Description: Packages containing extra functionality can be downloaded (or git cloned) simply with the following commands. Runtime options: --direct # Download direct from ZIP even if Git is installed Examples: php oil package install php oil package uninstall Documentation: HELP; \Cli::write($output); } private static function _use_git() { exec('which git', $output); // If this is a valid path to git, use it instead of just "git" if (file_exists($line = trim(current($output)))) { static::$git = $line; } unset($output); // Double check git is installed (windows will fail step 1) exec(static::$git . ' --version', $output); preg_match('#^(git version)#', current($output), $matches); // If we have a match, use Git! return ! empty($matches[0]); } private static function _download_package_zip($zip_url, $package, $version) { \Cli::write('Downloading package: ' . $zip_url); // Make the folder so we can extract the ZIP to it mkdir($tmp_folder = APPPATH . 'tmp' . DS . $package . '-' . time()); $zip_file = $tmp_folder . '.zip'; @copy($zip_url, $zip_file); if (is_file($zip_file)) { $unzip = new \Unzip; $files = $unzip->extract($zip_file, $tmp_folder); // Grab the first folder out of it (we dont know what it's called) foreach($pkgfolders = new \GlobIterator($tmp_folder.DS.'*') as $pkgfolder) { if ($pkgfolder->isDir()) { $tmp_package_folder = $tmp_folder.DS.$pkgfolder->getFilename(); break; } } if (empty($tmp_package_folder)) { throw new \FuelException('The package zip file doesn\'t contain any install directory.'); } $package_folder = PKGPATH . $package; // Move that folder into the packages folder rename($tmp_package_folder, $package_folder); unlink($zip_file); rmdir($tmp_folder); foreach ($files as $file) { $path = str_replace($tmp_package_folder, $package_folder, $file); chmod($path, octdec(755)); \Cli::write("\t" . $path); } } else { \Cli::write('Package could not be found', 'red'); } } public static function _clone_package_repo($source, $package, $version) { $repo_url = 'git://' . rtrim($source, '/').'/'.$package . '.git'; \Cli::write('Downloading package: ' . $repo_url); $package_folder = PKGPATH . $package; // Clone to the package path passthru(static::$git . ' clone ' . $repo_url . ' ' . $package_folder); passthru(static::$git .' add ' . $package_folder . '/'); \Cli::write(''); } } /* End of file package.php */