backtrace as $stack => $trace)
if (isset($trace['file']))
// If being called from within, show the file above in the backtrack
if (strpos($trace['file'], 'core/classes/debug.php') !== false)
$callee = $backtrace[$stack+1];
$label = \Inflector::humanize($backtrace[$stack+1]['function']);
$callee = $trace;
$label = 'Debug';
$callee['file'] = \Fuel::clean_path($callee['file']);
$arguments = func_get_args();
if ( ! static::$js_displayed)
echo <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript">function fuel_debug_toggle(a){if(document.getElementById){if(document.getElementById(a).style.display=="none"){document.getElementById(a).style.display="block"}else{document.getElementById(a).style.display="none"}}else{if(document.layers){if("none"){"block"}else{"none"}}else{if("none"){"block"}else{"none"}}}};</script>
static::$js_displayed = true;
echo '<div class="fuelphp-dump" style="font-size: 13px;background: #EEE !important; border:1px solid #666; color: #000 !important; padding:10px;">';
echo '<h1 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 0 0 5px 0; font: bold 120% sans-serif;">'.$callee['file'].' @ line: '.$callee['line'].'</h1>';
echo '<pre style="overflow:auto;font-size:100%;">';
$count = count($arguments);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++)
echo '<strong>Variable #'.$i.':</strong>'.PHP_EOL;
echo static::format('', $arguments[$i - 1]);
echo "</pre>";
echo "</div>";
* Quick and nice way to output a mixed variable to the browser
* @static
* @access public
* @return string
public static function inspect()
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
// If being called from within, show the file above in the backtrack
if (strpos($backtrace[0]['file'], 'core/classes/debug.php') !== false)
$callee = $backtrace[1];
$label = \Inflector::humanize($backtrace[1]['function']);
$callee = $backtrace[0];
$label = 'Debug';
$arguments = func_get_args();
$total_arguments = count($arguments);
$callee['file'] = \Fuel::clean_path($callee['file']);
if ( ! static::$js_displayed)
echo <<<JS
<script type="text/javascript">function fuel_debug_toggle(a){if(document.getElementById){if(document.getElementById(a).style.display=="none"){document.getElementById(a).style.display="block"}else{document.getElementById(a).style.display="none"}}else{if(document.layers){if("none"){"block"}else{"none"}}else{if("none"){"block"}else{"none"}}}};</script>
static::$js_displayed = true;
echo '<div class="fuelphp-inspect" style="font-size: 13px;background: #EEE !important; border:1px solid #666; color: #000 !important; padding:10px;">';
echo '<h1 style="border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC; padding: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 0 0 5px 0; font: bold 120% sans-serif;">'.$callee['file'].' @ line: '.$callee['line'].'</h1>';
echo '<pre style="overflow:auto;font-size:100%;">';
$i = 0;
foreach ($arguments as $argument)
echo '<strong>'.$label.' #'.(++$i).' of '.$total_arguments.'</strong>:<br />';
echo static::format('...', $argument);
echo '<br />';
echo "</pre>";
echo "</div>";
* Formats the given $var's output in a nice looking, Foldable interface.
* @param string $name the name of the var
* @param mixed $var the variable
* @param int $level the indentation level
* @param string $indent_char the indentation character
* @param string $scope
* @return string the formatted string.
public static function format($name, $var, $level = 0, $indent_char = ' ', $scope = '')
$return = str_repeat($indent_char, $level);
if (is_array($var))
$id = 'fuel_debug_'.mt_rand();
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong>";
$return .= " (Array, ".count($var)." element".(count($var)!=1 ? "s" : "").")";
if (count($var) > 0 and static::$max_nesting_level > $level)
$return .= " <a href=\"javascript:fuel_debug_toggle('$id');\" title=\"Click to ".(static::$js_toggle_open ? "close" : "open")."\">↵</a>\n";
$return .= "\n";
if (static::$max_nesting_level <= $level)
$return .= str_repeat($indent_char, $level + 1)."...\n";
$sub_return = '';
foreach ($var as $key => $val)
$sub_return .= static::format($key, $val, $level + 1);
if (count($var) > 0)
$return .= "<span id=\"$id\" style=\"display: ".(static::$js_toggle_open ? "block" : "none").";\">$sub_return</span>";
$return .= $sub_return;
elseif (is_string($var))
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong> (String): <span style=\"color:#E00000;\">\"".\Security::htmlentities($var)."\"</span> (".strlen($var)." characters)\n";
elseif (is_float($var))
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong> (Float): {$var}\n";
elseif (is_long($var))
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong> (Integer): {$var}\n";
elseif (is_null($var))
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong> : null\n";
elseif (is_bool($var))
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong> (Boolean): ".($var ? 'true' : 'false')."\n";
elseif (is_double($var))
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong> (Double): {$var}\n";
elseif (is_object($var))
// dirty hack to get the object id
$contents = ob_get_contents();
// process it based on the xdebug presence and configuration
if (extension_loaded('xdebug') and ini_get('xdebug.overload_var_dump') === '1')
if (ini_get('html_errors'))
preg_match('~(.*?)\)\[<i>(\d+)(.*)~', $contents, $matches);
preg_match('~class (.*?)#(\d+)(.*)~', $contents, $matches);
preg_match('~object\((.*?)#(\d+)(.*)~', $contents, $matches);
$id = 'fuel_debug_'.mt_rand();
$rvar = new \ReflectionObject($var);
$vars = $rvar->getProperties();
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>{$name}</strong> (Object #".$matches[2]."): ".get_class($var);
if (count($vars) > 0 and static::$max_nesting_level > $level)
$return .= " <a href=\"javascript:fuel_debug_toggle('$id');\" title=\"Click to ".(static::$js_toggle_open ? "close" : "open")."\">↵</a>\n";
$return .= "\n";
$sub_return = '';
foreach ($rvar->getProperties() as $prop)
$prop->isPublic() or $prop->setAccessible(true);
if ($prop->isPrivate())
$scope = 'private';
elseif ($prop->isProtected())
$scope = 'protected';
$scope = 'public';
if (static::$max_nesting_level <= $level)
$sub_return .= str_repeat($indent_char, $level + 1)."...\n";
$sub_return .= static::format($prop->name, $prop->getValue($var), $level + 1, $indent_char, $scope);
if (count($vars) > 0)
$return .= "<span id=\"$id\" style=\"display: ".(static::$js_toggle_open ? "block" : "none").";\">$sub_return</span>";
$return .= $sub_return;
$return .= "<i>{$scope}</i> <strong>".htmlentities($name)."</strong>: {$var}\n";
return $return;
* Returns the debug lines from the specified file
* @access protected
* @param string $filepath the file path
* @param int $line_num the line number
* @param bool $highlight whether to use syntax highlighting or not
* @param int $padding the amount of line padding
* @return array
public static function file_lines($filepath, $line_num, $highlight = true, $padding = 5)
// deal with eval'd code and runtime-created function
if (strpos($filepath, 'eval()\'d code') !== false or strpos($filepath, 'runtime-created function') !== false)
return '';
// We cache the entire file to reduce disk IO for multiple errors
if ( ! isset(static::$files[$filepath]))
static::$files[$filepath] = file($filepath, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
array_unshift(static::$files[$filepath], '');
$start = $line_num - $padding;
if ($start < 0)
$start = 0;
$length = ($line_num - $start) + $padding + 1;
if (($start + $length) > count(static::$files[$filepath]) - 1)
$length = NULL;
$debug_lines = array_slice(static::$files[$filepath], $start, $length, TRUE);
if ($highlight)
$to_replace = array('<code>', '</code>', '<span style="color: #0000BB"><?php ', "\n");
$replace_with = array('', '', '<span style="color: #0000BB">', '');
foreach ($debug_lines as & $line)
$line = str_replace($to_replace, $replace_with, highlight_string('<?php ' . $line, TRUE));
return $debug_lines;
* Output the call stack from here, or the supplied one.
* @param array $trace (optional) A backtrace to output
* @return string Formatted backtrace
public static function backtrace($trace = null)
$trace or $trace = debug_backtrace();
if (\Fuel::$is_cli) {
// Special case for CLI since the var_dump of a backtrace is of little use.
$str = '';
foreach ($trace as $i => $frame)
$line = "#$i\t";
if ( ! isset($frame['file']))
$line .= "[internal function]";
$line .= $frame['file'] . ":" . $frame['line'];
$line .= "\t";
if (isset($frame['function']))
if (isset($frame['class']))
$line .= $frame['class'] . '::';
$line .= $frame['function'] . "()";
$str .= $line . "\n";
return $str;
return static::dump($trace);
* Prints a list of all currently declared classes.
* @access public
* @static
public static function classes()
return static::dump(get_declared_classes());
* Prints a list of all currently declared interfaces (PHP5 only).
* @access public
* @static
public static function interfaces()
return static::dump(get_declared_interfaces());
* Prints a list of all currently included (or required) files.
* @access public
* @static
public static function includes()
return static::dump(get_included_files());
* Prints a list of all currently declared functions.
* @access public
* @static
public static function functions()
return static::dump(get_defined_functions());
* Prints a list of all currently declared constants.
* @access public
* @static
public static function constants()
return static::dump(get_defined_constants());
* Prints a list of all currently loaded PHP extensions.
* @access public
* @static
public static function extensions()
return static::dump(get_loaded_extensions());
* Prints a list of all HTTP request headers.
* @access public
* @static
public static function headers()
// get the current request headers and dump them
return static::dump(\Input::headers());
* Prints a list of the configuration settings read from <i>php.ini</i>
* @access public
* @static
public static function phpini()
if ( ! is_readable(get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path')))
return false;
// render it
return static::dump(parse_ini_file(get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path'), true));
* Benchmark anything that is callable
* @access public
* @param callable $callable
* @param array $params
* @static
* @return array
public static function benchmark($callable, array $params = array())
// get the before-benchmark time
if (function_exists('getrusage'))
$dat = getrusage();
$utime_before = $dat['ru_utime.tv_sec'] + round($dat['ru_utime.tv_usec']/1000000, 4);
$stime_before = $dat['ru_stime.tv_sec'] + round($dat['ru_stime.tv_usec']/1000000, 4);
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$utime_before = ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
$stime_before = 0;
// call the function to be benchmarked
$result = is_callable($callable) ? call_fuel_func_array($callable, $params) : null;
// get the after-benchmark time
if (function_exists('getrusage'))
$dat = getrusage();
$utime_after = $dat['ru_utime.tv_sec'] + round($dat['ru_utime.tv_usec']/1000000, 4);
$stime_after = $dat['ru_stime.tv_sec'] + round($dat['ru_stime.tv_usec']/1000000, 4);
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
$utime_after = ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
$stime_after = 0;
return array(
'user' => sprintf('%1.6f', $utime_after - $utime_before),
'system' => sprintf('%1.6f', $stime_after - $stime_before),
'result' => $result,