Add settings numbers servers and libraries, show error on login and register, applying user's settings on streaming and change settings name and in the installation, add admin option enable/disable libraries in panel, optimize settings and admin libraries button enable/disable
@ -1,420 +1,444 @@
use Fuel\Core\Config;
use Fuel\Core\DB;
use Fuel\Core\Format;
use Fuel\Core\Request;
use Fuel\Core\Cache;
use Fuel\Core\CacheNotFoundException;
use Fuel\Core\Database_Query_Builder_Select;
use Fuel\Core\FuelException;
class Model_Movie extends Model_Overwrite
protected static $_table_name = 'movie';
protected static $_primary_key = 'id';
protected static $_properties = array(
public $metadata = [];
private $_session = null;
private $_season = null;
private $_tv_show = null;
private $_library = null;
private $_server = null;
public $trailer = null;
public function getSeason()
$this->_season = Model_Season::find_by_pk($this->season_id);
return $this->_season;
public function getTvShow()
if(!$this->_tv_show) {
$season = $this->getSeason();
$this->_tv_show = Model_Tvshow::find_by_pk($season->tv_show_id);
return $this->_tv_show;
public function getLibrary()
if(!$this->_library) {
if($this->type === 'episode') {
$tvshow = $this->getTvShow();
$this->_library = Model_Library::find_by_pk($tvshow->library_id);
} else if($this->type === 'movie') {
$this->_library = Model_Library::find_by_pk($this->library_id);
return $this->_library;
public function getServer()
if(!$this->_server) {
$library = $this->getLibrary();
$this->_server = Model_Server::find_by_pk($library->server_id);
return $this->_server;
public function getCover($width = null, $height = null)
$path_cache = null;
$thumb = null;
if(!$width && !$height)
$path_cache = '.cover';
$path_cache = '.cover_' . $width . '_' . $height;
try {
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
if ($thumb)
return $thumb;
} catch (CacheNotFoundException $e) {
if($this->type === 'episode')
$this->getPicture($this->_season->thumb,$path_cache, $width, $height);
else if($this->type === 'movie')
$this->getPicture($this->thumb, $path_cache, $width, $height);
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
return $thumb;
private function getPicture($path, $path_cache, $width = null, $height = null)
$curl = null;
if(!$width && !$height)
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . $path . '?X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token, 'curl');
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . '/photo/:/transcode?width='.$width.'&height='.$height.'&minSize=1&url='.$path.'&X-Plex-Token='.$this->_server->token, 'curl');
if ($curl->response()->status !== 200)
return false;
Cache::set($this->id . $path_cache, $curl->response()->body);
public function getThumb($width = null, $height = null)
$path_cache = null;
$thumb = null;
if(!$width && !$height)
$path_cache = '.preview';
$path_cache = '.preview_' . $width . '_' . $height;
try {
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
if ($thumb)
return $thumb;
} catch (CacheNotFoundException $e) {
$this->getPicture($this->thumb, $path_cache, $width, $height);
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
return $thumb;
* @return array|mixed
* @throws FuelException
public function getMetaData()
try {
$this->metadata = Cache::get($this->id . '.metadata');
if ($this->metadata)
return $this->metadata;
} catch (CacheNotFoundException $e) {
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . $this->plex_key . '?X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token, 'curl');
$array = Format::forge($curl->response()->body, 'xml')->to_array();
$this->metadata['Media'] = $array['Video']['Media'];
$this->metadata['Genre'] = isset($array['Video']['Genre']) ? $array['Video']['Genre'] : null;
$this->metadata['Director'] = isset($array['Video']['Director']) ? $array['Video']['Director'] : null;
$this->metadata['Writer'] = isset($array['Video']['Writer']) ? $array['Video']['Writer'] : null;
$this->metadata['Role'] = isset($array['Video']['Role']) ? $array['Video']['Role'] : null;
$this->metadata['Stream'] = [];
$this->metadata['Stream']['Video'] = [];
$this->metadata['Stream']['Audio'] = [];
$this->metadata['Stream']['SubTitle'] = [];
if(isset($array['Video']['Media']['Part']['Stream'])) {
foreach ($array['Video']['Media']['Part']['Stream'] as $stream) {
if($stream['@attributes']['streamType'] === '1')
$this->metadata['Stream']['Video'][] = $stream['@attributes'];
else if($stream['@attributes']['streamType'] === '2')
$this->metadata['Stream']['Audio'][] = $stream['@attributes'];
else if($stream['@attributes']['streamType'] === '3')
$this->metadata['Stream']['SubTitle'][] = $stream['@attributes'];
Cache::set($this->id . '.metadata', $this->metadata);
return $this->metadata;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw new FuelException($exception->getMessage(),$exception->getCode());
public function getReleaseDate()
return null;
$date = new DateTime($this->originallyAvailableAt);
return $date->format('d F Y');
public function getDuration()
$init = $this->duration;
$hours = floor($init / (3600 * 1000));
$minutes = floor(($init / (60 * 1000)) % 60);
return ($hours > 0 ? $hours . ' h ' : '') . $minutes . ' min';
public function getDurationMovie()
$init = $this->duration;
$hours = floor($init / (3600 * 1000));
$minutes = floor(($init / (60 * 1000)) % 60);
$secondes = floor(($init - ($hours * 3600 * 1000) - ($minutes * 60 * 1000)) / 1000);
return ($hours > 0 ? $hours . ':' : '') . ($minutes > 0 ? $minutes . ':' : '0:') . $secondes;
public function getStreamUrl()
try {
if (!$this->_server)
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . '/video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8?identifier=[PlexShare]&path=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400' . urlencode($this->plex_key) . '&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&protocol=hls&offset=0&fastSeek=1&directStream=0&directPlay=1&videoQuality=100&maxVideoBitrate=2294&subtitleSize=100&audioBoost=100&X-Plex-Platform=Chrome&X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token, 'curl');
//$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . '/video/:/transcode/universal/start?identifier=[PlexShare]&path=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400' . urlencode($this->plex_key) . '&mediaIndex=0&partIndex=0&protocol=hls&offset=0&fastSeek=1&directStream=0&directPlay=1&videoQuality=100&videoResolution=576x320&maxVideoBitrate=2294&subtitleSize=100&audioBoost=100&X-Plex-Platform=Chrome&X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token, 'curl');
if ($curl->response()->status !== 200)
throw new FuelException('No session found!');
preg_match('/session\/[a-z0-9\-]+\/base\/index\.m3u8/', $curl->response()->body, $matches);
if (count($matches) <= 0)
throw new FuelException('No session found!');
$split = preg_split('/\//', $matches[0]);
if (count($split) <= 0)
throw new FuelException('No session found!');
$this->_session = $split[1];
return 'http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . '/video/:/transcode/universal/session/' . $this->_session . '/base/index.m3u8';
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw new FuelException('Cannot connect to the server.<br/>The token must be outdated!',$exception->getCode());
* @param $server
* @param $movies
* @param null $library
* @param null $season
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
* @throws FuelException
* @throws HttpNotFoundException
* @throws \FuelException
public static function BrowseMovies($server, $movies, $library = null, $season = null)
$movies_id_array = [];
foreach ($movies as $XMLmovie) {
$XMLmovie = !isset($movies['@attributes']) ? $XMLmovie : $movies;
$library_id = isset($library->id) ? $library->id : null;
$season_id = isset($season->id) ? $season->id : null;
$movie = Model_Movie::find(function ($query) use ($XMLmovie, $library_id, $season_id){
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->where('plex_key', $XMLmovie['@attributes']['key'])
->where('season_id', $season_id)
->and_where('library_id', $library_id)
})[0] ?: Model_Movie::forge();
if($library === null && $season === null)
throw new FuelException('Missing Parameters for the movie');
'library_id' => $library ? $library->id : null,
'season_id' => $season ? $season->id : null,
'plex_key' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['key'],
'type' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['type'],
'number' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['index']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['index'] : null,
'studio' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['studio']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['studio'] : null,
'title' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['title'],
'originalTitle' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['originalTitle']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['originalTitle'] : null,
'summary' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['summary'],
'rating' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['rating']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['rating'] : null,
'year' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['year']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['year'] : null,
'thumb' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['thumb']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['thumb'] : null,
'art' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['art']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['art'] : null,
'duration' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['duration']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['duration'] : null,
'originallyAvailableAt' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['originallyAvailableAt']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['originallyAvailableAt'] : null,
'addedAt' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['addedAt'],
'updatedAt' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['updatedAt']
$movies_id_array[]= ['id' => $movie->id, 'name' => $movie->title];
return $movies_id_array;
public static function getMovieMetadata($server, $movie)
/*$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $server->url . ($server->port ? ':' . $server->port : '') . $movie->plex_key . '?X-Plex-Token=' . $server->token, 'curl');
if ($curl->response()->status !== 200)
return false;
$media = Format::forge($curl->response()->body, 'xml')->to_array();
$this->getMovies($server, $movies['Video']);*/
public static function getThirtyLastedTvShows($server)
$conf = Config::get('db');
return self::find(function ($query) use ($server, $conf) {
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->select('movie.*', DB::expr('COUNT(' . $conf['default']['table_prefix'] . 'movie.type) AS count'))
->join('season', 'LEFT')
->on('movie.season_id', '=', '')
->join('tvshow', 'LEFT')
->on('season.tv_show_id', '=', '')
->join('library', 'LEFT')
->on('tvshow.library_id', '=', '')
->join('server', 'LEFT')
->on('library.server_id', '=', '')
->where('', $server->id)
->and_where('movie.type', 'episode')
->order_by('movie.addedAt', 'DESC')
->order_by(DB::expr('MAX(' . $conf['default']['table_prefix'] .'movie.addedAt)'), 'DESC ')//'movie.addedAt', 'DESC')
public static function getThirtyLastedMovies($server)
return self::find(function ($query) use ($server) {
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->join('library', 'LEFT')
->on('movie.library_id', '=', '')
->join('server', 'LEFT')
->on('library.server_id', '=', '')
->where('', $server->id)
->and_where('movie.type', 'movie')
->order_by('movie.addedAt', 'DESC')
public static function getList()
return self::find(function ($query) {
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->where('type', 'movie')
->order_by('title', 'ASC')
public function getTrailer()
$trailer = new Model_Trailer($this->originalTitle ?: $this->title, $this->year, $this->type);
$this->trailer = $trailer->trailer;
use Fuel\Core\Config;
use Fuel\Core\DB;
use Fuel\Core\Format;
use Fuel\Core\Request;
use Fuel\Core\Cache;
use Fuel\Core\CacheNotFoundException;
use Fuel\Core\Database_Query_Builder_Select;
use Fuel\Core\FuelException;
class Model_Movie extends Model_Overwrite
protected static $_table_name = 'movie';
protected static $_primary_key = 'id';
protected static $_properties = array(
public $metadata = [];
private $_session = null;
private $_season = null;
private $_tv_show = null;
private $_library = null;
private $_server = null;
public $trailer = null;
public function getSeason()
$this->_season = Model_Season::find_by_pk($this->season_id);
return $this->_season;
public function getTvShow()
if(!$this->_tv_show) {
$season = $this->getSeason();
$this->_tv_show = Model_Tvshow::find_by_pk($season->tv_show_id);
return $this->_tv_show;
public function getLibrary()
if(!$this->_library) {
if($this->type === 'episode') {
$tvshow = $this->getTvShow();
$this->_library = Model_Library::find_by_pk($tvshow->library_id);
} else if($this->type === 'movie') {
$this->_library = Model_Library::find_by_pk($this->library_id);
return $this->_library;
public function getServer()
if(!$this->_server) {
$library = $this->getLibrary();
$this->_server = Model_Server::find_by_pk($library->server_id);
return $this->_server;
public function getCover($width = null, $height = null)
$path_cache = null;
$thumb = null;
if(!$width && !$height)
$path_cache = '.cover';
$path_cache = '.cover_' . $width . '_' . $height;
try {
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
if ($thumb)
return $thumb;
} catch (CacheNotFoundException $e) {
if($this->type === 'episode')
$this->getPicture($this->_season->thumb,$path_cache, $width, $height);
else if($this->type === 'movie')
$this->getPicture($this->thumb, $path_cache, $width, $height);
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
return $thumb;
private function getPicture($path, $path_cache, $width = null, $height = null)
$curl = null;
if(!$width && !$height)
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . $path . '?X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token, 'curl');
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . '/photo/:/transcode?width='.$width.'&height='.$height.'&minSize=1&url='.$path.'&X-Plex-Token='.$this->_server->token, 'curl');
if ($curl->response()->status !== 200)
return false;
Cache::set($this->id . $path_cache, $curl->response()->body);
public function getThumb($width = null, $height = null)
$path_cache = null;
$thumb = null;
if(!$width && !$height)
$path_cache = '.preview';
$path_cache = '.preview_' . $width . '_' . $height;
try {
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
if ($thumb)
return $thumb;
} catch (CacheNotFoundException $e) {
$this->getPicture($this->thumb, $path_cache, $width, $height);
$thumb = Cache::get($this->id . $path_cache);
return $thumb;
* @return array|mixed
* @throws FuelException
public function getMetaData()
try {
$this->metadata = Cache::get($this->id . '.metadata');
if ($this->metadata)
return $this->metadata;
} catch (CacheNotFoundException $e) {
$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . $this->plex_key . '?X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token, 'curl');
$array = Format::forge($curl->response()->body, 'xml')->to_array();
$this->metadata['Media'] = $array['Video']['Media'];
$this->metadata['Genre'] = isset($array['Video']['Genre']) ? $array['Video']['Genre'] : null;
$this->metadata['Director'] = isset($array['Video']['Director']) ? $array['Video']['Director'] : null;
$this->metadata['Writer'] = isset($array['Video']['Writer']) ? $array['Video']['Writer'] : null;
$this->metadata['Role'] = isset($array['Video']['Role']) ? $array['Video']['Role'] : null;
$this->metadata['Stream'] = [];
$this->metadata['Stream']['Video'] = [];
$this->metadata['Stream']['Audio'] = [];
$this->metadata['Stream']['SubTitle'] = [];
if(isset($array['Video']['Media']['Part']['Stream'])) {
foreach ($array['Video']['Media']['Part']['Stream'] as $stream) {
if($stream['@attributes']['streamType'] === '1')
$this->metadata['Stream']['Video'][] = $stream['@attributes'];
else if($stream['@attributes']['streamType'] === '2')
$this->metadata['Stream']['Audio'][] = $stream['@attributes'];
else if($stream['@attributes']['streamType'] === '3')
$this->metadata['Stream']['SubTitle'][] = $stream['@attributes'];
Cache::set($this->id . '.metadata', $this->metadata);
return $this->metadata;
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw new FuelException($exception->getMessage(),$exception->getCode());
public function getReleaseDate()
return null;
$date = new DateTime($this->originallyAvailableAt);
return $date->format('d F Y');
public function getDuration()
$init = $this->duration;
$hours = floor($init / (3600 * 1000));
$minutes = floor(($init / (60 * 1000)) % 60);
return ($hours > 0 ? $hours . ' h ' : '') . $minutes . ' min';
public function getDurationMovie()
$init = $this->duration;
$hours = floor($init / (3600 * 1000));
$minutes = floor(($init / (60 * 1000)) % 60);
$secondes = floor(($init - ($hours * 3600 * 1000) - ($minutes * 60 * 1000)) / 1000);
return ($hours > 0 ? $hours . ':' : '') . ($minutes > 0 ? $minutes . ':' : '0:') . $secondes;
public function getStreamUrl($user_settings)
try {
if (!$this->_server)
$maxVideoBitrate = isset($user_settings->maxdownloadspeed) ? $user_settings->maxdownloadspeed : 10000;
$subtitleSize = isset($user_settings->subtitle) ? $user_settings->subtitle : 100;
$language = isset($user_settings->language) ? $user_settings->language : false;
$request = 'http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '');
$request .= '/video/:/transcode/universal/start.m3u8';
$request .= '?identifier=[PlexShare]';
$request .= '&path=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A32400' . urlencode($this->plex_key);
$request .= '&mediaIndex=0';
$request .= '&partIndex=0';
$request .= '&protocol=hls';
$request .= '&offset=0';
$request .= '&fastSeek=1';
$request .= '&directStream=0';
$request .= '&directPlay=1';
$request .= '&videoQuality=100';
$request .= '&maxVideoBitrate=' . $maxVideoBitrate;
$request .= '&subtitleSize=' . $subtitleSize;
$request .= '&audioBoost=100';
$request .= '&videoResolution=1920x1080';
$request .= '&Accept-Language=' . $language;
$request .= '&X-Plex-Platform=Chrome';
$request .= '&X-Plex-Token=' . $this->_server->token;
$curl = Request::forge($request, 'curl');
if ($curl->response()->status !== 200)
throw new FuelException('No session found!');
preg_match('/session\/[a-z0-9\-]+\/base\/index\.m3u8/', $curl->response()->body, $matches);
if (count($matches) <= 0)
throw new FuelException('No session found!');
$split = preg_split('/\//', $matches[0]);
if (count($split) <= 0)
throw new FuelException('No session found!');
$this->_session = $split[1];
return 'http://' . $this->_server->url . ($this->_server->port ? ':' . $this->_server->port : '') . '/video/:/transcode/universal/session/' . $this->_session . '/base/index.m3u8';
} catch (Exception $exception) {
throw new FuelException('Cannot connect to the server.<br/>The token must be outdated!',$exception->getCode());
* @param $server
* @param $movies
* @param null $library
* @param null $season
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
* @throws FuelException
* @throws HttpNotFoundException
* @throws \FuelException
public static function BrowseMovies($server, $movies, $library = null, $season = null)
$movies_id_array = [];
foreach ($movies as $XMLmovie) {
$XMLmovie = !isset($movies['@attributes']) ? $XMLmovie : $movies;
$library_id = isset($library->id) ? $library->id : null;
$season_id = isset($season->id) ? $season->id : null;
$movie = Model_Movie::find(function ($query) use ($XMLmovie, $library_id, $season_id){
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->where('plex_key', $XMLmovie['@attributes']['key'])
->where('season_id', $season_id)
->and_where('library_id', $library_id)
})[0] ?: Model_Movie::forge();
if($library === null && $season === null)
throw new FuelException('Missing Parameters for the movie');
'library_id' => $library ? $library->id : null,
'season_id' => $season ? $season->id : null,
'plex_key' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['key'],
'type' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['type'],
'number' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['index']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['index'] : null,
'studio' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['studio']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['studio'] : null,
'title' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['title'],
'originalTitle' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['originalTitle']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['originalTitle'] : null,
'summary' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['summary'],
'rating' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['rating']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['rating'] : null,
'year' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['year']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['year'] : null,
'thumb' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['thumb']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['thumb'] : null,
'art' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['art']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['art'] : null,
'duration' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['duration']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['duration'] : null,
'originallyAvailableAt' => isset($XMLmovie['@attributes']['originallyAvailableAt']) ? $XMLmovie['@attributes']['originallyAvailableAt'] : null,
'addedAt' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['addedAt'],
'updatedAt' => $XMLmovie['@attributes']['updatedAt']
$movies_id_array[]= ['id' => $movie->id, 'name' => $movie->title];
return $movies_id_array;
public static function getMovieMetadata($server, $movie)
/*$curl = Request::forge('http://' . $server->url . ($server->port ? ':' . $server->port : '') . $movie->plex_key . '?X-Plex-Token=' . $server->token, 'curl');
if ($curl->response()->status !== 200)
return false;
$media = Format::forge($curl->response()->body, 'xml')->to_array();
$this->getMovies($server, $movies['Video']);*/
public static function getThirtyLastedTvShows($server)
$conf = Config::get('db');
return self::find(function ($query) use ($server, $conf) {
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->select('movie.*', DB::expr('COUNT(' . $conf['default']['table_prefix'] . 'movie.type) AS count'))
->join('season', 'LEFT')
->on('movie.season_id', '=', '')
->join('tvshow', 'LEFT')
->on('season.tv_show_id', '=', '')
->join('library', 'LEFT')
->on('tvshow.library_id', '=', '')
->join('server', 'LEFT')
->on('library.server_id', '=', '')
->where('', $server->id)
->and_where('movie.type', 'episode')
->order_by('movie.addedAt', 'DESC')
->order_by(DB::expr('MAX(' . $conf['default']['table_prefix'] .'movie.addedAt)'), 'DESC ')//'movie.addedAt', 'DESC')
public static function getThirtyLastedMovies($server)
return self::find(function ($query) use ($server) {
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->join('library', 'LEFT')
->on('movie.library_id', '=', '')
->join('server', 'LEFT')
->on('library.server_id', '=', '')
->where('', $server->id)
->and_where('movie.type', 'movie')
->order_by('movie.addedAt', 'DESC')
public static function getList()
return self::find(function ($query) {
/** @var Database_Query_Builder_Select $query */
return $query
->where('type', 'movie')
->order_by('title', 'ASC')
public function getTrailer()
$trailer = new Model_Trailer($this->originalTitle ?: $this->title, $this->year, $this->type);
$this->trailer = $trailer->trailer;
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
return [
'language' => [
'english' => 'English',
'french' => 'Français'
'trailer_type' => [
'Cinema' => 'Cinema',
'Upcoming' => 'Upcoming'
'subtitle' => [
'50' => 'Tiny',
'75' => 'Small',
'100' => 'Normal',
'125' => 'Large',
'200' => 'Huge'
'maxdownloadspeed' => [
'-1' => 'Maximale',
'20000' => '20 Mbps, 1080p',
'15000' => '15 Mbps, 1080p',
'10000' => '10 Mbps, 1080p',
'8000' => '8 Mbps, 1080p',
'4000' => '4 Mbps, 720p',
'3000' => '3 Mbps, 720p',
'2000' => '2 Mbps, 720p',
'1500' => '1.5 Mbps, 480p',
'1000' => '1 Mbps, 480p',
'700' => '0.7 Mbps',
'300' => '0.5 Mbps',
'200' => '0.2 Mbps'
Reference in new issue