clear_sizes(); if (empty($this->image_temp)) { do { $this->image_temp = $this->config['temp_dir'].substr($this->config['temp_append'].md5(time() * microtime()), 0, 32).'.png'; } while (is_file($this->image_temp)); } elseif (is_file($this->image_temp)) { $this->debug('Removing previous temporary image.'); unlink($this->image_temp); } $this->debug('Temp file: '.$this->image_temp); if ( ! is_dir($this->config['temp_dir'])) { throw new \RuntimeException("The temp directory that was given does not exist."); } elseif (!touch($this->config['temp_dir'] . $this->config['temp_append'] . '_touch')) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not write in the temp directory."); } $this->exec('convert', '"'.$image_fullpath.'"[0] "'.$this->image_temp.'"'); return $this; } protected function _crop($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { extract(parent::_crop($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)); $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $this->exec('convert', $image.' -crop '.($x2 - $x1).'x'.($y2 - $y1).'+'.$x1.'+'.$y1.' +repage '.$image); $this->clear_sizes(); } protected function _resize($width, $height = null, $keepar = true, $pad = true) { extract(parent::_resize($width, $height, $keepar, $pad)); $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $this->exec('convert', "-define png:size=".$cwidth."x".$cheight." ".$image." ". "-background none ". "-resize \"".($pad ? $width : $cwidth)."x".($pad ? $height : $cheight)."!\" ". "-gravity center ". "-extent ".$cwidth."x".$cheight." ".$image); $this->clear_sizes(); } protected function _rotate($degrees) { extract(parent::_rotate($degrees)); $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $this->exec('convert', $image." -background none -virtual-pixel background +distort ScaleRotateTranslate ".$degrees." +repage ".$image); $this->clear_sizes(); } protected function _flip($direction) { switch ($direction) { case 'vertical': $arg = '-flip'; break; case 'horizontal': $arg = '-flop'; break; case 'both': $arg = '-flip -flop'; break; default: return false; } $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $this->exec('convert', $image.' '.$arg.' '.$image); } protected function _watermark($filename, $position, $padding = 5) { $values = parent::_watermark($filename, $position, $padding); if ($values == false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Watermark image not found or invalid filetype."); } extract($values); $x >= 0 and $x = '+'.$x; $y >= 0 and $y = '+'.$y; $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $this->exec( 'composite', '-compose atop -geometry '.$x.$y.' '. '-dissolve '.$this->config['watermark_alpha'].'% '. '"'.$filename.'" "'.$this->image_temp.'" '.$image ); } protected function _border($size, $color = null) { extract(parent::_border($size, $color)); $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $color = $this->create_color($color, 100); $command = $image.' -compose copy -bordercolor '.$color.' -border '.$size.'x'.$size.' '.$image; $this->exec('convert', $command); $this->clear_sizes(); } protected function _mask($maskimage) { extract(parent::_mask($maskimage)); $mimage = '"'.$maskimage.'"'; $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $command = $image.' '.$mimage.' +matte -compose copy-opacity -composite '.$image; $this->exec('convert', $command); } /** * Credit to Leif Åstrand for the base of the round corners. * * Note there is a defect with this, as non-transparent corners get opaque circles of color. Maybe mask it with auto-generated corners? * * @link */ protected function _rounded($radius, $sides, $antialias = 0) { extract(parent::_rounded($radius, $sides, null)); $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $r = $radius; $command = $image." \\( +clone -alpha extract ". ( ! $tr ? '' : "-draw \"fill black polygon 0,0 0,$r $r,0 fill white circle $r,$r $r,0\" ")."-flip ". ( ! $br ? '' : "-draw \"fill black polygon 0,0 0,$r $r,0 fill white circle $r,$r $r,0\" ")."-flop ". ( ! $bl ? '' : "-draw \"fill black polygon 0,0 0,$r $r,0 fill white circle $r,$r $r,0\" ")."-flip ". ( ! $tl ? '' : "-draw \"fill black polygon 0,0 0,$r $r,0 fill white circle $r,$r $r,0\" "). '\\) -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite '.$image; $this->exec('convert', $command); } protected function _grayscale() { $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $this->exec('convert', $image." -colorspace Gray ".$image); } public function sizes($filename = null, $usecache = true) { $is_loaded_file = $filename == null; if ( ! $is_loaded_file or $this->sizes_cache == null or !$usecache) { $reason = ($filename != null ? "filename" : ($this->sizes_cache == null ? 'cache' : 'option')); $this->debug("Generating size of image... (triggered by $reason)"); if ($is_loaded_file and ! empty($this->image_temp)) { $filename = $this->image_temp; } $output = $this->exec('identify', '-format "%w %h" "'.$filename.'"[0]'); list($width, $height) = explode(" ", $output[0]); $return = (object) array( 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ); if ($is_loaded_file) { $this->sizes_cache = $return; } $this->debug("Sizes ".( !$is_loaded_file ? "for $filename " : "")."are now $width and $height"); } else { $return = $this->sizes_cache; } return $return; } public function save($filename = null, $permissions = null) { extract(parent::save($filename, $permissions)); $this->run_queue(); $this->add_background(); $filetype = $this->image_extension; $old = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $new = '"'.$filename.'"'; if(($filetype == 'jpeg' or $filetype == 'jpg') and $this->config['quality'] != 100) { $quality = '"'.$this->config['quality'].'%"'; $this->exec('convert', $old.' -quality '.$quality.' '.$new); } else { $this->exec('convert', $old.' '.$new); } if ($this->config['persistence'] === false) { $this->reload(); } return $this; } public function output($filetype = null) { extract(parent::output($filetype)); $this->run_queue(); $this->add_background(); $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; if(($filetype == 'jpeg' or $filetype == 'jpg') and $this->config['quality'] != 100) { $quality = '"'.$this->config['quality'].'%"'; $this->exec('convert', $image.' -quality '.$quality.' '.strtolower($filetype).':-', true); } elseif (substr($this->image_temp, -1 * strlen($filetype)) != $filetype) { if ( ! $this->config['debug']) { $this->exec('convert', $image.' '.strtolower($filetype).':-', true); } } else { if ( ! $this->config['debug']) { echo file_get_contents($this->image_temp); } } if ($this->config['persistence'] === false) { $this->reload(); } return $this; } /** * Cleared the currently loaded sizes, used to removed cached sizes. */ protected function clear_sizes() { $this->sizes_cache = null; } protected function add_background() { if ($this->config['bgcolor'] != null) { $bgcolor = $this->config['bgcolor'] == null ? '#000' : $this->config['bgcolor']; $image = '"'.$this->image_temp.'"'; $color = $this->create_color($bgcolor, 100); $sizes = $this->sizes(); $command = '-size '.$sizes->width.'x'.$sizes->height.' '.'canvas:'.$color.' '. $image.' -composite '.$image; $this->exec('convert', $command); } } /** * Executes the specified imagemagick executable and returns the output. * * @param string $program The name of the executable. * @param string $params The parameters of the executable. * @param boolean $passthru Returns the output if false or pass it to browser. * @return mixed Either returns the output or returns nothing. */ protected function exec($program, $params, $passthru = false) { // Determine the path $this->im_path = realpath($this->config['imagemagick_dir'].$program); if ( ! $this->im_path) { $this->im_path = realpath($this->config['imagemagick_dir'].$program.'.exe'); } if ( ! $this->im_path) { throw new \RuntimeException("imagemagick executables not found in ".$this->config['imagemagick_dir']); } $command = $this->im_path." ".$params; $this->debug("Running command: $command"); $code = 0; $output = null; $passthru ? passthru($command) : exec($command, $output, $code); if ($code != 0) { throw new \FuelException("imagemagick failed to edit the image. Returned with $code.

Command:\n $command"); } return $output; } /** * Creates a new color usable by ImageMagick. * * @param string $hex The hex code of the color * @param integer $alpha The alpha of the color, 0 (trans) to 100 (opaque) * @return string rgba representation of the hex and alpha values. */ protected function create_color($hex, $alpha) { extract($this->create_hex_color($hex)); return "\"rgba(".$red.", ".$green.", ".$blue.", ".round($alpha / 100, 2).")\""; } public function __destruct() { if (is_file($this->image_temp)) { unlink($this->image_temp); } } }