![PHP](https://img.shields.io/badge/PHP->=_5.6-738bd7.svg?style=flat-square) ![Extension](https://img.shields.io/badge/Needed-Curl-blue.svg?style=flat-square) ![Database](https://img.shields.io/badge/Needed-MySQL-blue.svg?style=flat-square) ![PlexServer](https://img.shields.io/badge/Needed-PlexServer-blue.svg?style=flat-square) # PlexShare Web Application standalone that provide the management of local users, many server and the libraries. # Todo-List - [x] Installer - [x] Checking Configuration server - [x] Connect to the database - [x] Create tables - [x] Add one PlexServer and check connection - [x] Create Admin account - [ ] Registration User - [ ] Login User - [ ] Main Interface - [ ] List Libraries - [ ] List Movies - [ ] List Musics - [ ] Filter By Libraries - [ ] Search - [ ] Movies/Musics Page - [ ] Title - [ ] Description - [ ] Note - [ ] Other information like in Plex - [ ] Streaming - [ ] Basic options (Play, pause, next...) - [ ] Implement Video Player - [ ] Implement Video Player that stay when we change of page [V2] - [ ] Select Quality - [ ] Select Subtitles - [ ] Management PlexServer - [ ] Add, Edit and Delete - [ ] Disable Server - [ ] Check state and latence - [ ] Add permission on libraries - [ ] Add permission on Movies and Musics - [ ] Modify server parameters [V2] - [ ] Management User - [ ] Profil edition - [ ] Delete Account [V2] - [ ] Limit acces to ip [V2] - [ ] Management Permission - [ ] Create, Edit and Delete permission - [ ] Assign to a libraries - [ ] Show only, Show and Stream, Manage (Can delete file) - [ ] Limit number streaming - [ ] Limit Quality [V2] - [ ] Limit Bandwidth [V2]